Artificial Intelligence Cameras, Charts, Climatology, Conferences, Hurricanes, Images, Jobs, Maps, Marine, Meteorology, Observations, Radar, Satellite, Ted's bookmarks (mirror), Weather Sunrise sunset times

Halifax weather World conditions, European analyses
city forecasts from CNN, from Yahoo, country forecasts
recent precipitation accumulation
Norway conditions, maps, forecasts for Bergen, Narvik, Oslo
Canada graphic menu from the WeatherOffice,
forecasts and conditions, summary of conditions
United States conditions, forecasts
Eta forecast meteograms
current maps, archived maps
current severe weather watches and warnings
station information (ICAO ID's)
data Perdue, Florida State
forecasts CNN, Intellicast, Weather Channel, WeatherLab, WeatherNet
Aviation Digital Data Service
links Yahoo
Weather Online
The Daily Planet
World Weather Links
Ontario Weather Page
Weather Underground
The Weather Resource
Organized Weather Links
Kevin Carroll's Web Page
Internet weather resources
images of surface observations
Texas A&M Department of Meteorology
Resources Poseidon bouy information, climate information
National Weather Services Directorate
Sunrise, sunset, and lunar phase NRC Sun and Moon Rise/Set Tables (offers legal certification)
Sunrise, sunset, and lunar phase (flexible table format)
Complete sun and moon data
Basic sunrise, sunset calendar
Moonrise shareware program, Sunrise, Sunset Calendars and Local Time, Natural year calendar
Vernal Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumnal Equinox, Winter Solstice
Astronomical Calendar, The time is...

Tides: long range for a few stations (mirror 1, mirror 2) or today and tomorrow for many stations
or call (902) 426-5494 for recorded tides from the Bedford Institute of Oceanography

Great circle flight path display
EDDY-WEATHERTRON - A Javascript weather calculator by Eddie Graham

Virtual tour of the Maritimes Weather Centre Maritimes Weather Centre / Canadian Hurricane Centre
special services, data, forestry, xtplot, climate data, site forecasts
Meteorological Reference Map
TAF/METAR: quick reference, TAF detail

AES Library online, AMS journals online
Environment Canada, Inside Lane, Infolane, Rider
Data Assimilation and Satellite Meteorology
Thunder Bay Regional Weather Centre Station Standing Procedures
Le Programme Internship de Mirabel
EC Virtual Learning Centre
Agreement between TB and PIPSC
MT Group Homepage, Zephyr
Jobs, CS, MT

Atmospheric Environment Branch
Atlantic Region, Environment Canada
Atmospheric Environment Service, spokespeople
Canadian Meteorological Centre, Meteorological Research Branch (RPN), Informatics
Prairie and Northern Region, Air and Weather, Education and Publications
Climate and Atmospheric Research Directorate
Alternative Service Delivery, PIPSC, NWS Mission, Modernization and Associated Restructuring
Transport Canada: Canadian Aviation Regulation Advisory Council
NAV CANADA: strategic plan, online briefings (mirror)
Canadian Coast Guard

NOAA (intro), NCEP, NWS, research
Forecast Systems Laboratory, projects
Marine Prediction Center, forecasts, buoys
National Hurricane Center
Aviation Weather Center

Australia, Azores, Bermuda, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, WMO


Maritimes Weather Centre

The Bergen School, Florida, MIT, McGill,
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center,
Penn State, Plymouth State, Texas A&M

Starting points

Brugge, climatology, FAQ (mirror), hotlist, national meteorological services, NCDC, NOAA,
Virtual Library, WeatherNet sites, Weather & global monitoring, weather science hotlist,
newsgroups: environment, hydrology, meteorology, oceanography

A mixture of sites

Acid Rain
Air-sea interactions at Southampton Oceanographic Centre
American Meteorological Society, conferences, journals online
American Weather Concepts
Atlantic Canada Online Weather Watchers
Atmospheric Science Librarians International
Australia Bureau of Meteorology
Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS)
Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS)
Aviation Landings
BBC Weather Page
Bad Meteorology
British Met Office
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS)
Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
Earth Science Site of the Week
Educational: Weather World 2010, Online Meteorology Guide
Environmental Modeling Center (NCEP, NWS)
Environmental News Network
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
European turbulent wake incident reporting log
Farmer's Almanac
Fire Weather Index maps for Canada
Forecast Institute
frost/freeze protection for horticultural crops
FSU data archive: NWS tropical bulletins, reconnaissance messages
Geological Survey in Texas
Getting Forecast Data from NCEP
Golden Gate Weather Services
Greenpeace International / Canada, climate page
Hurricane Surf'n Sport - call 493-2780 for beach conditions
Interactive Data Visualization
Interactive Weather Information, NWS, NOAA
InterMet - International Meteorology Magazine online
interpreting surface observation symbols
Java weather visualizer
Lightning studies, detection from space, value of real-time lightning detection
Live camera pictures from everywhere
Marcus' Window View lists streaming cams
Marine observations for eastern Canada and northeastern US
McGill University Weather Page
Meteo France
Meteorological Applications Journal
Mid-Atlantic Weather Station
Mount Washington Observatory - The Weather Notebook
NASA, real-time data about spaceflights
National Center for Atmospheric Research
National Centres for Environmental Prediction (COLA/IGES)
New Forecast Products
News about climate or the extremities and results of world's weather and archive by De Weercourant
newsgroups: meteorology, New England weather, talking about the weather
Norwegian Meteorological Institute / Det norske meteorologiske institutt
Oceanweather Inc.
Ontario Weather Page
photographs of weather
random sites
Real-time Environmental Applications and Display System
Research Applications Program of NCAR, real-time weather data for meteorologists
San Francisco Weather Office


