*-- Drakkon vs. Sabu --* 'Ok close enough,' you say insanely. Dermot shrugs helplessly. Dermot says to you, 'Perhaps another time then.' (AFK HP:714 MA:295 MV:497 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> whap dermot Drakkon giggles. (AFK HP:714 MA:296 MV:499 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You whap him across the back of the head! What a dunce! (AFK HP:714 MA:296 MV:500 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A fat slob nods his agreement with Dermot. (AFK HP:714 MA:296 MV:500 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A fat slob pets Dermot lovingly. (AFK HP:715 MA:296 MV:501 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> 'No,' Drakkon says. Dermot shrugs helplessly. Dermot says to Drakkon, 'Perhaps another time then.' (AFK HP:715 MA:296 MV:502 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> [Chat] Floyd: laters all (AFK HP:715 MA:296 MV:503 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A fat slob says, 'Yes.' (AFK HP:715 MA:297 MV:504 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> chant kere drva vant ex A fat slob whines. (AFK HP:715 MA:297 MV:505 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Chanting the words 'kere drva vant ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You have created a handful of small glowing roots! (AFK HP:716 MA:273 MV:505 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You are starving. (AFK HP:716 MA:273 MV:507 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> say ok go 'Ok go,' you say, gibbering a little. (AFK HP:716 MA:273 MV:508 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w Beneath A Giant Oak This tree has a trunk so wide it would take ten men to circle it. Its branches spread out to cast a speckled shade over most of the compound. The tree bark is beginning to peel away from the trunk. A footpath circles the trunk and leads to the rest of the compound. The branches of the tree spiral around the trunk like a staircase. [Exits: n e s w u] A bit of paper has been left here. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. (AFK HP:716 MA:273 MV:506 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> headbutt drakk They're not here. (AFK HP:716 MA:273 MV:506 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> headbutt drakk They're not here. (AFK HP:716 MA:273 MV:507 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> headbutt drakk They're not here. (AFK HP:717 MA:274 MV:508 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w Master's Hall This stone building has a single wide hall running its length. Plain cloth tapestries line the hall to keep the cold out. Two doors face each other in the center of the hall. A door of darkened wood stands at the west end of the hall. [Exits: n e s w] A bit of paper has been left here. A young boy in a black homespun robe dawdles while doing some task for his master. (AFK HP:717 MA:274 MV:507 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Drakkon tells you, 'he premaking roots with 700+ hp' (AFK HP:717 MA:274 MV:507 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> tell drakk ate it ;) You tell Drakkon, 'ate it ;)' (AFK HP:718 MA:274 MV:512 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> e headbutt drakk Beneath A Giant Oak This tree has a trunk so wide it would take ten men to circle it. Its branches spread out to cast a speckled shade over most of the compound. The tree bark is beginning to peel away from the trunk. A footpath circles the trunk and leads to the rest of the compound. The branches of the tree spiral around the trunk like a staircase. [Exits: n e s w u] A bit of paper has been left here. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. (AFK HP:718 MA:275 MV:510 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Spyder has arrived from above. (AFK HP:718 MA:275 MV:510 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> They're not here. (AFK HP:718 MA:275 MV:510 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Drakkon has arrived from the east. A fat slob has arrived from the east. (AFK HP:718 MA:275 MV:510 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w Spyder leaves north. (AFK HP:718 MA:275 MV:510 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You feel a sudden pain as somebody places a sharp wit in your back. (AFK HP:671 MA:275 MV:510 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> No way, you are fighting! (AFK HP:671 MA:275 MV:511 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> headbutt drakk Drakkon quickly attacks and hits 9 times. Drakkon decimates you with his powerful sting! Blood oozes from your new wound. (AFK HP:633/724 MA:275/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You knock Drakkon down with a powerful headbutt! (AFK HP:633/724 MA:275/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 9 times. The shadow of the Asura is damaged as it is hit! You decimate Drakkon with your powerful crush! Drakkon slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. Drakkon is slightly scratched. Drakkon quickly attacks 8 times and hits 7 times. Drakkon obliterates you with his horrific sting! (AFK HP:605/724 MA:275/475 W/A:0 Standing)> headbutt drakk (AFK HP:605/724 MA:275/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack 8 times and hit 7 times. Drakkon parries one of your attacks! You pulverize Drakkon with your crush. Drakkon panics, and attempts to flee. Drakkon leaves north. A fat slob leaves north. (AFK HP:605 MA:275 MV:513 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> They're not here. (AFK HP:605 MA:275 MV:513 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n headbutt drakk In The Druid Compound You have found a small compound hidden in the woods. Paths meander through a small scattering of huts. A large oak tree dominates the scene. You hear the quiet bleating of sheep in the distance and the peaceful noises of an active community. Small boys dash here an there doing chores or avoiding them. [Exits: n s w] A bit of paper has been left here. [5] A sturdy town well stands here amid a clutter of buckets. A fat slob is lounging here, licking his fork. Drakkon is standing here. A black pig is here rooting for food. (AFK HP:605 MA:276 MV:511 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You knock Drakkon down with a powerful headbutt! (AFK HP:605/724 MA:276/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 9 times. You obliterate Drakkon with your horrific crush! Drakkon slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. Drakkon panics, and attempts to flee. Drakkon leaves west. A fat slob leaves west. (AFK HP:605 MA:276 MV:511 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> chant vid pur vant ex (AFK HP:605 MA:276 MV:512 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Chanting the words 'vid pur vant ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. Your hair stands on end as the air around you crackles with a black energy! (AFK HP:605 MA:241 MV:514 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w headbutt drakk Drakkon fires his onyx-plated 20mm soul sniper at you! Drakkon's shot leaves a nasty puncture wound in your flesh. (AFK HP:590 MA:241 MV:515 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:590 MA:241 MV:515 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:590 MA:241 MV:515 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You are starving. Your wounds begin to heal as your bleeding stops. (AFK HP:590 MA:241 MV:517 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> The Apprentice Hall This building is one long hall lined with straw pallets. The poor apprentices can't have much to keep; there's no place to put it. A few smocks have been folded as pillows at the head of pallets. To the north lies a small door. [Exits: n e] A bit of paper has been left here. [2] A fat slob is lounging here, licking his fork. Drakkon is standing here. (AFK HP:590 MA:241 MV:516 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You grab Drakkon and smash him in the head with your head, knocking him down! (AFK HP:590/724 MA:241/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 9 times. You decimate Drakkon with your powerful crush! Drakkon is stunned, but will probably recover. Drakkon slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. Drakkon panics, and attempts to flee. Drakkon leaves north. A fat slob leaves north. (AFK HP:590 MA:241 MV:516 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> headbutt drakk (AFK HP:590 MA:241 MV:516 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> eat roots eat roots A rallying call from a hunting horn echoes through the morning sky as Herne recalls the Wild Hunt. (AFK HP:590 MA:241 MV:517 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Drakkon fires his composite bow at you! Drakkon's shot leaves a nasty puncture wound in your flesh. (AFK HP:574 MA:241 MV:517 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n headbutt drakk (AFK HP:575 MA:241 MV:519 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> They're not here. (AFK HP:575 MA:241 MV:519 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You feel quite a bit better. You eat some glowing roots. (AFK HP:614 MA:241 MV:519 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You feel quite a bit better. You eat some glowing roots. (AFK HP:642 MA:241 MV:519 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> The Privy The stench in this room is overpowering. Who forgot to clean it out? [Exits: s] A bit of paper has been left here. A fat slob is lounging here, licking his fork. Drakkon is standing here. A young boy in a black homespun robe dawdles while doing some task for his master. An ancient old man dressed in long grey robes edged with silver runework putters around here looking absentminded. (AFK HP:642 MA:241 MV:516 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You grab Drakkon and smash him in the head with your head, knocking him down! (AFK HP:642/724 MA:241/475 W/A:0 Standing)> headbutt drakk You quickly attack and hit 9 times. You decimate Drakkon with your powerful crush! Drakkon is stunned, but will probably recover. Drakkon slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. Drakkon panics, and attempts to flee. Drakkon leaves south. A fat slob leaves south. (AFK HP:642 MA:241 MV:519 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:642 MA:242 MV:519 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> clear s Input buffer cleared. (AFK HP:642 MA:242 MV:522 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> headbutt drakk The Apprentice Hall This building is one long hall lined with straw pallets. The poor apprentices can't have much to keep; there's no place to put it. A few smocks have been folded as pillows at the head of pallets. To the north lies a small door. [Exits: n e] A bit of paper has been left here. [2] A fat slob is lounging here, licking his fork. Drakkon is standing here. (AFK HP:643 MA:242 MV:521 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A federal agent arrives quietly from the east, avoiding confrontation. (AFK HP:643 MA:242 MV:521 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Drakkon tumbles out of the way of your headbutt! (AFK HP:643/724 MA:242/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Drakkon fires his composite bow at you! Waves of pain course through your body as Drakkon's shot tears your flesh. You quickly attack 9 times and hit 6 times. Drakkon parries one of your attacks! You crush Drakkon hard. Drakkon panics, and attempts to flee. Drakkon leaves north. A fat slob leaves north. (AFK HP:625 MA:242 MV:523 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n headbutt drakk (AFK HP:626 MA:243 MV:526 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:626 MA:243 MV:527 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Drakkon has arrived from the north. A fat slob has arrived from the north. (AFK HP:626 MA:243 MV:528 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> close s You feel a sudden pain as somebody places a sharp wit in your back. No way, you are fighting! (AFK HP:582 MA:243 MV:528 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You knock Drakkon down with a powerful headbutt! (AFK HP:582/724 MA:243/475 W/A:0 Standing)> (AFK HP:582/724 MA:243/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack 9 times and hit 8 times. You decimate Drakkon with your powerful crush! Drakkon slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. Drakkon panics, and attempts to flee. Drakkon leaves east. A fat slob leaves east. (AFK HP:582 MA:243 MV:529 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> headbutt drakk (AFK HP:583 MA:244 MV:530 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> clear e headbutt drakk Input buffer cleared. (AFK HP:583 MA:244 MV:532 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:583 MA:244 MV:532 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> In The Druid Compound You have found a small compound hidden in the woods. Paths meander through a small scattering of huts. A large oak tree dominates the scene. You hear the quiet bleating of sheep in the distance and the peaceful noises of an active community. Small boys dash here an there doing chores or avoiding them. [Exits: n s w] A bit of paper has been left here. [5] A sturdy town well stands here amid a clutter of buckets. A fat slob is lounging here, licking his fork. Drakkon is standing here. A black pig is here rooting for food. (AFK HP:583 MA:244 MV:531 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Drakkon kicks you in the solar plexus, rendering you breathless. (AFK HP:553/724 MA:244/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Drakkon tumbles out of the way of your headbutt! (AFK HP:553/724 MA:244/475 W/A:0 Standing)> headbutt drakk You quickly attack 9 times and hit 7 times. Drakkon parries one of your attacks! You pulverize Drakkon with your crush. Drakkon panics, and attempts to flee. Drakkon leaves north. A fat slob leaves north. (AFK HP:553 MA:244 MV:532 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:553 MA:245 MV:533 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> eat roots eat roots (AFK HP:554 MA:245 MV:536 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A federal agent arrives quietly from the west, avoiding confrontation. (AFK HP:554 MA:245 MV:537 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> They're not here. (AFK HP:554 MA:245 MV:538 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You feel quite a bit better. You eat some glowing roots. (AFK HP:576 MA:245 MV:538 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You feel quite a bit better. You eat some glowing roots. (AFK HP:614 MA:245 MV:538 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n headbutt drakk A Path Through The Wood The path between Tara and the sea wanders west and north among the trunks of oaks and elms. The canopy of leaves doesn't quite block