(HP:311/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> backstab shino Your thief-like skills enable you to sneak up behind a shadow-skinned mage, placing a bolt of lightning in his back. (HP:311/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> (HP:311/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> clear [Info] Thorgrim: WHEEEE! I'll drink to that! (HP:311/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> kick A shadow-skinned mage withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. Crackling flames explode into being around you, searing through the air! A diamond stud bursts into flames! A long black robe is damaged! A deerskin bag is damaged! (HP:256/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> Input buffer cleared. (HP:256/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> (HP:256/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> You quickly attack and hit 9 times. You obliterate a shadow-skinned mage with your horrific sting! You send poison coursing through a shadow-skinned mage's veins! A shadow-skinned mage has some cuts. A shadow-skinned mage quickly attacks 8 times and hits 6 times. A shadow-skinned mage obliterates you with his horrific crush! Poison courses through your veins! You block a shadow-skinned mage's crush. (HP:232/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> A blind-looking beggar says, 'Really? I thought it was all crowded along the border, kinda' (HP:232/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> You kick a shadow-skinned mage's chest. (HP:232/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> kick [Info] Lillith: thanks! :) (HP:232/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> You quickly attack and hit 8 times. You massacre a shadow-skinned mage with your sting. A shadow-skinned mage blocks your sting. A shadow-skinned mage has several wounds. A shadow-skinned mage quickly attacks and hits 7 times. A shadow-skinned mage crushes you hard. You block a shadow-skinned mage's crush. (HP:223/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> A shadow-skinned mage suffers from the poison in his veins. You feel the poison burning in your blood. A diamond stud slowly burns away. (HP:219/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> A shadow-skinned mage withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. Crackling flames explode into being around you, searing through the air! The tunic of flame bursts into flames! A tooled leather belt bursts into flames! The Poet's Ring is damaged! (HP:164/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> [Chat] Duo: hm. something from shinseki evangelion? (HP:164/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> You quickly attack 8 times and hit 7 times. You demolish a shadow-skinned mage with your sting! A shadow-skinned mage has many nasty wounds. A shadow-skinned mage quickly attacks and hits 7 times. A shadow-skinned mage pulverizes you with his crush. You block a shadow-skinned mage's crush. (HP:147/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> Jumping into the air, you kick a shadow-skinned mage in the face, knocking him back a few feet. (HP:147/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> You quickly attack 8 times and hit 7 times. You demolish a shadow-skinned mage with your sting! A shadow-skinned mage is bleeding freely. A shadow-skinned mage quickly attacks 7 times and hits 6 times. A shadow-skinned mage crushes you. You block a shadow-skinned mage's crush. (HP:141/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> flee (HP:141/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> s A shadow-skinned mage closes a simple door. (HP:141/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> (HP:141/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> You quickly attack and hit 8 times. You demolish a shadow-skinned mage with your sting! A shadow-skinned mage blocks your sting. A shadow-skinned mage is bleeding freely. A shadow-skinned mage quickly attacks 7 times and hits 5 times. You parry an attack from a shadow-skinned mage! A shadow-skinned mage crushes you. You block a shadow-skinned mage's crush. (HP:136/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> A shadow-skinned mage withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. Crackling flames explode into being around you, searing through the air! A pair of binoculars is damaged! (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> You panic, and attempt to flee. PANIC! You couldn't escape! (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> open s No way, you are fighting! (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> flee You open a simple door. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:757945)> You panic, and attempt to flee. A Rarely Traveled Path [Exits: n e s] A brown and white ball of fur is trying to slink around here. A glint in the child's eye is the only warning of the mischief to come. A small fuzzy brown bunny sits here eating a blade of grass. A brown and white kitten meows. A brown and white kitten walks around and between your feet, purring loudly. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:388/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> s w w Watling Road [Exits: n e w] (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:388/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> An Intersection [Exits: n e s w] Tiny and scared, a young deer looks up at you with pleading eyes. A country squire is ambling along here. A small fuzzy brown bunny sits here eating a blade of grass. A forester stands here, arms akimbo, blocking your passage. [2] A tall forester is here, demanding you pay him a toll. Will o' the Green says to you, 'In order to pass, ye must pay the toll.' Will o' the Green says to you, 'Ye may pass for free today, friend. May better times come to you soon.' (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:385/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Dirt Road in Sherwood Forest [Exits: e w] A saxon outlaw is here, tracking the king's deer. