(HP:230/361 MV:420/459 Standing)> You feel a sudden pain as somebody places an everlasting gobstopper in your back. (HP:186/361 MV:421/459 Standing)> Oompa quickly attacks 12 times and hits 10 times. You look down and see Oompa's everlasting gobstopper going right through your body! Blood oozes from your new wound. Oompa pierces your white shield of the holy, instead of your flesh. Phew! Your bash sends Oompa flying to the ground! (HP:170/361 MV:424/459 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 5 times. Your vicious silver serrated sword filets Oompa and leaves him bleeding to death. Your silver serrated sword clangs against Oompa's yellow rubber duckie. Oompa has some cuts. Oompa quickly attacks 11 times and hits 10 times. Slipping beneath your silver serrated sword, Oompa injures you with his everlasting gobstopper. (HP:149/361 MV:424/459 Standing)> You suffer from your bleeding wounds. (HP:148/361 MV:424/459 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 4 times. You injure Oompa with your mighty silver serrated sword. Your silver serrated sword clangs against Oompa's tunic of flame. Oompa has several wounds. Oompa quickly attacks 11 times and hits 8 times. Oompa sinks his everlasting gobstopper into your flesh with a sluishing sound. After piercing your white shield of the holy, Oompa jerks his everlasting gobstopper free. (HP:135/361 MV:425/459 Standing)> Oompa fires his custom henry rifle at you! The room wavers and grows dim, you black out. You are stunned, but will probably recover. (HP:109/361 MV:425/459 STUNNED!)> You are stunned, but will probably recover. You sure are BLEEDING! A little dazed you wake and stand up. (HP:74/361 MV:425/459 Standing)> bash (HP:74/361 MV:426/459 Standing)> You send Oompa sprawling with a powerful bash. (HP:74/361 MV:426/459 Standing)> Oompa quickly attacks 12 times and hits 9 times. Oompa sinks his everlasting gobstopper into your flesh with a sluishing sound. You sure are BLEEDING! You feel a bit less agile. Oompa pierces your white shield of the holy, instead of your flesh. Phew! You quickly attack and hit 5 times. With a mighty slash, you practically cut Oompa in two. You slash Oompa's white shield of the holy completely missing him. Oompa has many nasty wounds. (HP:63/361 MV:426/459 Standing)> Oompa quickly attacks 11 times and hits 8 times. You parry an attack from Oompa! You look down and see Oompa's everlasting gobstopper going right through your body! You sure are BLEEDING! Oompa pierces your white shield of the holy, instead of your flesh. Phew! You quickly attack and hit 4 times. An everlasting gobstopper is damaged as it is hit! You knock Oompa to his knees with your powerful slash. You slash Oompa's yellow rubber duckie completely missing him. Oompa is bleeding freely. (HP:47/361 MV:426/459 Standing)> Oompa tries to fire his custom henry rifle at you, but it jams! (HP:47/361 MV:427/459 Standing)> bash Oompa quickly attacks 11 times and hits 8 times. You parry an attack from Oompa! Slipping beneath your silver serrated sword, Oompa injures you with his everlasting gobstopper. You sure are BLEEDING! You quickly attack and hit 5 times. The tunic of flame is damaged as it is hit! Your vicious silver serrated sword filets Oompa and leaves him bleeding to death. Oompa is leaking guts. (HP:29/361 MV:427/459 Standing)> (HP:29/361 MV:427/459 Standing)> You send Oompa sprawling with a powerful bash. (HP:29/361 MV:428/459 Standing)> Oompa quickly attacks 11 times and hits 10 times. You parry an attack from Oompa! You look down and see Oompa's everlasting gobstopper going right through your body! You sure are BLEEDING! After piercing your tunic of flame, Oompa jerks his everlasting gobstopper free. You quickly attack and hit 4 times. You slash Oompa to little bits with your silver serrated sword. Oompa is DEAD!! You receive 10982 experience. [Info]: Oompa killed by Sergei. You hear Oompa's death cry. (HP:15/361 MV:428/459 Standing)>