out the sunlight. Bright sunbeams dot the path in front of you. A large tree blocks the way south. [Exits: n s w] A bit of paper has been left here. A fat slob is lounging here, licking his fork. Drakkon is standing here. The hedgehog is sitting here. (AFK HP:615 MA:246 MV:538 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You grab Drakkon and smash him in the head with your head, knocking him down! (AFK HP:615/724 MA:246/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 9 times. You decimate Drakkon with your powerful crush! Drakkon slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. Drakkon is bleeding freely. Drakkon quickly attacks 9 times and hits 7 times. Drakkon pulverizes you with his sting. You block Drakkon's sting. (AFK HP:599/724 MA:246/475 W/A:0 Standing)> A federal agent arrives quietly from the south, avoiding confrontation. (AFK HP:599/724 MA:246/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Drakkon misses you with a badly-aimed kick. (AFK HP:599/724 MA:246/475 W/A:0 Standing)> headbutt You quickly attack 8 times and hit 7 times. Drakkon parries one of your attacks! You crush Drakkon extremely hard. Drakkon blocks your crush. Drakkon is bleeding freely. Drakkon quickly attacks 8 times and hits 6 times. Drakkon pulverizes you with his sting. You block Drakkon's sting. (AFK HP:583/724 MA:246/475 W/A:0 Standing)> (AFK HP:584/724 MA:246/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Drakkon tumbles out of the way of your headbutt! (AFK HP:584/724 MA:246/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack 8 times and hit 5 times. Drakkon parries one of your attacks! You crush Drakkon hard. Cuchullain's shield is damaged as it is hit! Drakkon blocks your crush. Drakkon is bleeding freely. Drakkon quickly attacks 8 times and hits 7 times. You parry an attack from Drakkon! Drakkon obliterates you with his horrific sting! You block Drakkon's sting. (AFK HP:560/724 MA:246/475 W/A:0 Standing)> chant guh vya lak ex (AFK HP:560/724 MA:246/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Drakkon panics, and attempts to flee. Drakkon leaves north. A fat slob leaves north. (AFK HP:560 MA:246 MV:544 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> clear Mitsukake enters from the west with an empathetic smile on his face. (AFK HP:560 MA:247 MV:546 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Input buffer cleared. (AFK HP:560 MA:247 MV:547 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n Mitsukake departs north, looking for someone to take care of. (AFK HP:560 MA:247 MV:548 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Under A Stone Dolmen An arch made of three huge stones tower over you. The stones are carved with runes and stylized pictures. A patch of darker shadow seems to be a small niche on the inside of one of the stones. Many booted feet have worn a clear path to the east and south. A faint path fades into the north as if only a few brave souls enter that dangerous region. [Exits: n e s] You catch the odor of something unpleasant growing here. A bit of paper has been left here. (AFK HP:561 MA:247 MV:546 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> headbutt Headbutt whom? (AFK HP:561 MA:247 MV:547 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A federal agent arrives quietly from the south, avoiding confrontation. (AFK HP:561 MA:247 MV:548 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> chant vid gam ex self Chanting the words 'vid gam ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. Suddenly your eyes tingle, and every slight movement is apparent to you. (AFK HP:562 MA:228 MV:551 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> hunt drakk chant kere drva vant ex chant kere drva vant ex (AFK HP:562 MA:228 MV:553 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You pick up the trail. The trail to your prey leads east. It is relatively good. (AFK HP:562 MA:228 MV:554 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> eat roots eat roots (AFK HP:562 MA:228 MV:556 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Chanting the words 'kere drva vant ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You have created a handful of small glowing roots! (AFK HP:562 MA:204 MV:556 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> The day has begun. (AFK HP:563 MA:205 MV:557 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Chanting the words 'kere drva vant ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You have created a handful of small glowing roots! (AFK HP:563 MA:181 MV:558 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> e (AFK HP:563 MA:181 MV:560 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You feel quite a bit better. You eat some glowing roots. (AFK HP:598 MA:181 MV:561 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You feel quite a bit better. You eat some glowing roots. (AFK HP:637 MA:181 MV:561 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Game Trail In The Forest The light trail leading west and south almost disappears in the sun-dappled forest floor. Bracken and undergrowth seem to shy away from this area. A small line of mushrooms trace a circle around the bit of clear ground where you stand. [Exits: n e s w u d] A white ice box rests against the wall. A narrow pallet covered with furs lies against the wall. A small rowan tree grows here. A small ash tree stands here, barely clinging onto the ground. A tall willow sways back and forth in the wind. A small holly tree tries to grow in the midst of its surroundings. An old oak tree stands like a majestic watcher over the landscape. A small spring wells up from the the base of one of the stones. The hedgehog is sitting here. The trail to your prey leads south. It is faint. (AFK HP:637 MA:181 MV:557 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> s A federal agent arrives quietly from the west, avoiding confrontation. (AFK HP:638 MA:181 MV:559 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> s s Moy Tura A line of grave markers skirts the edge of this clearing. Bits of armor and weapons jut up from the ground, as if the earth swallowed the battling armies in protest. A small stream with a safe path along its bank lies to the south of the field. A worn path leads to the north. [Exits: n e s] The corpse of a wild boar is lying here. An autumn crocus pokes its way out of the ground here. A cute woolly sheep grazes here hungrily. The trail to your prey leads east. It is cold. (AFK HP:638 MA:182 MV:556 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Small Path Next To A Creek A bubbling creek sparkles in the light filtering down through the roof of interlocking branches and leaves that overhang this path. There is a small patch of clearing along the creek's edge that looks like the perfect place for a picnic. A clear path leads toward the sea to the east and north towards Tara. [Exits: n e] Trish is standing here. A brown squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. A black stallion tosses its mane and looks at you with intelligent eyes. The hedgehog is sitting here. (AFK HP:638 MA:182 MV:554 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> e [Chat] Wyvern: is anyone else lagging? (AFK HP:638 MA:182 MV:554 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> e e Alas, you cannot go that way. (AFK HP:638 MA:182 MV:554 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> hunt drakk A Dusty Road This road runs east and west between Tara and the eastern sea. Ruts mark the passing of many wagon wheels. The dust of your passing tickles your nose and your mouth. Oddly enough, you have the distinct feeling that this road isn't used that much anymore. [Exits: n e w] You nearly miss spotting a 3" dark green, hairy plant growing here. A brown squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. (AFK HP:638 MA:182 MV:553 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> The Fomori Camp This semi-permanent camp looks mostly deserted. A few of the cookfires are smoldering in front of the tents. Scattered equipment makes a maze for the mice running through the camp. A well packed trail leads off to the east toward the sea. Another trail leads west towards an old road. [Exits: n e w] A small fishing boat has been dragged ashore and left here. A small field mouse scurries by. (AFK HP:639 MA:182 MV:550 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Rocky Beach Large rocks are slowly being pounded into sand by the waves crashing toward the shore. The sky is filled with the raucous calls of dozens of seagulls wheeling and flapping around each other in a perpetual contest for food. A few small boats are beached near an old man who looks quite bribable. [Exits: e w] A long sword has been discarded here. The corpse of a Fomori scout is lying here. An old man is here 'watching' the boats. (AFK HP:639 MA:182 MV:548 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You pick up the trail. The trail to your prey leads east. It is easily seen. (AFK HP:639 MA:182 MV:548 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> e e [Chat] Mitsukake: a little (AFK HP:639 MA:182 MV:550 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:639 MA:182 MV:550 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> An elm bark canoe forges through the waters. On the Hivernian Ocean A beach and beyond it, the green countryside of Eire! Landfall is west of you. The Hivernian Ocean continues in all other directions. [Exits: n e s w] The trail to your prey leads east. It is fresh. (AFK HP:639 MA:182 MV:548 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> On the Hivernian Ocean In the midst of the open sea, you can feel every toss of waves and feel the water soaking your clothes to the bone. Land is nowhere visible. [Exits: n e s w] Someone has pulled a scrawny little fish out of the water. A good-sized mackerel swims in the water. The trail to your prey leads east. It is fresh. [Chat] Hrun: yup (AFK HP:639 MA:183 MV:547 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> e On the Hivernian Ocean Far to the north you can see the cliffs of the Isle of Man, but there's nowhere to land there. Southwards you think you can see the coast of Gwynedd, obscured by perpetual fog. To the west lies the open sea. [Exits: e s w] The trail to your prey leads south. It is fresh. (AFK HP:640 MA:183 MV:547 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> e w On the Hivernian Ocean The waters are rough and legendarily stormy, and the currents are strong. You can faintly make out the coast of Alba to the south and east, but there is nowhere to make landfall. You can follow along the coast to the north and south in hopes of finding a beach, however. [Exits: n w] (AFK HP:640 MA:183 MV:546 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> s s s Drakkon has arrived from the west in a birch bark canoe. A fat slob has arrived from the west in a wine colored boat. On the Hivernian Ocean Far to the north you can see the cliffs of the Isle of Man, but there's nowhere to land there. Southwards you think you can see the coast of Gwynedd, obscured by perpetual fog. To the west lies the open sea. [Exits: e s w] (AFK HP:640 MA:183 MV:545 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> On the Hivernian Ocean Just north of the beach at Segontium, the ocean is incredibly rough. Rocks in the ocean prevent your going anywhere but north and south, and even this narrow and treacherous channel is uncertain. [Exits: n s] (AFK HP:640 MA:183 MV:543 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> On the Beach at Segontium Normally Roman warships are gathered here at Segontium, prepared to defend the Oceanus Hivernicus against attacks by Hivernian sailors, or to ferry the legions to places where the foul druids have reared their heads once again-- which they are rumored yet to do on the Isle of Man. If you had a boat, you could set sail to the north, out of the bay. The road also leads south away from here. [Exits: n s w] A sea gull seems to hover here in the air as it takes advantage of the wind. (AFK HP:640 MA:183 MV:540 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Roman Road Outside Viroconium The road leads north and south, and despite the occasional rebellions among the Ordovices and the other tribes of Gwynedd and Dyfed it has always been a fairly safe road on which to travel. However, the garrison at Viroconium seems to have disappeared.... The road continues northerly, angling slightly to the west, eventually leading to the port of Segontium, in the depths of Gwynedd. [Exits: n s] The area around you is covered by the reedy stalks of some brownish plant. Orange-red berries grow on a many-branched shrub here. A person wrapped in a blanket is here, herding sheep. A jackrabbit turns his huge ears about warily here. A pigeon is here keeping an eye on you as it searches for food. [2] (AFK HP:640 MA:183 MV:538 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n n n On the Beach at Segontium Normally Roman warships are gathered here at Segontium, prepared to defend the Oceanus Hivernicus against attacks by Hivernian sailors, or to ferry the legions to places where the foul druids have reared their heads once again-- which they are rumored yet to do on the Isle of Man. If you had a boat, you could set sail to the north, out of the bay. The road also leads south away from here. [Exits: n s w] A sea gull seems to hover here in the air as it takes advantage of the wind. (AFK HP:640 MA:183 MV:536 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> An elm bark canoe forges through the waters. On the Hivernian Ocean Just north of the beach at Segontium, the ocean is incredibly rough. Rocks in the ocean prevent your going anywhere but north and south, and even this narrow and treacherous channel is uncertain. [Exits: n s] (AFK HP:641 MA:184 MV:533 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> On the Hivernian Ocean Far to the north you can see the cliffs of the Isle of Man, but there's nowhere to land there. Southwards you think you can see the coast of Gwynedd, obscured by perpetual fog. To the west lies the open sea. [Exits: e s w] (AFK HP:641 MA:184 MV:532 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> headbutt drakk w w w w w w They're not here. (AFK HP:641 MA:184 MV:535 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w On the Hivernian Ocean In the midst of the open sea, you can feel every toss of waves and feel the water soaking your clothes to the bone. Land is nowhere visible. [Exits: n e s w] Someone has pulled a scrawny little fish out of the water. A good-sized mackerel swims in the water. (AFK HP:641 MA:184 MV:534 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> headbutt drakk On the Hivernian Ocean A beach and beyond it, the green countryside of Eire! Landfall is west of you. The Hivernian Ocean continues in all other directions. [Exits: n e s w] (AFK HP:642 MA:184 MV:533 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Rocky