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:382/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> e s s [Chat] Stick: *ponder* Is it pkill interference to expel people from your house? (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:384/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> n w An Intersection [Exits: n e s w] Tiny and scared, a young deer looks up at you with pleading eyes. A country squire is ambling along here. A small fuzzy brown bunny sits here eating a blade of grass. A forester stands here, arms akimbo, blocking your passage. [2] A tall forester is here, demanding you pay him a toll. Will o' the Green says to you, 'In order to pass, ye must pay the toll.' Will o' the Green says to you, 'Ye may pass for free today, friend. May better times come to you soon.' (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:381/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> On the King's Road [Exits: n e s w] The corpse of a saxon outlaw is lying here. Akai_Hayate is standing here. A local peasant is roaming here. Tiny and scared, a young deer looks up at you with pleading eyes. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:379/390 XP to Lvlw :758281)> Akai_Hayate leaves south. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:379/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> An Intersection on the King's Road [Exits: n e s w] Akai_Hayate is standing here. A cardinal is here, chirping happily. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:377/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> rent Akai_Hayate leaves south. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:378/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> On the King's Road [Exits: n e s w] The corpse of a saxon outlaw is lying here. A local peasant is roaming here. Tiny and scared, a young deer looks up at you with pleading eyes. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:376/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Before the Inn [Exits: e w] A jewel thief is sitting here. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:374/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:374/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> The Royal Stag [Exits: e] A paper carton sits here, getting dusty. A small dirty red cap lies here at your feet. A long bow lies on the ground unstrung. A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. [2] A mailbox sits in the corner here. A directory board holding both news and 'welcome' information stands here. Malachi is standing here. A jolly looking fellow stands here ready to serve you. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:373/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> a glass vial containing a bubbly liquid: 500 a glass vial containing a bubbly liquid: 500 some bloody gloves : 2101 the tunic of flame : 1617 an ornate headdress of shells : 804 the Luckstone : 3600 a bolt of lightning: 2905 a lantern : 25 a treasure map : 150 the eye of the cyclopes : 2700 the Poet's Ring : 1186 the Poet's Ring : 1186 an intricately engraved bracelet : 1125 a wooden bracelet : 1800 a tooled leather belt : 1495 a token from the kangaroo spirit : 860 a pair of sturdy brown breeches : 1800 a pair of silver boots : 1019 a pair of binoculars : 1411 a pair of binoculars : 1411 a long black robe : 1680 a diamond stud : 1750 a diamond stud : 1750 a deerskin bag : 30 a black rose with a blood-soaked note from It: 5 a leather waterskin : 4 a marigold flower : 75 a small piece of paper from Drakkon : 5 a small piece of paper from Marauder : 5 Cuchullain's shield : 3284 a small canoe : 25 You have 36808 rent worth of items. You can rent up to 37000 worth of items. What would you like to do now? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [1] Enter the game [2] Return to the main screen [3] Enter a full description [4] Legendary Times subscription information [5] Legend Discussion List subscription information [0] Exit LegendMUD Your choice? 2 Based on DikuMUD, written by Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, ............_______ Michael Siefert, and Sebastian Hammer .........../ / mud.sig.net 9999 ........../ / 9999 ........./ /.....______.._____.....______.._____.......____ ......../ /...../ /./ \.../ /./ \...../ \ ......./ /...../ ___/./ ____/../ ___/./ __. \.../ /\ \ ....../ /...../ /_.../ /....../ /_.../ /..\ >./ /./ / ...../ /...../ __/../ /____../ __/../ /.../ /./ /./ / ..../ /_____/__/__../ \_\ /./ /__../ /.../ /./ /_/ / .../ / /./ /./ /./ /.../ /./ / ../ /_/..