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Field 2 looking busy with
nearly a full carpark!
Oct 2008

Barry Woodland setting up the
ground receiving equipment for
the TV images sent from his Twinstar.
Oct 2008

Field 2 in mid-August
looking south.
June 2008

Field 2 in mid August
looking north.
May 2008

Workparty at second field.
June 2008

Maureen and mower at Site 1. Has she got a "B" for that thing?
May 2008

Kev Cook with his Heli.
Feb 2008

Dan's Puppeteer with SC52
4C coughs into the winter sky.
Feb 2008

Dave makes the first flight at the second site.
Dec 2007

Mark Greenwood about to launch into the sunset at Site 1
Feb 2008

Alan Todd's transport arrangements for Curtiss JN4
Oct 2007

Chocs away!

Busy Day!

Ben Swabey hovers his T-Rex.

Andy Sheen playing with his new toy.
May 2007

Dan Dempster concentrates on the Top Gun Ultimate SC120 4C with onlookers Dave Bedford and Andy Downes.

An interesting electric homebuilt F15 from Martin Senior.

July 2006

And a conversion to 0.15 size for this Electric Mini Funtana. Martin Junior.

July 2006

Barry Beech about to take off with his T240 glider tug. Steve Porter is just at the rear holding up the glider.

July 2006

Here is your favourite flying field. John Rands took this from the air. Yes, that is Barry down there.

May 2006

Dan & Chris launch for some Zaggi combat.
29 Aug 2005

No you can't have 100 points, martin Junior!
Aug 2005

This is Tom's foray into Electric "Helis".
Chuffed to Bits.
22 Aug 2004

Steve Porter and Barry Beech (Mainly Models), prepare their 1/12 scale Lanc for a demo at a combat competition. Awesome.
4x SC15s. July 2004

Yes, always try to remember to fit the wings on the CORRECT way up, especially before asking someone to fly it. Martin. April 2004

Tom Oliver's delightful Tiger Moth, running on OS40 4c. Scale flying!! April 2004

Dave Dempster and Tom Oliver discuss the finer points of OS91 silencer modifications. Extra 230s, Nov 2003

John Rand's Merlin, an excellent "FunFly" style sport aircraft. Sept 2003

SMAA FunDaySunday 20th July, 2003
Click on the picture for more..

Gary Bugden again, with his newly aquired Wot4.2003

Tom Oliver's Christen Eagle. This was lost due to radio failure, thought to be a loose Xtal. June 2003

Gary Bugden fires up the T180 for a proving flight, without the cowl fitted. James Sheen lends his legs.

John Rands prepares his Aeronca for flight.

It takes to the air with some spectators in the background.

Dan Workman prop-hangs his FunFly during a Combat break. He won UK Nats 02 with this a/c.

Some of our aircraft, showing a variety of member types.

The SkyScrapper Files - Build this Club design.

Dan's twin electric Raptor. Flies better than it looks.

Maureen & Skysurfer.

John Rand and electric twin - flies for ages on one charge.

Junkers F13.Four seater airliner from 1919. Designed and built by Dave.

Indoor testing Dave's parachute design prior to production of about 12, for dropping from a DC3.

Dan & Chris with Speed 400 deltas by Dan.

An Me163 Komet as a glider. Designed by Dave for bungee launch, aerotow or piggyback drop.

This amphibian belongs to Len Cornish. It did taxi trials, but I don't know if it's flown. 40 4C

John Taylor's big aircraft.

Dan's Disc Project. Read on if you dare................

Dogfight. Some of the members were approached by a TV Production company to build and fly Battle of Britain aircraft fitted with on board cameras.............

Yes, an aerotow using a 4x4 Off-Road 10th scale car as the tug! The aircraft was a free-flight flying wing, based on a Zaggi,and flight duration was about 30-60s. Builder and pilot was Martin Creed, tug driver Dan Dempster..

Jamie Sheen gets ready to fire up his new "thingy" - nobody quite knows what it is! Answers on the back of a five pound note please. Flies well.

Here's Dan with a hastily-modified electric Fun-Fly with skis, to take advantage of the cold, white stuff. It has been known to take off from a pit box. Nobody actually saw it ROG, but he says it did..... Mmmm

Dan's 34 inch Ultimate on an Enya 19.

John Cave built this little electric SE5, mainly from Depron, Pico-powered. Lovely flier. Presented by Mrs John, Janet

Dan and Andy designed
this 0.15 sized DF..........

Some lady members - Helen Creed, Anne Hewitt, and Maureen, with their gliders at a FunDay endurance competition, on the old Pulloxhill site.

Again, back in the Pulloxhill days, some of Pat Mardell's creations.......

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