Beach Large rocks are slowly being pounded into sand by the waves crashing toward the shore. The sky is filled with the raucous calls of dozens of seagulls wheeling and flapping around each other in a perpetual contest for food. A few small boats are beached near an old man who looks quite bribable. [Exits: e w] A long sword has been discarded here. The corpse of a Fomori scout is lying here. An old man is here 'watching' the boats. (AFK HP:642 MA:184 MV:530 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> The Fomori Camp This semi-permanent camp looks mostly deserted. A few of the cookfires are smoldering in front of the tents. Scattered equipment makes a maze for the mice running through the camp. A well packed trail leads off to the east toward the sea. Another trail leads west towards an old road. [Exits: n e w] A small fishing boat has been dragged ashore and left here. A small hairy creature with a HUGE nose glares at you from the corner. An invading Fomori warrior stumbles around completely confused by the wilderness. A small field mouse scurries by. (AFK HP:642 MA:184 MV:527 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Dusty Road This road runs east and west between Tara and the eastern sea. Ruts mark the passing of many wagon wheels. The dust of your passing tickles your nose and your mouth. Oddly enough, you have the distinct feeling that this road isn't used that much anymore. [Exits: n e w] You nearly miss spotting a 3" dark green, hairy plant growing here. A brown squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. (AFK HP:642 MA:184 MV:525 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:642 MA:184 MV:525 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Small Path Next To A Creek A bubbling creek sparkles in the light filtering down through the roof of interlocking branches and leaves that overhang this path. There is a small patch of clearing along the creek's edge that looks like the perfect place for a picnic. A clear path leads toward the sea to the east and north towards Tara. [Exits: n e] Trish is standing here. A brown squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. A black stallion tosses its mane and looks at you with intelligent eyes. The hedgehog is sitting here. (AFK HP:642 MA:185 MV:522 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Alas, you cannot go that way. A brown squirrel flicks its tail back and forth, agitated by something. (AFK HP:642 MA:185 MV:523 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> They're not here. (AFK HP:642 MA:185 MV:523 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n n headbutt drakk Moy Tura A line of grave markers skirts the edge of this clearing. Bits of armor and weapons jut up from the ground, as if the earth swallowed the battling armies in protest. A small stream with a safe path along its bank lies to the south of the field. A worn path leads to the north. [Exits: n e s] The corpse of a wild boar is lying here. An autumn crocus pokes its way out of the ground here. A cute woolly sheep grazes here hungrily. (AFK HP:643 MA:185 MV:522 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Game Trail In The Forest The light trail leading west and south almost disappears in the sun-dappled forest floor. Bracken and undergrowth seem to shy away from this area. A small line of mushrooms trace a circle around the bit of clear ground where you stand. [Exits: n e s w u d] An eerie-looking, completely dark purple plant lurks in the underbrush here. A white ice box rests against the wall. A narrow pallet covered with furs lies against the wall. A small rowan tree grows here. A small ash tree stands here, barely clinging onto the ground. A tall willow sways back and forth in the wind. A small holly tree tries to grow in the midst of its surroundings. An old oak tree stands like a majestic watcher over the landscape. A small spring wells up from the the base of one of the stones. A small field mouse scurries by. The hedgehog is sitting here. (AFK HP:643 MA:185 MV:518 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> They're not here. (AFK HP:643 MA:185 MV:519 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A fat slob has arrived from the south. (AFK HP:643 MA:185 MV:521 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> hunt drakk You could not find a trail. (AFK HP:643 MA:186 MV:523 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> [Chat] Wyvern: no wonder, some a-hole was DL'ing an mp3 from my napster server :) (AFK HP:644 MA:186 MV:523 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> headbutt drakk They're not here. (AFK HP:644 MA:186 MV:526 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w Under A Stone Dolmen An arch made of three huge stones tower over you. The stones are carved with runes and stylized pictures. A patch of darker shadow seems to be a small niche on the inside of one of the stones. Many booted feet have worn a clear path to the east and south. A faint path fades into the north as if only a few brave souls enter that dangerous region. [Exits: n e s] You catch the odor of something unpleasant growing here. A bit of paper has been left here. A fat slob has arrived from the east. (AFK HP:644 MA:186 MV:524 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> s s s A Path Through The Wood The path between Tara and the sea wanders west and north among the trunks of oaks and elms. The canopy of leaves doesn't quite block out the sunlight. Bright sunbeams dot the path in front of you. A large tree blocks the way south. [Exits: n s w] A bit of paper has been left here. A scrawny, dirt-covered whining brat is here. A small field mouse scurries by. The hedgehog is sitting here. (AFK HP:645 MA:187 MV:523 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> In The Druid Compound You have found a small compound hidden in the woods. Paths meander through a small scattering of huts. A large oak tree dominates the scene. You hear the quiet bleating of sheep in the distance and the peaceful noises of an active community. Small boys dash here an there doing chores or avoiding them. [Exits: n s w] A bit of paper has been left here. [5] A sturdy town well stands here amid a clutter of buckets. A balding man in a brown homespun robe hrumphs noisily at you. A black pig is here rooting for food. (AFK HP:645 MA:187 MV:520 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> e Beneath A Giant Oak This tree has a trunk so wide it would take ten men to circle it. Its branches spread out to cast a speckled shade over most of the compound. The tree bark is beginning to peel away from the trunk. A footpath circles the trunk and leads to the rest of the compound. The branches of the tree spiral around the trunk like a staircase. [Exits: n e s w u] A bit of paper has been left here. A man dressed in deep green robes stands here observing the trees. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. (AFK HP:645 MA:187 MV:517 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Before A Small Altar This small altar is little more than three slabs of stone arranged like a table. Flowers, mistletoe and some branches of rowan smolder upon the top of the altar. Runes have been etched into the edge of this simple place of worship. [Exits: w] A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. A man dressed in deep green robes stands here studying the earth beneath his feet. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. (AFK HP:645 MA:187 MV:516 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> get marigold dert You get a marigold flower from a DERT bag. (AFK HP:645 MA:187 MV:518 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> get vial bag You get a glass vial from a patterned scarlet wool bag. (AFK HP:646 MA:187 MV:520 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> brew marigold [Chat] Seymour: *lol* You make an orange liquid out of a marigold flower. (AFK HP:646 MA:173 MV:523 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A federal agent arrives quietly from the west, avoiding confrontation. (AFK HP:646 MA:173 MV:523 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> q vial You quaff a glass vial containing an orange liquid. Your eyes tingle slightly. (AFK HP:647 MA:173 MV:527 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> put vial bag A federal agent says, changing the subject, 'You kill him?' (AFK HP:647 MA:173 MV:527 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w [Chat] Speak: is there anyone on who's done the anasazi quest and can answer a question? (AFK HP:647 MA:173 MV:528 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You put a glass vial in a patterned scarlet wool bag. (AFK HP:647 MA:174 MV:528 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Beneath A Giant Oak This tree has a trunk so wide it would take ten men to circle it. Its branches spread out to cast a speckled shade over most of the compound. The tree bark is beginning to peel away from the trunk. A footpath circles the trunk and leads to the rest of the compound. The branches of the tree spiral around the trunk like a staircase. [Exits: n e s w u] A bit of paper has been left here. A man dressed in deep green robes stands here observing the trees. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. (AFK HP:647 MA:174 MV:525 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> headbutt drakk Corcaighe leaves north. (AFK HP:648 MA:174 MV:528 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n headbutt drakk They're not here. [Chat] Wyvern: *shrug* *cancel transfer* :P (AFK HP:648 MA:174 MV:529 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> In The Druid Compound You have found a small compound hidden in the woods. Paths meander through a small scattering of huts. A large oak tree dominates the scene. You hear the quiet bleating of sheep in the distance and the peaceful noises of an active community. Small boys dash here an there doing chores or avoiding them. [Exits: n s w] A bit of paper has been left here. [5] A sturdy town well stands here amid a clutter of buckets. A man dressed in deep green robes stands here observing the trees. A black pig is here rooting for food. (AFK HP:648 MA:174 MV:526 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> They're not here. (AFK HP:648 MA:174 MV:528 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A fat slob has arrived from the north. (AFK HP:649 MA:175 MV:529 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A fat slob leaves south. (AFK HP:649 MA:175 MV:530 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> hunt drakk You could not find a trail. (AFK HP:649 MA:175 MV:533 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> whois drakk Drakkon the Assassin @====[>>>>>>>Grendel>>>>>> ------ ...mercifully helped an escaped Arabian prisoner make it to freedom. ...with a great show of compassion has become a beloved of Virococha. ...has gained the favor of Finarra, King of the Unseelie Sidhe. ...has ventured and returned from the lands of Skatha. ...uncovered a plot of intrigue and murder! ...thwarted the Saxon raiders' plan to ransom a small Briton boy! ...with brain and brawn, managed to rid the world of two savage giants. ...has been slain for the crime of hubris! ...has ventured into the Realm of the Dead and returned to tell the tale! ...has bested the tricks and traps on the island of Circe! ...is smarter than the average Cyclopes! ...drank the nectar of the Black Lotus and lived to tell the tale! ...has been rewarded for aiding a goddess! ...was Taken as a servant of the Dark One! ...rescued a fair maiden from marrying the wrong man. ...has brought a witch to justice and saved the village children. ...helped free a woman from a most certain death. ...has gained the trust of the Algonquin Indians. ...once caught a trout the size of a boat! ...once helped a boy who had been kidnapped by Vikings to return home. Press RETURN to continue: ...once helped a little girl find her lost pup. ...is a member of the Mohawk Snake Clan. ...has single-handedly slain Vlad the Impalor, father of all vampires! ...has joined the most elite of the Romanian guardsmen! ...is rumored to have helped an innocent Romanian serf escape! ...through ingenuity led a prison break from a Romanian tower. ...assisted in the overthrow of the Romanian king by his brother! ...took a pivotal role in helping the Ottoman Empire conquer Romania! ...contributed in the removal of an insane Romanian king! ...has been seen in the company of pirates and may be conspiring with them. ...once climbed to the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro. ...restored the ruined city of Oodeypore to life. ...solved the mystery of the ankus. ...has freed a witch to exact her revenge. ...has earned the position of ringmaster of the Cartucci Carnival Spectacular! ...had the compassion to aid a dying widow. ...has lived with the aborigines, learning their ways. (AFK HP:650 MA:176 MV:538 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:650 MA:176 MV:540 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> hunt drakk You could not find a trail. (AFK HP:651 MA:177 MV:545 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> tell drakk where you go? n You tell Drakkon, 'where you go?' (AFK HP:653 MA:178 MV:551 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Path Through The Wood The path between Tara and the sea wanders west and north among the trunks of oaks and elms. The canopy of leaves doesn't quite block out the sunlight. Bright sunbeams dot the path in front of you. A large tree blocks the way south. [Exits: n s w] A bit of paper has been left here. A scrawny, dirt-covered whining brat is here. A small field mouse scurries by. The hedgehog is sitting here. (AFK HP:653 MA:178 MV:549 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n e Under A Stone Dolmen An arch made of three huge stones tower over you. The stones are carved with runes and stylized pictures. A patch of darker shadow seems to be a small niche on the inside of one of the stones. Many booted feet have worn a clear path to the east and south. A faint path fades into the north as if only a few brave souls enter that dangerous region. [Exits: n e s] You catch the odor of something unpleasant growing here. A bit of paper has been left here. (AFK HP:653 MA:178 MV:549 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Game Trail In The Forest The light trail leading west and south almost disappears in the sun-dappled forest floor. Bracken and undergrowth seem to shy away from this area. A small line of mushrooms trace a circle around the bit of clear ground where you stand. [Exits: n e s w u d] An eerie-looking, completely dark purple plant lurks in the underbrush here. A white ice box rests against the wall. A narrow pallet covered with furs lies against the wall. A small rowan tree grows here. A small ash tree stands here, barely clinging onto the ground. A tall willow sways back and forth