\______/./_____/./__/.../__/./_______/ MUD ./________________/ Implemented by Kaige (imp@mud.sig.net) Sponsored by Signet Partners of Austin, TX [1] Connect to a character [4] Request introductory docs [2] Establish a new character [5] List immortals online who can help [3] Connect as a guest [6] Read about LegendMUD [0] Exit ___ ___ \ |----------------------------------------------------------------------| / /__| Message of the Day |__\ '----------------------------------------------------------------------' Welcome to LegendMUD - Please report any typos or other inconsistencies you may encounter using the TYPO command. The character's name and the room in which the typo was reported as well as the description entered after TYPO are logged. - Please read the welcome board post concerning any and all reimbursements for objects that are missing from housing. - Change your password occasionally and don't pick one that is easily guessed by others. Don't share your password with others, save it in your client, or leave it visible to others. See HELP PASSWORD for more info. - Please see the welcome board regarding the Description approval and registration process. Any questions can be forwarded to Sandra. - See the welcome board for the latest details on code updates! - Newcomers to LegendMUD should definitely read HELP NEWBIE as it will be very helpful. Experienced mudders may also wish to read HELP CHANGES. Other useful helpfiles include HELP RULES, HELP STORY, HELP RENT, and of course, just HELP. Also be sure to LOOK FAQ and LOOK WELCOME to check the welcome board in the room where you enter the game. - New players can also contact members of the New Player Helpers Clan. The goal of the clan is to help new players at LegendMUD. Please seek out people with [NPH] in their title if you need help, and please keep in mind that getting you levels/eq is NOT their job. You can see people's titles by typing "who". - Legend's homepage at http://mud.sig.net offers a wealth of information about the mud... check it out! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Press RETURN to continue: Drakkon cs s urrently residing at The Royal Stag What would you like to do now? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [1] Enter the game [2] Return to the main screen [3] Enter a full description [4] Legendary Times subscription information [5] Legend Discussion List subscription information [0] Exit LegendMUD Your choice? The Royal Stag [Exits: e] A paper carton sits here, getting dusty. A small dirty red cap lies here at your feet. A long bow lies on the ground unstrung. A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. [2] A mailbox sits in the corner here. A directory board holding both news and 'welcome' information stands here. Malachi is standing here. A jolly looking fellow stands here ready to serve you. Drakkon has entered the game. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:373/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Before the Inn [Exits: e w] A jewel thief is sitting here. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:372/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> On the King's Road [Exits: n e s w] The corpse of a saxon outlaw is lying here. A local peasant is roaming here. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:370/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:371/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> An Intersection on the King's Road [Exits: n e s w] A cardinal is here, chirping happily. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:369/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> e e A Winding Lane [Exits: n e] (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:366/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> e e A Street Leading to Newgate [Exits: e w] (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:365/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> e Newgate [Exits: e w] A rat burrows through the rubbish heaped in the street gutters. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:362/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> s s s d e e e s e e The Market [Exits: n e s w] A rat burrows through the rubbish heaped in the street gutters. [2] A piebald stallion flicks his tail. A strawberry roan mare flicks her tail. A black mare flicks her tail. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:360/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> s s (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:360/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Cheapside [Exits: n e s w u] A post covered with various notices and posters stands here. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:357/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:357/390 XP to Lve e l:758281)> East Cheap [Exits: n e s w] A groom leads one of his charges to the smith. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:355/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:355/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> e Gracious Street [Exits: n s] The corpse of an itinerant musician is lying here. A man dressed in the livery of the Lord Mayor loiters idly. A piebald gelding flicks its tail. A groom leads one of his charges to the smith. A rat burrows through the rubbish heaped in the street gutters. A dappled mare chomps from a feedbag. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:352/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> n (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:352/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> London Bridge [Exits: n e s w] The corpse of a candlemaker is lying here. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:350/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:350/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> n n London Bridge [Exits: n e s d] (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:347/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A small canoe forges through the waters. Under the London Bridge [Exits: e s w u] An eel slithers through the river. