1999 Family Picnic Electronic Photographs
These photo names are the filename(.jpg) to help keep things straight
 For: Additions, Corrections, Comments, or Removal Requests:
E-mail me here: bfrybarger@prodigy.net       Bob's "other" site is: http://pages.prodigy.net/bfrybarger

 aline                                                                                annsteve
bobh                                                                                      bobf
califnia                                                      chris
cousins1                                                 cousins2
cousins3                                                     dick
eggtoss                                                                          eggtoss2
eggtoss3                                                                        eggtoss4
elenore                                                                               elvira
ericpete                                                                            everett
folks                                                                             foursome
frannie                                                                           frnksoph
frpaul                                                                                frykids
fun                                                                                       gang
gang2                                                                                  gerry
gotcha                                                                                   jean
jerry                                                                                     jodie
judy                                                                                    kids1
kids2                                                                                   kids3
kids4                                                                                   kids5
kids6                                                                              kidstoss
kidtoss2                                                                                 kite
lil-joe                                                                                 lil-john
louleo                                                                                 marge
maryk                                                                                    pair
pals1                                                                                    relax
rita                                                                                        rita2
rosie                                                                                   scene
scene1                                                                              scene2
scene3                                                                           scrambl2
scrambl3                                                                        scramble
lisa                                                                                    sisters
sr-kate                                                                               teresa
threesme                                                                        tomwow

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