in the wind. A small holly tree tries to grow in the midst of its surroundings. An old oak tree stands like a majestic watcher over the landscape. A small spring wells up from the the base of one of the stones. A small field mouse scurries by. The hedgehog is sitting here. (AFK HP:653 MA:178 MV:546 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> s s s A sheep has arrived from the south. (AFK HP:654 MA:178 MV:547 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Moy Tura A line of grave markers skirts the edge of this clearing. Bits of armor and weapons jut up from the ground, as if the earth swallowed the battling armies in protest. A small stream with a safe path along its bank lies to the south of the field. A worn path leads to the north. [Exits: n e s] The corpse of a wild boar is lying here. An autumn crocus pokes its way out of the ground here. A brown squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. (AFK HP:654 MA:178 MV:544 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Small Path Next To A Creek A bubbling creek sparkles in the light filtering down through the roof of interlocking branches and leaves that overhang this path. There is a small patch of clearing along the creek's edge that looks like the perfect place for a picnic. A clear path leads toward the sea to the east and north towards Tara. [Exits: n e] Trish is standing here. A black stallion tosses its mane and looks at you with intelligent eyes. The hedgehog is sitting here. (AFK HP:654 MA:179 MV:541 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Alas, you cannot go that way. (AFK HP:654 MA:179 MV:541 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> e e e e e e e e A Dusty Road This road runs east and west between Tara and the eastern sea. Ruts mark the passing of many wagon wheels. The dust of your passing tickles your nose and your mouth. Oddly enough, you have the distinct feeling that this road isn't used that much anymore. [Exits: n e w] You nearly miss spotting a 3" dark green, hairy plant growing here. A brown squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. (AFK HP:654 MA:179 MV:541 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:654 MA:179 MV:541 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> The Fomori Camp This semi-permanent camp looks mostly deserted. A few of the cookfires are smoldering in front of the tents. Scattered equipment makes a maze for the mice running through the camp. A well packed trail leads off to the east toward the sea. Another trail leads west towards an old road. [Exits: n e w] A small fishing boat has been dragged ashore and left here. A small hairy creature with a HUGE nose glares at you from the corner. An invading Fomori warrior stumbles around completely confused by the wilderness. A small field mouse scurries by. (AFK HP:654 MA:179 MV:538 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Rocky Beach Large rocks are slowly being pounded into sand by the waves crashing toward the shore. The sky is filled with the raucous calls of dozens of seagulls wheeling and flapping around each other in a perpetual contest for food. A few small boats are beached near an old man who looks quite bribable. [Exits: e w] A long sword has been discarded here. An old man is here 'watching' the boats. (AFK HP:654 MA:179 MV:535 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> hunt drakk An elm bark canoe forges through the waters. On the Hivernian Ocean A beach and beyond it, the green countryside of Eire! Landfall is west of you. The Hivernian Ocean continues in all other directions. [Exits: n e s w] (AFK HP:655 MA:179 MV:534 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> On the Hivernian Ocean In the midst of the open sea, you can feel every toss of waves and feel the water soaking your clothes to the bone. Land is nowhere visible. [Exits: n e s w] Someone has pulled a scrawny little fish out of the water. A good-sized mackerel swims in the water. (AFK HP:655 MA:179 MV:532 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> On the Hivernian Ocean Far to the north you can see the cliffs of the Isle of Man, but there's nowhere to land there. Southwards you think you can see the coast of Gwynedd, obscured by perpetual fog. To the west lies the open sea. [Exits: e s w] (AFK HP:655 MA:179 MV:531 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> On the Hivernian Ocean The waters are rough and legendarily stormy, and the currents are strong. You can faintly make out the coast of Alba to the south and east, but there is nowhere to make landfall. You can follow along the coast to the north and south in hopes of finding a beach, however. [Exits: n w] (AFK HP:655 MA:179 MV:529 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Alas, you cannot go that way. (AFK HP:655 MA:179 MV:529 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You could not find a trail. (AFK HP:655 MA:179 MV:530 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n e Off the Coast of Alba The coast of Alba, or Brittania if you are Roman, spreads itself out before you to the east. It looks most inhospitable, and you can't help but pity the poor fisher folk who make a hard living from the sea here. To the northwest you can see the Isle of Man, but see no way to land there. Far to the south, you know, lie the lands of Dyfed and Gwynedd. [Exits: n e s] A pair of leather crepidae have been discarded here. A colorful skirt has been tossed in a heap here. A small school of anchovies swims in the water. (AFK HP:655 MA:180 MV:531 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> e e e e On the Beach To the west spreads out the Oceanus Hivernicus, and across it in the distance lies the land of the Hivernians, a people much taken with Druidism and magic, you've heard told. The beach is mostly gravel, not sand, and you can see the places where boats have been dragged into the water. It gets rocky and unpassable to the south, but you can walk along the coast a ways to the north. [Exits: n e w] A small fishing boat has been dragged ashore and left here. [2] A large raft has been discarded here. A short stool sits here. A small brown fox is hiding as best it can here. (AFK HP:656 MA:180 MV:528 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> e e hunt drakk [Chat] Hrun: anybody good with eq lists? (AFK HP:656 MA:180 MV:529 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Path to the Beach The muddy road here leads directly to a beach, and as it does so the mud turns more and more into a rough, wet sand. You can see the beach to the west of you, and you can hear the sloshing of the cold north Oceanus Hivernicus. [Exits: e w] A large raft has been discarded here. A cat with no tail is walking along here. [2] (AFK HP:656 MA:180 MV:526 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Muddy Street You stand in what probably passes for a town square in this poor fishing village. It is mostly mud, and the mud stretches in all directions, no doubt what the villagers call a road. The buildings are mostly wattle and daub, although a few near the center of town are of sturdier stone construction. Several of the huts have nets draped along their sides to dry. The smell of salt in the air is strong. [Exits: n e s w] One of the walls has been taken over as a message center of sorts. (Hide) A small brown fox is hiding as best it can here. (AFK HP:656 MA:180 MV:523 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> The Village Entrance The dirt road here widens into a muddy turnaround, deeply scarred by wagon wheels and horses' hooves. South you can see a ramshackle building with an open front, probably a market stall for the legionaries coming from Luguvalium. The road leads into a small fishing village to the west, and back to the Roman road to the east. [Exits: e s w] Malicious is standing here. (AFK HP:656 MA:180 MV:521 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> On a Road A well-worn local road that is little more than a stripe of mud through the hilly northern coastlands of Britannia leads you east and west here. You imagine you can already hear the ocean sloshing against the beach in the distance. [Exits: e w] A small woven basket is here, smelling of fish. A wooden wagon, one wheel broken and useless, sits here in the mud. A cat with no tail is walking along here. (AFK HP:656 MA:180 MV:518 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> An Intersection Here the Roman road splits in three directions. East lies the Abbey at Iona, home of learned monks. Southwards it goes back to civilized lands, towards Eburacum. To the north it leads to the garrison at Luguvalium, that guards Hadrian's Wall from the dreaded Pictish folk. A dirt road leads west from here as well, probably to a fishing village along the coast of the Hivernian Ocean. [Exits: n s w] The area around you is covered by the reedy stalks of some brownish plant. A small doe is grazing here. A wealthy merchant passes through on his way to deliver some goods. A small doe is grazing here. A small field mouse scurries by. A jackrabbit turns his huge ears about warily here. (AFK HP:656 MA:180 MV:516 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Alas, you cannot go that way. (AFK HP:656 MA:180 MV:516 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You could not find a trail. (AFK HP:656 MA:180 MV:516 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> s (AFK HP:657 MA:181 MV:518 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Outside Eburacum Eburacum lies on the coast of the Oceanus Germanicus, the ocean from which you have heard dread Saxons have been invading. The Roman road continues northwards toward increasingly hilly country, towards Luguvalium, where the garrison is that mans Hadrian's wall. To the south the road goes through the lands of the Brigantes. [Exits: n s] A leafy plant is growing here by the roadside. Towering dark trees block the view in most directions. A spotted fawn looks about for her mother. A dark feathered bird paces back and forth here. (AFK HP:657 MA:181 MV:516 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> get leaves trees You get some small dark green leaves from a huge oak tree. (AFK HP:657 MA:181 MV:518 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n A wagon filled with goods clatters by, bound for Londinium. (AFK HP:657 MA:181 MV:520 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> An Intersection Here the Roman road splits in three directions. East lies the Abbey at Iona, home of learned monks. Southwards it goes back to civilized lands, towards Eburacum. To the north it leads to the garrison at Luguvalium, that guards Hadrian's Wall from the dreaded Pictish folk. A dirt road leads west from here as well, probably to a fishing village along the coast of the Hivernian Ocean. [Exits: n s w] The area around you is covered by the reedy stalks of some brownish plant. A small doe is grazing here. A wealthy merchant passes through on his way to deliver some goods. A small doe is grazing here. A small field mouse scurries by. A jackrabbit turns his huge ears about warily here. (AFK HP:657 MA:181 MV:517 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w w w w w w w w On a Road A well-worn local road that is little more than a stripe of mud through the hilly northern coastlands of Britannia leads you east and west here. You imagine you can already hear the ocean sloshing against the beach in the distance. [Exits: e w] A small woven basket is here, smelling of fish. A wooden wagon, one wheel broken and useless, sits here in the mud. Malicious is standing here. A cat with no tail is walking along here. (AFK HP:658 MA:181 MV:516 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w The Village Entrance The dirt road here widens into a muddy turnaround, deeply scarred by wagon wheels and horses' hooves. South you can see a ramshackle building with an open front, probably a market stall for the legionaries coming from Luguvalium. The road leads into a small fishing village to the west, and back to the Roman road to the east. [Exits: e s w] (AFK HP:658 MA:181 MV:513 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Drakkon tells you, 'i figured you premade a whack of roots when you said you had to get ready so now... i'm hitting healers' A Muddy Street You stand in what probably passes for a town square in this poor fishing village. It is mostly mud, and the mud stretches in all directions, no doubt what the villagers call a road. The buildings are mostly wattle and daub, although a few near the center of town are of sturdier stone construction. Several of the huts have nets draped along their sides to dry. The smell of salt in the air is strong. [Exits: n e s w] One of the walls has been taken over as a message center of sorts. (Hide) A small brown fox is hiding as best it can here. (AFK HP:658 MA:182 MV:511 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Path to the Beach The muddy road here leads directly to a beach, and as it does so the mud turns more and more into a rough, wet sand. You can see the beach to the west of you, and you can hear the sloshing of the cold north Oceanus Hivernicus. [Exits: e w] A large raft has been discarded here. A cat with no tail is walking along here. [2] (AFK HP:658 MA:182 MV:508 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:658 MA:182 MV:508 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Drakkon tells you, 'just evening it out' On the Beach To the west spreads out the Oceanus Hivernicus, and across it in the distance lies the land of the Hivernians, a people much taken with Druidism and magic, you've heard told. The beach is mostly gravel, not sand, and you can see the places where boats have been dragged into the water. It gets rocky and unpassable to the south, but you can walk along the coast a ways to the north. [Exits: n e w] A small fishing boat has been dragged ashore and left here. [2] A large raft has been discarded here. A short stool sits here. A small brown fox is hiding as best it can here. (AFK HP:658 MA:182 MV:506 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> An elm bark canoe forges through the waters. Off the Coast of Alba The coast of Alba, or Brittania if you are Roman, spreads itself out before you to the east. It looks most inhospitable, and you can't help but pity the poor fisher folk who make a hard living from the sea here. To the northwest you can see the Isle of Man, but see no way to land there. Far to the south, you know, lie the lands of Dyfed and Gwynedd. [Exits: n e s] A pair of leather crepidae have been discarded here. A colorful skirt has been tossed in a heap here. A small school of anchovies swims in the water. (AFK HP:658 MA:182 MV:504 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Alas, you cannot go that way. (AFK HP:658 MA:182 MV:504 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Alas, you cannot go that way. (AFK HP:658 MA:182 MV:505 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Alas, you