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:346/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:346/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Off of Greenwich [Exits: e w]e e An eel slithers through the river. (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:344/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> (HP:79/311 MA:279/279 MV:344/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> The Mouth of the Thames [Exits: e w] The corpse of a water rat is lying here. [Chat] Duo: not if you they aren't fie e ghting (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:343/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A small canoe forges through the waters. North of the English Channel [Exits: n s w] A long-feathered silver pheasant hides motionless in the underbrush. (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:340/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> e e (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:340/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Crossing the English Channel [Exits: n e s w] (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:338/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> e Crossing the English Channel [Exits: e w] (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:335/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> e e e n e n n A French Beach [Exits: n s w] (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:333/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> n A French Beach [Exits: n s] (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:331/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> pick n The Mouth of the Seine [Exits: n e] (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:329/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> pick n pick n [Chat] Stick: I mean.. It _is_, but hey, it's my house, kinda (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:329/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Well-Travelled Road Outside Rouen [Exits: e w] A merchant is here, trying to get you to examine his wares. (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:326/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Well-Travelled Road [Exits: e w] (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:324/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Deeply-Rutted Road Outside Paris [Exits: n s w] An unassuming roadside weed here has the odor of dirty socks. (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:321/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:321/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Dirt Road Just South of the Abbey [Exits: n e s] (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:319/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Dirt Road Outside the Abbey [Exits: n e s] (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:316/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Turn In The Road [Exits: e s] A crow flutters about, searching for food. A raven flutters about, searching for food. A sparrow flutters about, chirping innocently. (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:314/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Dusty Road [Exits: e w] Its plume bobbing in the breeze, a quail stares at you uneasily. A sparrow flutters about, chirping innocently. (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:311/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Dusty Road On The Outskirts Of The Forest [Exits: e w] (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:309/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Dusty Road Just Within The Forest [Exits: e w] A mottled brown owl scans the ground for prey. (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:306/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Dusty Road In The Forest [Exits: n e w] A grey squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. Mighty beats of its wings keep an eagle aloft here. (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:304/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Dusty Road In The Forest [Exits: e w] A brown feathered grouse stands here eyeing you warily. (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:301/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Dusty Road In The Forest [Exits: e w] Its plume bobbing in the breeze, a quail stares at you uneasily. (HP:81/311 MA:279/279 MV:299/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Wooden Bridge On The Rhine [Exits: e w] Gray and ruffled, a wolf stands here, jowls agape, yellow eyes unwinking. (HP:81/311 MA:279/279 MV:296/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Dusty Road In The Forest [Exits: e w] A grey squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. (HP:81/311 MA:279/279 MV:294/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Dusty Road In The Forest [Exits: e w] A brown feathered grouse stands here eyeing you warily. Looking as though it might leap at any second, a grasshopper sits here. (HP:81/311 MA:279/279 MV:291/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Turn In The Road [Exits: n e s w] A mottled brown owl scans the ground for prey. A grey squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. (HP:81/311 MA:279/279 MV:289/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Winding Road [Exits: e s] A brown squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. (HP:81/311 MA:279/279 MV:286/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Winding Road [Exits: n w] A cardinal flutters about, chirping innocently. (HP:81/311 MA:279/279 MV:284/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A Dirt Road Outside Kleinstadt [Exits: n s] A dark feathered bird paces back and forth here. A grey squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. Looking as though it might leap at any second, a grasshopper sits here. An oriole flutters