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investing... investing can be both an enjoyable and profitable hobby. only 5-10% people really have a grip on their finances and know where they are headed in the future. please take the time to acquaint yourself with how investing prudently now can save you some worry and time in the future. here are some ideas to acquaint yourself with: 19% guaranteed return!! yes, it is possible and for many they don't even realize it. pay off your credit cards! the money you save will be available for other things. look at your last year end statement and see what the finance charges were for your favorite credit cards. now write that number on a piece of paper and make a list of things you could do with it....interesting huh? compound returns if you have $100 in the bank and earn 10%, (yeah, right!) at the end of the year you will have $110. at the end of two years you'll have $121. at the end of three years you'll have $133.10. i think you see the pattern. each year the money will grow in an exponential rate. a nifty rule-of-thumb is called the "rule of 72". if you take the number 72 and devide it by the interest rate you will see how many years it will take to double your money. in the paragraph above we used 10% as the interest rate, so 72/10 = 7.2 years for the original $100 to double to $200. Here is a good example to think about...if you have kids then this will show you how valuable compound returns can be. An investment of $1500 a year for 18 years, ages 1 to 18, growing at 7% a year (after taxes), equals $1.1 million by the time the child is 66. and this is without saving another dime after the age of 18. educate yourself start educating yourself on various options that you have to achieve your goals. There are 100s of websites to get free information. go to www.quicken.com or www.fool.com to get started. be an investor and not a trader try not to get caught in the trap of trading to often. it shows that you don't know enough about your company. think long term as in 10 or more years. if the price of your investment goes down maybe you should buy more....think of it as being on sale. taxes simply put pay the least amount possible. get professional advice and use it. it is not patriotic to pay 'your fair share'....it stupid and there is nothing against the law about paying the very lowest possible. if you worry the government will not be able to carry out the social programs without your taxes then go out in your community and find a group that will champion the causes you believe in and give them the money...they will probably spend it better....and yes, you get a tax write off. invest in yourself don't forget to invest in yourself...many people have saved and invested, then get hit by a train...spend a little on you and the things that you like to do so you can see that here is a certain amount of instant reward for the effort and sacrifices you have made to build your personal wealth. gambling the best advice that i have heard on gambling is this "every dollar i don't gamble, i win.". gambling is for people that don't have an investment plan. think long term
get this now! go to this website: http://edit.yahoo.com/config/download_companion and get the yahoo companion plug-in for your browser. Just click on the "Get Yahoo! Companion now!" button and it will automatically load on to your browser. (click on 'grant' if a window pops up asking whether or not to grant permission to load this.) this will load for both microsoft internet explorer and netscape navigator browser, as long as they are version 4.0 or higher...to have the yahoo! ticker on both browsers you will have to go to the webpage once with netscape and once with msie. this will add a stock look up bar to the browser that allows you to have all the functionality of the yahoo! finance page available to you with out having to use the website. give it a try.... here is a pic of your browser before the stock ticker bar: ![]() and this is what the browser will look like after the add on: ![]() i hope that you find this useful and allows you to learn a little bit more about the companies you follow. if you have a yahoo! profile that you have already set up (to follow stock portfolios for example) you can sign in with your yahoo! username and password and have your portfolios ready to go on the bar....email me if you need any further assistance. when will you be as rich as bill gates? american national debt
the estimated population of the united states is 273,998,265, so each citizen's share of this debt is $20,679.21. the national debt has continued to increase an average of $211,000,000/day since november 30, 1998! loan calculator fill in the fields, then click on the appropriate button. mortgage calculator tax information online yahoo research for any stock enter the ticker that you are interested in, then choose what type of info you would like to see. you can choose from basic, performance, fundamentals, detailed, chart or research. if you are not sure what the ticker symbol for the stock is then click on this link to look up a symbol. market info from cnnfn.com search cnnfn for quotes and news
suggest reading list below are a few suggested books to get you started or expand your knowledge of investing. i am offering these through www.amazon.com as their selection is broad and their prices are the best available. by purchasing your books through this site you will also help to support my endeavors in expanding my personal wealth. the prices you pay will be the same or lower than if you just went to the amazon site yourself. amazon.com will be responsible for all customer service, including payment processing, ordering, shipping, order status reports and returns of any kind.
24 essential lessons for investment success the motley fool investment guide wsj guide to understanding personal finance advanced books: the unemotional investor rule breakers rule makers the gorilla game contrarian investing how to read a financial report beating the dow the 100 best stocks to own in america suggested magazines here are some magazines that can help you improve your returns, or at least help you understand why you don't have any returns. i have linked these through www.magazines.com. they will take care of all billing and customer service for you. by doing so you will again be helping to improve my personal wealth... here is a link to the main business and finance magazines section. the images below of individual magazines will take you directly to those magazines so you can see what the quaranteed low price is for a subscription or renewal. the images that you see should be the current issue cover. suggested links take a look at some of these sites to learn more about the stocks you are following or about the market in general. your first stop should be motleyfool.com. most of these sites will have free newsletters available with stock tips and many of them will allow you to track your stock/portfoglio value online.
quicken raging bull bull market.com thompson i-watch the street.com street advisor buyandhold.com worth magazine individual investor.com investment letter members please enter your username and password, as previously instructed. a new window will open up with access to your current account, recommended portfoglio, and information and analysis. be sure to read the disclaimer below as discussed. if you have any trouble getting to your account or would like more information on the investment letter please contact the editor.
disclaimer stephen dalfollo-daley is not a 'registered investment advisor' or a 'broker/dealer'. readers are advised that this information is issued solely for information purposes and is not to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy. the opinions and analysis included herein are based on sources believed to be reliable and in good faith but no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to their accuracy, completeness or correctness. this information is not intended to be used as the sole basis of any investment decisions, nor should it be construed as advice designed to meet the investment needs of any particular investor. the foregoing discussions contain forward-looking statements which are based on current expectations and differences can be expected. the information contained herein has been provided to the viewer for information purposes only; in addition, the information contained in any reports is not intended to be a complete discussion of information regarding some of the current and/or intended business activities of stephen dalfollo-daley or partners or employees/consultants. readers are urged to consult with independent financial advisors with respect to an investment in any shares mentioned herein. all information contained in this report should be independently verified with the companies mentioned herein. any opinions expressed in any reports are statements of judgment as of the date of publication and are subject to change without further notice, and may not necessarily be reprinted in future publications or elsewhere. neither stephen dalfollo-daley nor partners or employees/consultants accept any liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of any reports or their contents.
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