cannot go that way. (AFK HP:658 MA:182 MV:505 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> afk You are no longer AFK. Your messages: (00:24:33) Xena: want to now? i have someone with me though (00:24:56) Xena: ok (00:40:21) Drakkon: he premaking roots with 700+ hp (00:44:16) Drakkon: i figured you premade a whack of roots when you said you had to get ready so now... i'm hitting healers (00:44:17) Drakkon: just evening it out (HP:659 MA:182 MV:507 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> afk .. You are now AFK. (AFK HP:659 MA:183 MV:511 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> tell drakk evening what out? You tell Drakkon, 'evening what out?' (AFK HP:660 MA:183 MV:514 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> s On the Hivernian Ocean The waters are rough and legendarily stormy, and the currents are strong. You can faintly make out the coast of Alba to the south and east, but there is nowhere to make landfall. You can follow along the coast to the north and south in hopes of finding a beach, however. [Exits: n w] (AFK HP:661 MA:184 MV:515 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w w w w w w Brilliant red-orange and dark pink clouds greet the sun. You are getting hungry. (AFK HP:661 MA:184 MV:516 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> On the Hivernian Ocean Far to the north you can see the cliffs of the Isle of Man, but there's nowhere to land there. Southwards you think you can see the coast of Gwynedd, obscured by perpetual fog. To the west lies the open sea. [Exits: e s w] (AFK HP:661 MA:184 MV:514 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Drakkon tells you, 'the fight?' (AFK HP:661 MA:184 MV:514 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> On the Hivernian Ocean In the midst of the open sea, you can feel every toss of waves and feel the water soaking your clothes to the bone. Land is nowhere visible. [Exits: n e s w] Someone has pulled a scrawny little fish out of the water. A good-sized mackerel swims in the water. (AFK HP:661 MA:184 MV:513 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:661 MA:184 MV:513 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> On the Hivernian Ocean A beach and beyond it, the green countryside of Eire! Landfall is west of you. The Hivernian Ocean continues in all other directions. [Exits: n e s w] (AFK HP:661 MA:184 MV:511 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Rocky Beach Large rocks are slowly being pounded into sand by the waves crashing toward the shore. The sky is filled with the raucous calls of dozens of seagulls wheeling and flapping around each other in a perpetual contest for food. A few small boats are beached near an old man who looks quite bribable. [Exits: e w] A long sword has been discarded here. An old man is here 'watching' the boats. (AFK HP:661 MA:184 MV:508 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> The Fomori Camp This semi-permanent camp looks mostly deserted. A few of the cookfires are smoldering in front of the tents. Scattered equipment makes a maze for the mice running through the camp. A well packed trail leads off to the east toward the sea. Another trail leads west towards an old road. [Exits: n e w] A small fishing boat has been dragged ashore and left here. A small hairy creature with a HUGE nose glares at you from the corner. An invading Fomori warrior stumbles around completely confused by the wilderness. A small field mouse scurries by. (AFK HP:661 MA:184 MV:506 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Dusty Road This road runs east and west between Tara and the eastern sea. Ruts mark the passing of many wagon wheels. The dust of your passing tickles your nose and your mouth. Oddly enough, you have the distinct feeling that this road isn't used that much anymore. [Exits: n e w] You nearly miss spotting a 3" dark green, hairy plant growing here. A brown squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. (AFK HP:661 MA:184 MV:503 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w w A Small Path Next To A Creek A bubbling creek sparkles in the light filtering down through the roof of interlocking branches and leaves that overhang this path. There is a small patch of clearing along the creek's edge that looks like the perfect place for a picnic. A clear path leads toward the sea to the east and north towards Tara. [Exits: n e] Trish is standing here. A black stallion tosses its mane and looks at you with intelligent eyes. The hedgehog is sitting here. (AFK HP:661 MA:184 MV:501 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Alas, you cannot go that way. (AFK HP:661 MA:184 MV:501 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n n Moy Tura A line of grave markers skirts the edge of this clearing. Bits of armor and weapons jut up from the ground, as if the earth swallowed the battling armies in protest. A small stream with a safe path along its bank lies to the south of the field. A worn path leads to the north. [Exits: n e s] The corpse of a wild boar is lying here. An autumn crocus pokes its way out of the ground here. A brown squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. (AFK HP:662 MA:185 MV:500 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Game Trail In The Forest The light trail leading west and south almost disappears in the sun-dappled forest floor. Bracken and undergrowth seem to shy away from this area. A small line of mushrooms trace a circle around the bit of clear ground where you stand. [Exits: n e s w u d] An eerie-looking, completely dark purple plant lurks in the underbrush here. A white ice box rests against the wall. A narrow pallet covered with furs lies against the wall. A small rowan tree grows here. A small ash tree stands here, barely clinging onto the ground. A tall willow sways back and forth in the wind. A small holly tree tries to grow in the midst of its surroundings. An old oak tree stands like a majestic watcher over the landscape. A small spring wells up from the the base of one of the stones. A cute woolly sheep grazes here hungrily. The hedgehog is sitting here. (AFK HP:662 MA:185 MV:497 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w s s s e e Under A Stone Dolmen An arch made of three huge stones tower over you. The stones are carved with runes and stylized pictures. A patch of darker shadow seems to be a small niche on the inside of one of the stones. Many booted feet have worn a clear path to the east and south. A faint path fades into the north as if only a few brave souls enter that dangerous region. [Exits: n e s] You catch the odor of something unpleasant growing here. A bit of paper has been left here. (AFK HP:662 MA:185 MV:495 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Path Through The Wood The path between Tara and the sea wanders west and north among the trunks of oaks and elms. The canopy of leaves doesn't quite block out the sunlight. Bright sunbeams dot the path in front of you. A large tree blocks the way south. [Exits: n s w] A bit of paper has been left here. A scrawny, dirt-covered whining brat is here. A small field mouse scurries by. The hedgehog is sitting here. (AFK HP:662 MA:185 MV:493 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> In The Druid Compound You have found a small compound hidden in the woods. Paths meander through a small scattering of huts. A large oak tree dominates the scene. You hear the quiet bleating of sheep in the distance and the peaceful noises of an active community. Small boys dash here an there doing chores or avoiding them. [Exits: n s w] A bit of paper has been left here. [5] A sturdy town well stands here amid a clutter of buckets. A man dressed in deep green robes stands here observing the trees. (AFK HP:662 MA:185 MV:490 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Beneath A Giant Oak This tree has a trunk so wide it would take ten men to circle it. Its branches spread out to cast a speckled shade over most of the compound. The tree bark is beginning to peel away from the trunk. A footpath circles the trunk and leads to the rest of the compound. The branches of the tree spiral around the trunk like a staircase. [Exits: n e s w u] A bit of paper has been left here. A man dressed in deep green robes stands here studying the earth beneath his feet. A black pig is here rooting for food. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. (AFK HP:662 MA:185 MV:488 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:662 MA:185 MV:488 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Before A Small Altar This small altar is little more than three slabs of stone arranged like a table. Flowers, mistletoe and some branches of rowan smolder upon the top of the altar. Runes have been etched into the edge of this simple place of worship. [Exits: w] A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. [2] (AFK HP:663 MA:185 MV:485 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> rest Alas, you cannot go that way. (AFK HP:663 MA:185 MV:485 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You sit down and rest your tired bones. (AFK HP:663 MA:185 MV:486 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Resting AL:953)> tell drak im gunna heal to full if you dont get back here inv You tell Drakkon, 'im gunna heal to full if you dont get back here' (AFK HP:665 MA:186 MV:505 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Resting AL:953)> You are carrying: some small dark green leaves a vial containing a clear liquid a camel skin watersack a patterned scarlet wool bag a DERT bag an elm bark canoe (slightly damaged) (AFK HP:665 MA:186 MV:507 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Resting AL:953)> st chant kere drva vant ex You stand up. (AFK HP:666 MA:187 MV:519 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Chanting the words 'kere drva vant ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You have created a handful of small glowing roots! (AFK HP:666 MA:164 MV:521 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> eat roots (AFK HP:666 MA:164 MV:523 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You feel quite a bit better. You eat some glowing roots. (AFK HP:684 MA:164 MV:523 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> chant kere drva vant ex eat roots Chanting the words 'kere drva vant ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You have created a handful of small glowing roots! (AFK HP:685 MA:140 MV:526 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:685 MA:140 MV:527 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You feel quite a bit better. You eat some glowing roots. (AFK HP:704 MA:141 MV:528 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A black pig has arrived from the west. (AFK HP:705 MA:141 MV:529 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> rest You sit down and rest your tired bones. (AFK HP:706 MA:142 MV:531 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Resting AL:953)> st You stand up. (AFK HP:707 MA:143 MV:547 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> hunt drakk You could not find a trail. (AFK HP:707 MA:143 MV:548 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> hunt drakk (AFK HP:707 MA:143 MV:551 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You pick up the trail. The trail to your prey leads west. It is cold. (AFK HP:707 MA:143 MV:551 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w n Beneath A Giant Oak This tree has a trunk so wide it would take ten men to circle it. Its branches spread out to cast a speckled shade over most of the compound. The tree bark is beginning to peel away from the trunk. A footpath circles the trunk and leads to the rest of the compound. The branches of the tree spiral around the trunk like a staircase. [Exits: n e s w u] A bit of paper has been left here. A pig is here rooting around for food. A man dressed in deep green robes stands here studying the earth beneath his feet. The trail to your prey leads north. It is poor. (AFK HP:708 MA:144 MV:551 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n In The Druid Compound You have found a small compound hidden in the woods. Paths meander through a small scattering of huts. A large oak tree dominates the scene. You hear the quiet bleating of sheep in the distance and the peaceful noises of an active community. Small boys dash here an there doing chores or avoiding them. [Exits: n s w] A bit of paper has been left here. [5] A sturdy town well stands here amid a clutter of buckets. A man dressed in deep green robes stands here observing the trees. The trail to your prey leads north. It is poor. (AFK HP:708 MA:144 MV:549 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> headbutt drakk A Path Through The Wood The path between Tara and the sea wanders west and north among the trunks of oaks and elms. The canopy of leaves doesn't quite block out the sunlight. Bright sunbeams dot the path in front of you. A large tree blocks the way south. [Exits: n s w] A bit of paper has been left here. A scrawny, dirt-covered whining brat is here. [2] A small field mouse scurries by. The hedgehog is sitting here. The trail to your prey leads north. It is fair. (AFK HP:708 MA:144 MV:546 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:708 MA:144 MV:546 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> They're not here. (AFK HP:708 MA:144 MV:546 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A grubby child throws her head back and cackles with insane glee! (AFK HP:708 MA:144 MV:547 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n headbutt drakk Under A Stone Dolmen An arch made of three huge stones tower over you. The stones are carved with runes and stylized pictures. A patch of darker shadow seems to be a small niche on the inside of one of the stones. Many booted feet have worn a clear path to the east and south. A faint path fades into the north as if only a few brave souls enter that dangerous region. [Exits: n e s] You catch the odor of something unpleasant growing here. A bit of paper has been left here. The trail to your prey leads east. It is relatively good. (AFK HP:709 MA:144 MV:546 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:709 MA:144 MV:546 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> They're not here. (AFK HP:709 MA:144 MV:546 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> e headbutt drakk A Game Trail In The Forest The light trail leading west and south almost disappears in the sun-dappled forest floor. Bracken and undergrowth seem to shy away from this area. A small line of mushrooms trace a circle around the bit of clear ground where you stand. [Exits: n e s w u d] An eerie-looking, completely dark purple plant lurks in the underbrush here. A white ice box rests against the wall. A narrow pallet covered with furs lies against the wall. A small rowan tree grows here. A small ash tree stands here, barely clinging