about, chirping innocently. (HP:81/311 MA:279/279 MV:281/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Stadttor [Exits: n s] A small canoe has been discarded here. A student is here milling about. A guard is here, guarding the town. A guard peers at you, looking you up and down. Wonder what he thinks? (HP:81/311 MA:279/279 MV:280/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Hauptstrasse South [Exits: n s] A large black rat scurries around here. A guard is here, guarding the town. A guard peers at you, looking you up and down. Wonder what he thinks? (HP:81/311 MA:279/279 MV:278/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> There's no door there. (HP:81/311 MA:279/279 MV:279/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> n n n e [Chat] Ruby: Bah I saw expel them! (HP:81/311 MA:279/279 MV:281/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> s s s There's no door there. (HP:81/311 MA:279/279 MV:282/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:283/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> s (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:284/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:284/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> There's no door there. (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:285/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:285/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> rest [Chat] Ruby: say also! (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:287/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Hauptstrasse/Schatzenstrasse [Exits: n e s w] (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:286/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Hauptstrasse South [Exits: n e s] Ein Kind is here, playing in the street. Ein Sklave is here, probably on a mission from his master. A large black rat scurries around here. (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:284/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Hauptstrasse/Kaminstrasse [Exits: n e s w] Ein Briefkasten is here, inviting you to mail your notes. Ein Meldestelle is here, covered with notes. A large black rat scurries around here. (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:283/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Kaminstrasse East [Exits: n e s w] The corpse of Ein Junge is lying here. Ein Ritter is here, armor gleaming and teeth bared in a haughty smile. (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:281/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> tell stick hehe sorry bout that [Chat] Duo: and also not if you expel all fighting members (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:281/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Sankt Ursalas Kirche [Exits: n s] Ein Schildknappe is here, probably running an errand for his Ritter. A guard is here, guarding the town. (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:281/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Sankt Ursalas Kirche [Exits: n s] Die Lehensfrau is here, surveying her realm. (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:280/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Sankt Ursalas Kirche [Exits: n e s w] A black ball of fur is trying to slink around here. (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:280/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Altar [Exits: n s] A pair of cloth gloves is here. A guard is here, guarding the town. (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:279/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> You sit down and rest your tired bones. (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:279/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> [Chat] Stick: *pet Ruby* You tell Stick, 'hehe sorry bout that' (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:280/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> The guard sighs loudly. The guard says, 'Der Herr ist mein Hirte, mir wird nichts mangeln...' The guard crosses himself piously. (HP:83/311 MA:279/279 MV:294/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Stick tells you, 'No prob :)' (HP:83/311 MA:279/279 MV:297/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Your stomach is growling with hunger. Saving... Successful (Rent value: 36808) A diamond stud slowly burns away. A tooled leather belt slowly burns away. The tunic of flame slowly burns away. (HP:80/311 MA:279/279 MV:302/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> tell stick darn shino_kage [Chat] Glimer: looking for a level 15-25 surgon You tell Stick, 'darn shino_kage' (HP:81/311 MA:279/279 MV:304/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> eq st You are using: the Poet's Ring the Poet's Ring (moderately damaged) a pair of binoculars (moderately damaged) a pair of binoculars (minorly damaged) (Flaming) the tunic of flame (slightly damaged) an ornate headdress of shells the eye of the cyclopes a pair of sturdy brown breeches a pair of silver boots some bloody gloves a token from the kangaroo spirit a long black robe (slightly damaged) (Flaming) a tooled leather belt (slightly damaged) an intricately engraved bracelet a wooden bracelet a bolt of lightning the Luckstone a lantern a diamond stud (Flaming) a diamond stud (slightly damaged) Cuchullain's shield (HP:81/311 MA:279/279 MV:307/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> You stand up. (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:309/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> douse stud skin A diamond stud is not on fire. (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:317/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> get