onto the ground. A tall willow sways back and forth in the wind. A small holly tree tries to grow in the midst of its surroundings. An old oak tree stands like a majestic watcher over the landscape. A small spring wells up from the the base of one of the stones. A cute woolly sheep grazes here hungrily. The hedgehog is sitting here. The trail to your prey leads south. It is fresh. (AFK HP:709 MA:145 MV:545 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> They're not here. (AFK HP:709 MA:145 MV:546 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> s Drakkon has arrived from the south. Your prey has arrived! (AFK HP:710 MA:145 MV:547 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> headbutt drakk Moy Tura A line of grave markers skirts the edge of this clearing. Bits of armor and weapons jut up from the ground, as if the earth swallowed the battling armies in protest. A small stream with a safe path along its bank lies to the south of the field. A worn path leads to the north. [Exits: n e s] The corpse of a wild boar is lying here. An autumn crocus pokes its way out of the ground here. A brown squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. A brown squirrel flicks its tail back and forth, agitated by something. (AFK HP:710 MA:145 MV:544 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> They're not here. (AFK HP:710 MA:145 MV:544 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n Drakkon has arrived from the north. (AFK HP:710 MA:146 MV:546 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> headbutt drakk You feel a sudden pain as somebody places a sharp wit in your back. (AFK HP:660 MA:146 MV:546 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> No way, you are fighting! (AFK HP:660 MA:146 MV:547 XP to Lvl:74967696 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You knock Drakkon down with a powerful headbutt! (AFK HP:660/724 MA:146/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 9 times. You decimate Drakkon with your powerful crush! Drakkon is stunned, but will probably recover. Drakkon slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. Drakkon has several wounds. (AFK HP:660/724 MA:146/475 W/A:0 Standing)> headbutt drakk Drakkon knocks you backwards with a jumping kick to the face. (AFK HP:624/724 MA:146/475 W/A:0 Standing)> (AFK HP:624/724 MA:146/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Drakkon quickly attacks 9 times and hits 8 times. You parry an attack from Drakkon! Drakkon stings you extremely hard. You block Drakkon's sting. You quickly attack 8 times and hit 5 times. You crush Drakkon extremely hard. Drakkon has several wounds. (AFK HP:610/724 MA:146/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You knock Drakkon down with a powerful headbutt! (AFK HP:611/724 MA:146/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 8 times. A black horseshoe is damaged as it is hit! You rip Drakkon to shreds with your amazing crush! Drakkon slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. Drakkon has many nasty wounds. Drakkon quickly attacks and hits 8 times. Drakkon obliterates you with his horrific sting! (AFK HP:581/724 MA:146/475 W/A:0 Standing)> inspire (AFK HP:581/724 MA:146/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Drakkon knocks you backwards with a jumping kick to the face. (AFK HP:542/724 MA:146/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 8 times. You crush Drakkon extremely hard. Drakkon blocks your crush. Drakkon has many nasty wounds. Drakkon quickly attacks 8 times and hits 7 times. You parry an attack from Drakkon! Drakkon demolishes you with his sting! (AFK HP:518/724 MA:146/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You use the power of your voice and persuasive abilities to inspire everyone. Drakkon looks inspired to fight more ferociously! (AFK HP:518/724 MA:147/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack 8 times and hit 5 times. Drakkon parries one of your attacks! You pulverize Drakkon with your crush. Drakkon has many nasty wounds. Drakkon quickly attacks and hits 8 times. Drakkon demolishes you with his sting! (AFK HP:493/724 MA:147/475 W/A:0 Standing)> kick You quickly attack 9 times and hit 7 times. Drakkon parries one of your attacks! You crush Drakkon hard. Drakkon blocks your crush. Drakkon is bleeding freely. Drakkon quickly attacks 8 times and hits 7 times. Drakkon's massive flurry of attacks sends him sprawling to the ground! Drakkon obliterates you with his horrific sting! You block Drakkon's sting. (AFK HP:470/724 MA:147/475 W/A:0 Standing)> (AFK HP:470/724 MA:147/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Drakkon slowly gets back to his feet. (AFK HP:470/724 MA:147/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Your kick flies by Drakkon. (AFK HP:470/724 MA:147/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Drakkon kicks you in the solar plexus, rendering you breathless. (AFK HP:430/724 MA:147/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack 8 times and hit 6 times. Drakkon parries one of your attacks! You demolish Drakkon with your crush! Drakkon blocks your crush. Drakkon is bleeding freely. Drakkon quickly attacks 9 times and hits 8 times. Drakkon stings you extremely hard. You block Drakkon's sting. (AFK HP:417/724 MA:147/475 W/A:0 Standing)> chant guh vya lak ex (AFK HP:417/724 MA:147/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 8 times. You pulverize Drakkon with your crush. Drakkon blocks your crush. Drakkon is bleeding freely. Drakkon quickly attacks 8 times and hits 7 times. You parry an attack from Drakkon! Drakkon obliterates you with his horrific sting! (AFK HP:387/724 MA:147/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Chanting the words 'guh vya lak ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You try to stun Drakkon, but unfortunately for you, Drakkon saw it coming a mile away and rolled out of your blast. (AFK HP:388/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Drakkon knocks you backwards with a jumping kick to the face. (AFK HP:358/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack 8 times and hit 5 times. Drakkon parries one of your attacks! You crush Drakkon extremely hard. Drakkon blocks your crush. Drakkon is covered in blood. Drakkon quickly attacks and hits 8 times. Drakkon obliterates you with his horrific sting! You block Drakkon's sting. (AFK HP:330/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> headbutt drakk You quickly attack 8 times and hit 6 times. Drakkon parries one of your attacks! You demolish Drakkon with your crush! Drakkon blocks your crush. Drakkon is covered in blood. Drakkon quickly attacks 8 times and hits 7 times. You parry an attack from Drakkon! Drakkon demolishes you with his sting! You block Drakkon's sting. (AFK HP:307/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> (AFK HP:307/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Drakkon tumbles out of the way of your headbutt! (AFK HP:307/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Drakkon misses you with a badly-aimed kick. (AFK HP:307/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 8 times. You massacre Drakkon with your crush. Drakkon blocks your crush. Drakkon is covered in blood. Drakkon quickly attacks 8 times and hits 7 times. You parry an attack from Drakkon! Drakkon obliterates you with his horrific sting! Blood oozes from your new wound. (AFK HP:279/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> headbutt drakk (AFK HP:279/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack 9 times and hit 8 times. Drakkon parries one of your attacks! You crush Drakkon hard. Drakkon blocks your crush. Drakkon is covered in blood. Drakkon quickly attacks 8 times and hits 5 times. You parry an attack from Drakkon! Drakkon stings you extremely hard. You block Drakkon's sting. (AFK HP:268/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Drakkon tumbles out of the way of your headbutt! (AFK HP:268/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Drakkon spins, kicking you in the chest. (AFK HP:233/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack 8 times and hit 5 times. Drakkon parries one of your attacks! You crush Drakkon. Drakkon blocks your crush. Drakkon is leaking guts. Drakkon quickly attacks 9 times and hits 8 times. Drakkon obliterates you with his horrific sting! Blood oozes from your new wound. (AFK HP:204/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> kick You quickly attack 8 times and hit 7 times. You crush Drakkon hard. Drakkon blocks your crush. Drakkon is leaking guts. Drakkon quickly attacks 8 times and hits 6 times. Drakkon demolishes you with his sting! You can't take much more of this! (AFK HP:179/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Your beautiful kick misses Drakkon by a mile. (AFK HP:179/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> kick Drakkon spins, kicking you in the chest. [Chat] Hrun: well whos up for a good old fashioned re-equing? (AFK HP:147/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack 8 times and hit 7 times. Drakkon parries one of your attacks! You crush Drakkon. Drakkon blocks your crush. Drakkon is leaking guts. Drakkon quickly attacks 8 times and hits 6 times. You parry an attack from Drakkon! Drakkon demolishes you with his sting! You can't take much more of this! (AFK HP:122/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> (AFK HP:122/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> clear You quickly attack 8 times and hit 4 times. Drakkon parries one of your attacks! You crush Drakkon. Drakkon blocks your crush. Drakkon is leaking guts. Drakkon quickly attacks 8 times and hits 6 times. You parry an attack from Drakkon! Drakkon pulverizes you with his sting. You can't take much more of this! (AFK HP:107/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Input buffer cleared. (AFK HP:107/724 MA:113/475 W/A:0 Standing)> flee You panic, and attempt to flee. A Wooded Dell The forest floor dips down into this cozy dell. Bracken and undergrowth cling closely to the trees. The shadows here are a bit deeper than the rest of the forest. There are some tracks on the ground. [Exits: n e s w d] A tall spike of red-violet flowers is growing here. Miniature daisies are growing out of fernlike foliage here. A small canoe has been discarded here. An invading Fomori warrior stumbles around completely confused by the wilderness. (AFK HP:107 MA:114 MV:566 XP to Lvl:74968246 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> chant kere drva vant ex s Drakkon has arrived from the west. (AFK HP:107 MA:114 MV:567 XP to Lvl:74968246 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You feel a sudden pain as somebody places a sharp wit in your back. Chanting the words 'kere drva vant ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You have created a handful of small glowing roots! (AFK HP:56 MA:90 MV:567 XP to Lvl:74968246 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Drakkon quickly attacks 9 times and hits 8 times. You parry an attack from Drakkon! Drakkon obliterates you with his horrific sting! You can't take much more of this! You quickly attack 9 times and hit 5 times. Drakkon parries one of your attacks! You crush Drakkon. Drakkon blocks your crush. Drakkon is leaking guts. (AFK HP:27/724 MA:90/475 W/A:0 Standing)> flee No way, you are fighting! (AFK HP:27/724 MA:90/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You panic, and attempt to flee. A Wolf's Den The dark shadows gather menacingly at the entrance to a cave. There are many wolf tracks and scattered bones scattered about the entrance. The strong scent of wet fur assails your nostrils. [Exits: n e s w] The corpse of a wolf is lying here. [2] A blue-violet flower shaped like a monk's hood grows in a moist patch here. (AFK HP:27 MA:90 MV:565 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w Drakkon has arrived from the west. (AFK HP:27 MA:90 MV:566 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> [Info]: Maus has reached the next level! (AFK HP:27 MA:90 MV:566 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> flee A Wooded Dell The forest floor dips down into this cozy dell. Bracken and undergrowth cling closely to the trees. The shadows here are a bit deeper than the rest of the forest. There are some tracks on the ground. [Exits: n e s w d] A tall spike of red-violet flowers is growing here. Miniature daisies are growing out of fernlike foliage here. A small canoe has been discarded here. An invading Fomori warrior stumbles around completely confused by the wilderness. [Chat] Razumikin: Ill help out i guess (AFK HP:27 MA:90 MV:562 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Drakkon has arrived from the east. (AFK HP:27 MA:90 MV:563 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w You panic, and attempt to flee. A Dusty Road This road runs east and west between Tara and the eastern sea. Ruts mark the passing of many wagon wheels. The dust of your passing tickles your nose and your mouth. Oddly enough, you have the distinct feeling that this road isn't used that much anymore. [Exits: n e w] You nearly miss spotting a 3" dark green, hairy plant growing here. A brown squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. A small hairy creature with a HUGE nose glares at you from the corner. An invading Fomori warrior stumbles around completely confused by the wilderness. (AFK HP:27 MA:90 MV:560 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n A Small Path Next To A Creek A bubbling creek sparkles in the light filtering down through the roof of interlocking branches and leaves that overhang this path. There is a small patch of clearing along the creek's edge that looks like the perfect place for a picnic. A clear path leads toward the sea to the east and north towards Tara. [Exits: n e] Trish is standing here. A black stallion tosses its mane and looks at you with intelligent eyes. The hedgehog is sitting here. (AFK HP:27 MA:91 MV:558 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w Moy Tura A line of grave markers skirts the edge of this clearing. Bits of armor and weapons jut up from the ground, as if the earth swallowed the battling armies in protest. A small stream with a safe path along its bank lies to the south of the field. A worn path leads to the north. [Exits: n e s] The corpse of a wild boar is lying here. An autumn crocus pokes its way out of the ground here. A brown squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. (AFK HP:27 MA:91 MV:555 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Alas, you cannot go that way. (AFK HP:27 MA:91 MV:556 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n w s s s s e e [Chat] Hrun: cool (AFK HP:27 MA:91 MV:557 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Game Trail In The Forest The light trail leading west and south almost disappears in the sun-dappled forest floor. Bracken and undergrowth seem to shy away from this area. A