skin bag You get a leather waterskin from a deerskin bag. (HP:84/311 MA:279/279 MV:329/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> douse 2.stud skin You quickly douse a diamond stud with a leather waterskin. (HP:84/311 MA:279/279 MV:334/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> douse tunic skin A leather waterskin is empty. (HP:85/311 MA:279/279 MV:340/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> n n n n n Sankt Ursalas Kirche [Exits: n e s w] (HP:85/311 MA:279/279 MV:343/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Sankt Ursalas Kirche [Exits: n s] Die Lehensfrau is here, surveying her realm. (HP:85/311 MA:279/279 MV:342/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> (HP:85/311 MA:279/279 MV:342/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Sankt Ursalas Kirche [Exits: n s] Ein Schildknappe is here, probably running an errand for his Ritter. A guard is here, guarding the town. (HP:86/311 MA:279/279 MV:342/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Kaminstrasse East [Exits: n e s w] The corpse of Ein Junge is lying here. Ein Kind is here, playing in the street. Ein Ritter is here, armor gleaming and teeth bared in a haughty smile. (HP:86/311 MA:279/279 MV:340/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Quelle [Exits: n s w] A beautifully ornamented Quelle is gushing water here. (HP:86/311 MA:279/279 MV:339/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> douse tunic quelle eq You quickly douse the tunic of flame with Ein Quelle. (HP:86/311 MA:279/279 MV:343/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> You are using: the Poet's Ring the Poet's Ring (moderately damaged) a pair of binoculars (moderately damaged) a pair of binoculars (minorly damaged) the tunic of flame (slightly damaged) an ornate headdress of shells the eye of the cyclopes a pair of sturdy brown breeches a pair of silver boots some bloody gloves a token from the kangaroo spirit a long black robe (slightly damaged) (Flaming) a tooled leather belt (slightly damaged) an intricately engraved bracelet a wooden bracelet a bolt of lightning the Luckstone a lantern a diamond stud a diamond stud (slightly damaged) Cuchullain's shield (HP:86/311 MA:279/279 MV:343/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> douse belt quelle s s s s You quickly douse a tooled leather belt with Ein Quelle. (HP:87/311 MA:279/279 MV:348/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> s Kaminstrasse East [Exits: n e s w] The corpse of Ein Junge is lying here. A large black rat scurries around here. Ein Kind is here, playing in the street. Ein Ritter is here, armor gleaming and teeth bared in a haughty smile. (HP:87/311 MA:279/279 MV:346/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> rest Sankt Ursalas Kirche [Exits: n s] Ein Schildknappe is here, probably running an errand for his Ritter. A guard is here, guarding the town. (HP:87/311 MA:279/279 MV:345/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Sankt Ursalas Kirche [Exits: n s] Die Lehensfrau is here, surveying her realm. (HP:87/311 MA:279/279 MV:345/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Sankt Ursalas Kirche [Exits: n e s w] (HP:87/311 MA:279/279 MV:344/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> (HP:87/311 MA:279/279 MV:345/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Altar [Exits: n s] A pair of cloth gloves is here. A guard is here, guarding the town. (HP:87/311 MA:279/279 MV:344/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> You sit down and rest your tired bones. (HP:87/311 MA:279/279 MV:345/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> [Chat] Duo: hm..o'leary should be warned for interfering with pkill (HP:88/311 MA:279/279 MV:354/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> tell shino -=giggle=- what did i get yah to? You tell Shino_Kage, '-=giggle=- what did i get yah to?' (HP:89/311 MA:279/279 MV:364/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A shadow-skinned mage has arrived from the north. (HP:89/311 MA:279/279 MV:364/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> (HP:90/311 MA:279/279 MV:383/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A mangy cat has arrived from the south. (HP:91/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A shadow-skinned mage reports: 219/417 hp 189/478 mana 425/505 mv. (HP:91/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> snicker You snicker softly. (HP:92/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A shadow-skinned mage says, 'lag sucks' (HP:92/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> say not bad for Are you crazy? A shadow-skinned mage looks at you. (HP:93/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> You say, 'not bad for Are you crazy?' (HP:93/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> tell stick hehe A shadow-skinned mage says, 'true, i scrap anything?' (HP:95/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> You tell Stick, 'hehe' (HP:95/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> shake A shadow-skinned mage suffers from the poison in his veins. (HP:96/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> i You shake your head. (HP:96/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> You are carrying: a leather waterskin a glass vial containing a bubbly liquid [2] a treasure map a deerskin bag (minorly damaged) a small canoe (HP:96/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> eq You are using: the Poet's Ring the Poet's Ring (moderately damaged) a pair of binoculars (moderately damaged) a pair of binoculars (minorly damaged) the tunic of