small line of mushrooms trace a circle around the bit of clear ground where you stand. [Exits: n e s w u d] An eerie-looking, completely dark purple plant lurks in the underbrush here. A white ice box rests against the wall. A narrow pallet covered with furs lies against the wall. A small rowan tree grows here. A small ash tree stands here, barely clinging onto the ground. A tall willow sways back and forth in the wind. A small holly tree tries to grow in the midst of its surroundings. An old oak tree stands like a majestic watcher over the landscape. A small spring wells up from the the base of one of the stones. The hedgehog is sitting here. (AFK HP:27 MA:91 MV:553 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Under A Stone Dolmen An arch made of three huge stones tower over you. The stones are carved with runes and stylized pictures. A patch of darker shadow seems to be a small niche on the inside of one of the stones. Many booted feet have worn a clear path to the east and south. A faint path fades into the north as if only a few brave souls enter that dangerous region. [Exits: n e s] You catch the odor of something unpleasant growing here. A bit of paper has been left here. A scrawny, dirt-covered whining brat is here. (AFK HP:27 MA:91 MV:550 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Path Through The Wood The path between Tara and the sea wanders west and north among the trunks of oaks and elms. The canopy of leaves doesn't quite block out the sunlight. Bright sunbeams dot the path in front of you. A large tree blocks the way south. [Exits: n s w] A bit of paper has been left here. A scrawny, dirt-covered whining brat is here. A small field mouse scurries by. The hedgehog is sitting here. (AFK HP:27 MA:91 MV:547 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> In The Druid Compound You have found a small compound hidden in the woods. Paths meander through a small scattering of huts. A large oak tree dominates the scene. You hear the quiet bleating of sheep in the distance and the peaceful noises of an active community. Small boys dash here an there doing chores or avoiding them. [Exits: n s w] A bit of paper has been left here. [5] A sturdy town well stands here amid a clutter of buckets. A man dressed in deep green robes stands here studying the earth beneath his feet. A man dressed in deep green robes stands here observing the trees. (AFK HP:27 MA:91 MV:544 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Beneath A Giant Oak This tree has a trunk so wide it would take ten men to circle it. Its branches spread out to cast a speckled shade over most of the compound. The tree bark is beginning to peel away from the trunk. A footpath circles the trunk and leads to the rest of the compound. The branches of the tree spiral around the trunk like a staircase. [Exits: n e s w u] A bit of paper has been left here. A pig is here rooting around for food. (AFK HP:27 MA:91 MV:542 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> eat roots The Corral A simple wooden slot fence keeps the animals from wandering beyond this small area. Of course, one of the slats has fallen allowing the animals free reign. The corral is dotted with buttercups and clover. [Exits: n e s] A bit of paper has been left here. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. A dirty pig is here rooting for food. (AFK HP:27 MA:91 MV:539 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Pigsty You have fallen into the pigsty and are covered with muck. Several pigs are wondering why you dropped in for a visit. [Exits: w] A bit of paper has been left here. [2] (AFK HP:27 MA:91 MV:535 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Alas, you cannot go that way. (AFK HP:27 MA:91 MV:535 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You feel quite a bit better. You eat some glowing roots. (AFK HP:58 MA:91 MV:536 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> chant kere drva vant ex chant kere drva vant ex chant kere drva vant ex Chanting the words 'kere drva vant ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You have created a handful of small glowing roots! (AFK HP:58 MA:67 MV:537 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> eat roots eat roots eat roots (AFK HP:58 MA:68 MV:538 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Chanting the words 'kere drva vant ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You have created a handful of small glowing roots! (AFK HP:58 MA:44 MV:538 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> clear Chanting the words 'kere drva vant ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You have created a handful of small glowing roots! (AFK HP:58 MA:20 MV:539 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Input buffer cleared. (AFK HP:58 MA:20 MV:539 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Drakkon has arrived from the west. (AFK HP:58 MA:20 MV:540 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> eat roots eat roots eat roots eat roots You feel quite a bit better. You eat some glowing roots. (AFK HP:97 MA:20 MV:540 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You feel quite a bit better. You eat some glowing roots. (AFK HP:136 MA:20 MV:540 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You feel quite a bit better. You eat some glowing roots. You are full. (AFK HP:173 MA:20 MV:540 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You do not have that item. (AFK HP:173 MA:20 MV:541 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w Drakkon kicks you in the solar plexus, rendering you breathless. (AFK HP:142/724 MA:20/475 W/A:0 Standing)> Drakkon quickly attacks 9 times and hits 8 times. You parry an attack from Drakkon! Drakkon obliterates you with his horrific sting! You can't take much more of this! You quickly attack 9 times and hit 8 times. Drakkon parries one of your attacks! You obliterate Drakkon with your horrific crush! Drakkon panics, and attempts to flee. Drakkon leaves west. (AFK HP:117 MA:20 MV:542 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> The Corral A simple wooden slot fence keeps the animals from wandering beyond this small area. Of course, one of the slats has fallen allowing the animals free reign. The corral is dotted with buttercups and clover. [Exits: n e s] A bit of paper has been left here. Drakkon is standing here. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. A dirty pig is here rooting for food. (AFK HP:117 MA:20 MV:539 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> headbutt dra headbutt dra Drakkon suffers from his bleeding wounds. You are thirsty. The pale pink aura fades ever so slightly. You feel the strength ebbing from your body. Your wounds begin to heal as your bleeding stops. (AFK HP:117 MA:20 MV:540 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You grab Drakkon and smash him in the head with your head, knocking him down! (AFK HP:118/724 MA:20/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 9 times. You decimate Drakkon with your powerful crush! Drakkon is stunned, but will probably recover. Drakkon slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. Drakkon panics, and attempts to flee. Drakkon leaves east. (AFK HP:118 MA:20 MV:542 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> e headbutt dra (AFK HP:118 MA:21 MV:545 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> They're not here. (AFK HP:119 MA:21 MV:549 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Pigsty You have fallen into the pigsty and are covered with muck. Several pigs are wondering why you dropped in for a visit. [Exits: w] A bit of paper has been left here. [2] Drakkon is standing here. (AFK HP:119 MA:21 MV:545 XP to Lvl:74968796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You feel a sudden pain as somebody places a sharp wit in your back. Drakkon quickly attacks and hits 9 times. A tattoo of a huge skull entwined with a serpent is damaged as it is hit! Drakkon obliterates you with his horrific sting! Blood oozes from your new wound. You can't take much more of this! (AFK HP:50/724 MA:21/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You grab Drakkon and smash him in the head with your head, knocking him down! (AFK HP:50/724 MA:21/475 W/A:0 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 9 times. You send Drakkon to the grave with your mighty crush. Drakkon is stunned, but will probably recover. Drakkon slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. Drakkon is DYING. (AFK HP:50/724 MA:21/475 W/A:0 Standing)> headbutt dra You are stunned, but will probably recover. (AFK HP:0/724 MA:21/475 W/A:0 STUNNED!)> (AFK HP:0/724 MA:21/475 W/A:0 STUNNED!)> You have been KILLED!! [Info]: Sabu is dead, driven into the ground by Drakkon. What would you like to do now? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [1] Enter the game [2] Return to the main screen [3] Enter a full description [4] Legendary Times subscription information [5] Archive this character [0] Exit LegendMUD Your choice? 1 The Falcon Inn This inn is warm and smoky. Dark timbers hang low over your head, contributing to the crowded feeling that pervades the room. A fire burns in one corner, and a large charred spit sits over it, ready for the next meal. A narrow stairway beside the kitchen in the rear leads upstairs to some rooms. [Exits: w] A small boat-shaped terra-cotta oil lamp lies here, extinguished. A pair of leather crepidae have been discarded here. A well-handled coin so old its value marker has been rubbed off has fallen from someone's purse. A mailbox sits in the corner here. A directory board holding both news and 'welcome' information stands here. A lady's maidservant is out running errands. A tavern wench flounces by carrying a tray of drinks. Calpurnius the innkeeper carefully watches the kegs of ale. Sabu has entered the game. (AFK HP:1 MA:21 MV:546 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> info no way! [Info] Sabu: no way! (AFK HP:2 MA:22 MV:551 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w [Info] Loki: O.O A Paved Street The main street through Aquae Sulis is paved with cobblestones and rough-edged stonework forming an even surface for carts to roll along. The curb on the edge of the street is high and filth washes by in the gutters on either side of the street. Stepping stones are placed at intersections so townspeople may cross the street without ever touching the refuse that has collected there. Despite the fetor and rubbish all around, you are pleased, for this town is far cleaner than Londinium or some of the larger cities in Britannia. The Sandstone Gate and the exit to the city are just north of you, and a swinging wooden sign indicates an inn lies to the east. [Exits: n e w] A Roman citizen shuffles by, reeking of fish. (AFK HP:2 MA:22 MV:551 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n n n n n n The Sandstone Gate A low but thick wall surrounds the town of Aquae Sulis. The only opening evident in this barrier is a low-set sandstone gate manned by uniformed guards. The guards appear to be locals, for, although this is a roman town, most of the army regulars have left already. [Exits: n s] A woolen gown has been left here on the ground. A Roman citizen is here, an apron tied about his waist. A town guard is sitting here. (AFK HP:3 MA:23 MV:552 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Outskirts of Aquae Sulis This stretch of road between the main road just north of you and the town of Aquae Sulis to the south is probably the best maintained via you have seen. The trees here are sparse, and fields owned and worked by the curial class approach the road on either side. Occasionally the white gleam of a country villa can be seen off in the distance. You have none of the fears of imminent attack which plagued you on your journey through the rougher parts of Britannia. [Exits: n e s] (AFK HP:3 MA:23 MV:550 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Outside Aquae Sulis The Roman road here turns south towards the town of Aquae Sulis, famed throughout Britannia for its aquae thermae, or hot springs. Roman citizens come here for the baths, hoping to gain the benefits of the water's medicinal powers. The road away from Aquae Sulis leads east towards Londinium, or north to the wilderness of Dyfed and thence to the depths of barbarian territory. [Exits: n e s] A tangle of leather and stones is here taking up space. A small field mouse scurries by. A pigeon is here keeping an eye on you as it searches for food. [2] A dark feathered bird paces back and forth here. (AFK HP:3 MA:23 MV:547 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Bridge Across the Sabrina The Roman road through the land of the Silures isn't as well kept up as you'd expect from the Empire. Far to the north of you lies the Hivernian Ocean, and a garrison at Viroconium. The road also goes south to Aquae Sulis. You can also see a much worse road, clearly not of Roman build, leading directly east into the lands of the Catuvellauni. [Exits: n e s] A pigeon is here keeping an eye on you as it searches for food. A low-ranking officer in the Roman legions is standing here. A brown and white game bird flutters around in the nearby foliage. A dark feathered bird paces back and forth here. A small doe is grazing here. A finch flutters about, chirping innocently. (AFK HP:3 MA:23 MV:545 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Roman Road Outside Viroconium The road leads north and south, and despite the occasional rebellions among the Ordovices and the other tribes of Gwynedd and Dyfed it has always been a fairly safe road on which to travel. However, the garrison at Viroconium seems to have disappeared.... The road continues northerly, angling slightly to the west, eventually leading to the port of Segontium, in the depths of Gwynedd. [Exits: n s] The area around you is covered by the reedy stalks of some brownish plant. Orange-red berries grow on a many-branched shrub here. A well-muscled Roman legionary is here. A sparrow flutters about, chirping innocently. A person wrapped in a blanket is here, herding sheep. A jackrabbit turns his huge ears about warily here. A pigeon is here keeping an eye on you as it searches for food. (AFK HP:3 MA:23 MV:542 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> On the Beach at Segontium Normally Roman warships are gathered here at Segontium, prepared to defend the Oceanus Hivernicus against attacks by Hivernian sailors, or to ferry the legions to places where the foul druids have reared their heads once again-- which they are rumored yet to do on the Isle of Man. If you had a boat, you could set sail to the north, out of the bay. The road also leads south away from here. [Exits: n s w] A sea gull seems to hover here in the air as it takes advantage of the wind. (AFK HP:3 MA:23 MV:539 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n n An elm bark canoe forges through the waters. On the Hivernian Ocean Just north of the beach at Segontium, the ocean is incredibly rough. Rocks in the ocean prevent your going anywhere but north and south, and even this narrow and treacherous channel is uncertain. [Exits: n s] (AFK HP:4 MA:23 MV:540 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> On the Hivernian Ocean Far to the north you can see the cliffs of the Isle of Man, but there's nowhere to land there. Southwards you think you can see the coast of Gwynedd, obscured by perpetual fog. To the west lies the open sea. [Exits: e s w] (AFK HP:4 MA:23 MV:539 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w w w w w On the Hivernian Ocean In the midst of the open sea, you can feel every toss of waves and feel the water soaking your clothes to the bone. Land is nowhere visible. [Exits: n e s w] Someone has pulled a scrawny little fish out of the water. A good-sized mackerel swims in the water. (AFK HP:4 MA:24 MV:539 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> [Info] Razumikin: was that a duel or what? (AFK HP:5 MA:24 MV:539 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> On the Hivernian Ocean A beach and beyond it, the green countryside of Eire! Landfall is west of you. The Hivernian Ocean continues in all other directions. [Exits: n e s w] (AFK HP:5 MA:24 MV:537 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Rocky Beach Large rocks are slowly being pounded into sand by the waves crashing toward the shore. The sky is filled with the raucous calls of dozens of seagulls wheeling and flapping around each other in a perpetual contest for food. A few small boats are beached near an old man who looks quite bribable. [Exits: e w] A long sword has been discarded here. An old man is here 'watching' the boats. (AFK HP:5 MA:24 MV:535 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> The Fomori Camp This semi-permanent camp looks mostly deserted. A few of the cookfires are smoldering in front of the tents. Scattered equipment makes a maze for the mice running through the camp. A well packed trail leads off to the east toward the sea. Another trail leads west towards an old road. [Exits: n e w] A small fishing boat has been dragged ashore and left here. A brown squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. (AFK HP:5 MA:24 MV:532 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Dusty Road This road runs east and west between Tara and the eastern sea. Ruts mark the passing of many wagon wheels. The dust of your passing tickles your nose and your mouth. Oddly enough, you have the distinct feeling that this road isn't used that much anymore. [Exits: n e w] You nearly miss spotting a 3" dark green, hairy plant growing here. A small field mouse scurries by. (AFK HP:5 MA:24 MV:529 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w w w A Small Path Next To A Creek A bubbling creek sparkles in the light filtering down through the roof of interlocking branches and leaves that overhang this path. There is a small patch of clearing along the creek's edge that looks like the perfect place for a picnic. A clear path leads toward the sea to the east and north towards Tara. [Exits: n e] An invading Fomori warrior stumbles around completely confused by the wilderness. A blond, muscular drug dealer stands here, checking his pager. Trish is standing here. A black stallion tosses its mane and looks at you with intelligent eyes. The hedgehog is sitting here. (AFK HP:5 MA:24 MV:530 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Alas, you cannot go that way. (AFK HP:5 MA:24 MV:530 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Alas, you cannot go that way. (AFK HP:5 MA:24 MV:530 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> n n Moy Tura A line of grave markers skirts the edge of this clearing. Bits of armor and weapons jut up from the ground, as if the earth swallowed the battling armies in protest. A small stream with a safe path along its bank lies to the south of the field. A worn path leads to the north. [Exits: n e s] The corpse of a wild boar is lying here. An autumn crocus pokes its way out of the ground here. (AFK HP:6 MA:25 MV:529 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Game Trail In The Forest The light trail leading west and south almost disappears in the sun-dappled forest floor. Bracken and undergrowth seem to shy away from this area. A small line of mushrooms trace a circle around the bit of clear ground where you stand. [Exits: n e s w u d] An eerie-looking, completely dark purple plant lurks in the underbrush here. A white ice box rests against the wall. A narrow pallet covered with furs lies against the wall. A small rowan tree grows here. A small ash tree stands here, barely clinging onto the ground. A tall willow sways back and forth in the wind. A small holly tree tries to grow in the midst of its surroundings. An old oak tree stands like a majestic watcher over the landscape. A small spring wells up from the the base of one of the stones. The hedgehog is sitting here. (AFK HP:6 MA:25 MV:526 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w s s s Under A Stone Dolmen An arch made of three huge stones tower over you. The stones are carved with runes and stylized pictures. A patch of darker shadow seems to be a small niche on the inside of one of the stones. Many booted feet have worn a clear path to the east and south. A faint path fades into the north as if only a few brave souls enter that dangerous region. [Exits: n e s] You catch the odor of something unpleasant growing here. A bit of paper has been left here. A small field mouse scurries by. A scrawny, dirt-covered whining brat is here. (AFK HP:7 MA:25 MV:525 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Path Through The Wood The path between Tara and the sea wanders west and north among the trunks of oaks and elms. The canopy of leaves doesn't quite block out the sunlight. Bright sunbeams dot the path in front of you. A large tree blocks the way south. [Exits: n s w] A bit of paper has been left here. A scrawny, dirt-covered whining brat is here. The hedgehog is sitting here. (AFK HP:7 MA:25 MV:523 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:7 MA:25 MV:523 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> In The Druid Compound You have found a small compound hidden in the woods. Paths meander through a small scattering of huts. A large oak tree dominates the scene. You hear the quiet bleating of sheep in the distance and the peaceful noises of an active community. Small boys dash here an there doing chores or avoiding them. [Exits: n s w] A bit of paper has been left here. [5] A sturdy town well stands here amid a clutter of buckets. (AFK HP:7 MA:25 MV:520 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Beneath A Giant Oak This tree has a trunk so wide it would take ten men to circle it. Its branches spread out to cast a speckled shade over most of the compound. The tree bark is beginning to peel away from the trunk. A footpath circles the trunk and leads to the rest of the compound. The branches of the tree spiral around the trunk like a staircase. [Exits: n e s w u] A bit of paper has been left here. A pig is here rooting around for food. (AFK HP:7 MA:25 MV:517 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> s The Corral A simple wooden slot fence keeps the animals from wandering beyond this small area. Of course, one of the slats has fallen allowing the animals free reign. The corral is dotted with buttercups and clover. [Exits: n e s] A bit of paper has been left here. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. A dirty pig is here rooting for food. (AFK HP:7 MA:26 MV:518 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> e [Info] Drakkon: i was mucking around at the beginning with dispel arrows, what a waste of hp (AFK HP:8 MA:26 MV:519 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A Pigsty You have fallen into the pigsty and are covered with muck. Several pigs are wondering why you dropped in for a visit. [Exits: w] The corpse of Sabu is lying here. A bit of paper has been left here. [2] (AFK HP:8 MA:26 MV:515 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:0 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> get all corpse You get 319 gold coins from the corpse of Sabu. You get Herne's hunting horn from the corpse of Sabu. You get Herne's hunting horn from the corpse of Sabu. You get a DERT bag from the corpse of Sabu. You get a black horseshoe from the corpse of Sabu. You get a black lace veil from the corpse of Sabu. You get a braided leather bracelet from the corpse of Sabu. You get a camel skin watersack from the corpse of Sabu. You get a cloak of midnight from the corpse of Sabu. You get a golden torc from the corpse of Sabu. You get a pair of cheetah fur leggings from the corpse of Sabu. You get a pair of worn riding gloves from the corpse of Sabu. You get a patterned scarlet wool bag from the corpse of Sabu. You get a silver pentacle on a leather thong from the corpse of Sabu. You get a skull-headed ring from the corpse of Sabu. You get a small wooden earring from the corpse of Sabu. You get a tattoo of a huge skull entwined with a serpent from the corpse of Sabu. You get a tattoo of an ancient serpent from the corpse of Sabu. You get a tiny jewelled skull from the corpse of Sabu. You get a vial containing a clear liquid from the corpse of Sabu. You get a watch with a silver band from the corpse of Sabu. Press RETURN to continue: You get an amethyst ring from the corpse of Sabu. You get some small dark green leaves from the corpse of Sabu. You are carrying too many items to pick up the PKill Doubles Lightweight Championship Belt. You are carrying too many items to pick up the Uey-Tlatoani's headdress. You are carrying too many items to pick up the staff of the Brahman. You are carrying too many items to pick up incredible luck. Saving... Successful (Rent value: 36103) (AFK HP:9 MA:27 MV:524 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:10 MA:27 MV:526 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> wear all You hold some small dark green leaves in your hands. You wear an amethyst ring on your left ring finger. You wear a watch with a silver band around your left wrist. You hold a vial containing a clear liquid in your hands. You wear a tiny jewelled skull on your left ear. You wear a tattoo of an ancient serpent on your arms. You wear a tattoo of a huge skull entwined with a serpent on your body. You wear a small wooden earring on your right ear. You wear a skull-headed ring on your right ring finger. You wear a silver pentacle on a leather thong around your neck. You hold a patterned scarlet wool bag in your hands. You wear a pair of worn riding gloves on your hands. You wear a pair of cheetah fur leggings on your legs. You wear a golden torc around your neck. You wear a cloak of midnight about your body. Your hands are full. You wear a braided leather bracelet around your right wrist. You wear a black lace veil on your face. You wear a black horseshoe on your feet. Your hands are full. Your hands are full. Your hands are full.get all corpse Press RETURN to continue:wear all Your hands are full. (AFK HP:10 MA:28 MV:528 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> (AFK HP:10 MA:28 MV:529 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Your hands are full. Your hands are full. Your hands are full. Your hands are full. Your hands are full. (AFK HP:10 MA:28 MV:530 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> get all corpse wear all You get the PKill Doubles Lightweight Championship Belt from the corpse of Sabu. You get the Uey-Tlatoani's headdress from the corpse of Sabu. You get the staff of the Brahman from the corpse of Sabu. You get incredible luck from the corpse of Sabu. Saving... Successful (Rent value: 46381) (AFK HP:11 MA:28 MV:533 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> You wear incredible luck on your arm. It is too heavy for you to wield. You wear the Uey-Tlatoani's headdress on your head. You wear the PKill Doubles Lightweight Championship Belt about your waist. Your hands are full. Your hands are full. Your hands are full. Your hands are full. Your hands are full. (AFK HP:11 MA:28 MV:533 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> get all corpse wear all You see nothing in the corpse. Saving... Successful (Rent value: 46381) (AFK HP:12 MA:29 MV:536 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> It is too heavy for you to wield. Your hands are full. Your hands are full. Your hands are full. Your hands are full. Your hands are full. (AFK HP:12 MA:29 MV:537 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> w n The Corral A simple wooden slot fence keeps the animals from wandering beyond this small area. Of course, one of the slats has fallen allowing the animals free reign. The corral is dotted with buttercups and clover. [Exits: n e s] A bit of paper has been left here. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. A dirty pig is here rooting for food. (AFK HP:12 MA:29 MV:536 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Beneath A Giant Oak This tree has a trunk so wide it would take ten men to circle it. Its branches spread out to cast a speckled shade over most of the compound. The tree bark is beginning to peel away from the trunk. A footpath circles the trunk and leads to the rest of the compound. The branches of the tree spiral around the trunk like a staircase. [Exits: n e s w u] A bit of paper has been left here. A pig is here rooting around for food. (AFK HP:12 MA:29 MV:534 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> e Before A Small Altar This small altar is little more than three slabs of stone arranged like a table. Flowers, mistletoe and some branches of rowan smolder upon the top of the altar. Runes have been etched into the edge of this simple place of worship. [Exits: w] Drakkon is resting here. A black pig is here rooting for food. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. [2] (AFK HP:13 MA:30 MV:533 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Drakkon reports: 31/567 hp 346/346 mana 302/542 mv. (AFK HP:13 MA:30 MV:537 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> say i cant believe that 'I cant believe that,' you say, gibbering a little. (AFK HP:14 MA:31 MV:540 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Drakkon snickers softly. (AFK HP:15 MA:32 MV:544 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A fat slob has arrived from the west. (AFK HP:15 MA:32 MV:547 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> A fat slob sits down and rests. (AFK HP:15 MA:32 MV:547 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> Drakkon says, 'I come in you eat like 4 roots i was like WTF?' (AFK HP:16 MA:33 MV:552 XP to Lvl:75343796 GP:319 W/A:0 Standing AL:953)> say i had 50 hps and you were stunned then i got stunned 'I had 50 hps and you were stunned then i got stunned,' you say, gibbering a little.