flame (slightly damaged) an ornate headdress of shells the eye of the cyclopes a pair of sturdy brown breeches a pair of silver boots some bloody gloves a token from the kangaroo spirit a long black robe (slightly damaged) a tooled leather belt (slightly damaged) an intricately engraved bracelet a wooden bracelet a bolt of lightning the Luckstone a lantern a diamond stud a diamond stud (slightly damaged) Cuchullain's shield (HP:97/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> st You stand up. (HP:98/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> mend belt You mend a tooled leather belt until it is in perfect condition. (HP:98/311 MA:279/279 MV:370/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> rest (HP:98/311 MA:279/279 MV:373/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> The guard leaves north. (HP:99/311 MA:279/279 MV:379/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> You sit down and rest your tired bones. (HP:99/311 MA:279/279 MV:379/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> sc ___ ___ \ |----------------------------------------------------------------------| / /__| Drakkon, of The Disciples of the Great Camel, Pkill Enabled |__\ '----------------------------------------------------------------------' Strength: 50 Mind: 28 Level: 36 Dexterity: 100 Constitution: 67 Prestige: 100 Perception: 79 Spirit: 9 Experience: 9372319 Hit Points: 99/311 Armor Rating: -81 Experience Movement: 386/390 Hit Rating: 38 to Level: 758281 Mana: 279/279 Damage Rating: 6 Practice Sessions: 3 Gold: 263 coins Alignment: -305 Weight carried: 46 kg Played: 152 hours Age: 24 years Combat Strategy: Not wary, flee at 0 hit points. Condition: famished. __ __ >__|----------------------------------------------------------------------|__< '----------------------------------------------------------------------' (HP:99/311 MA:279/279 MV:387/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A shadow-skinned mage now follows you. (HP:100/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> say my ac went up 3 points You say, 'my ac went up 3 points' (HP:100/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> roster ___ ___ \ |----------------------------------------------------------------------| / /__| The 13 Current Members of The Disciples of the Great Camel |__\ '----------------------------------------------------------------------' Miranda GM Nosferatu Spawn North StormChild Zealot Goldberg Chronic D'assen Priapism Brendan *Drakkon Wuss Friends of the Clan: 1) Tarod 2) Israfel Other Info: The clan's bank balance is currently at: 2117303 gp. The clan's guildhall cost per day is currently at: 14533 gp. (HP:101/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> [Chat] Duo: hm. so what happened to DE? (HP:103/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> [Chat] Akai_Hayate: hmm im wielding a wit and i cant hold a boy, i got 50 str *peer* (HP:103/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> st n backstab shino You stand up. (HP:103/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> Sankt Ursalas Kirche [Exits: n e s w] A guard is here, guarding the town. A black ball of fur is trying to slink around here. A shadow-skinned mage has arrived from the south. (HP:103/311 MA:279/279 MV:389/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> A shadow-skinned mage stops following you. Your thief-like skills enable you to sneak up behind a shadow-skinned mage, placing a bolt of lightning in his back. (HP:103/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> kick (HP:103/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> You quickly attack 9 times and hit 8 times. You demolish a shadow-skinned mage with your sting! A shadow-skinned mage is covered in blood. (HP:103/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> You kick a shadow-skinned mage in the solar plexus, rendering him breathless. (HP:103/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> kick You quickly attack 8 times and hit 6 times. You demolish a shadow-skinned mage with your sting! A shadow-skinned mage is leaking guts. A shadow-skinned mage quickly attacks and hits 8 times. The force of a shadow-skinned mage's whistling, gleaming silver katana sends a shadow-skinned mage sprawling to the ground! A shadow-skinned mage demolishes you with his crush! Poison courses through your veins! You block a shadow-skinned mage's crush. (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> [Chat] Duo: guppy left...and now ronnie too.. (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> kick kick (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> (HP:82/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> You quickly attack 8 times and hit 7 times. You decimate a shadow-skinned mage with your powerful sting! A shadow-skinned mage is almost dead. A shadow-skinned mage quickly attacks 7 times and hits 4 times. You parry an attack from a shadow-skinned mage! A shadow-skinned mage crushes you. Cuchullain's shield is damaged as it is hit! You block a shadow-skinned mage's crush. (HP:77/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> The guard has arrived from the west. (HP:77/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> You kick a shadow-skinned mage's chest. (HP:77/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:758281)> You quickly attack and hit 8 times. You send a shadow-skinned mage to the grave with your powerful sting. A shadow-skinned mage is DEAD!! You receive 16416 experience. [Info]: Shino_Kage's deathcry is heard 'round the world, thanks to Drakkon. You hear a shadow-skinned mage's death cry. (HP:77/311 MA:279/279 MV:390/390 XP to Lvl:741865)>