Southampton Oceanographic Centre air-sea interactions
Space Science and Engineering Center - cool pictures
Steve Weagle, Chief Meteorologist, News Channel 5
StormCast: a meteorological computer project in Tromsø, Norway
Storm Weather Center, Norway
Summer severe weather, information, safety
Tide predictions for the United States
tornadoes, CAPS, tornado project, why
Tromsø Window
Universal Weather and Aviation, Inc.
University Corporation for Atmospheric research
U. of Ohio meteorology FAQ
U. of Ohio hydrology FAQ
Virtual Reality Weather Page
Været i Norge
Weather Analysis and Display Software
Weather Bulletin System
The Weather Channel in the USA, The Weather Network in Canada
Weather Data and Forecasts provided by the University of Washington
Weather Forecasts for Canada: temp, cloud & precip based on AVN and MRF
Weather Impacts Virtual Journal
Weatherlab is graphics-rich
WeatherPlanner - forecasts the weather one year in advance (!?) and offers a money-back guarantee
Weather Sense store in Charlottetown, P.E.I.
WeatherWindow - sends you email when your specified weather is forecast
Web page resources
WebWinds, an interactive science data visualization system
wind profiler data, FSL Demonstration Division
Women in Weather
WWW Weather links


AMS listings
Computer World list
Meteorological Employment Journal
Public Service, MT
Weather Channel
Weather Network
Weather Services International

sun safety Environment Canada's UV Index Site (to accompany school poster)
Healthy Living With Sunshine (Canada)
Suncare Program (Health Canada)
Instructional Technology Development Consortium (USA),
Choose Your Cover (USA)
Seymour Snowman's Fun Page (Australia)
The Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria (Australia)

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Research In Environmental Science
AMS Committee on Artificial Intelligence Applications to Environmental Science
Analog forecasting of ceiling and visibility using fuzzy sets
Forecast Production Assistant
HS4Cast - a road ice warning and forecast system
King Nowcasting Group
Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence
Weather Lore + Fuzzy Logic = Weather Forecasts


Ultimate Weather
UM Weather Maps
AVN, Eta, Meso Eta, MOS, MRF, NGM, RUC, SFC, Upper Air from Unisys
forecast maps and model output graphics from ARL
ECMWF from Reading, Pfister, Unisys
NAVLANTMETOCCEN, FNMOC, public home page
ETA and NCEP from Weather and Climate at COLA/IGES
Eta-32 km (Early-Eta) info from NCEP and NWS
Aviation Weather Charts (Tom Dawes-Gamble)
Kevin's Numerical Model Page
Weather in Europe, <=2d
Fleet Numerical METOC
general charts from Jackson State
40 km RUC and MAPS NE borders Maritimes
Fog/Visibility and Icing in the North Atlantic from NCEP OMB
Ensemble from NOAA CDC Map Room
GOES atmospheric soundings

Tropical charts from Jackson State
Atlantic charts from WXMAP at PCMDI
satellite imagery from NRL Monterey


Coastal engineering links

Marine Weather Guide, from the Rimouski Weather Office

North Atlantic Analysis from UK Met. Service

Ocean Surface Winds, clickable maps: Merged ERS2-SSMI Wind Speeds, SSMI Wind Speeds

Ocean Surface Winds Around North America SSMI and AMI Microwave Sensors

Today's Orbits: (18 hour buffer used for each image)
Speeds Wind Barbs w/GOES-8
06Z 06Z ir4
12Z 12Z ir4
18Z 18Z vis, ir4
24Z 24Z vis, ir4

Wave Progs CMC WAM4 (00-48 hrs)
Waves and ice from DFO
NCEP WAM4 (00-72 hrs)
NOAA Experimental Wave Model (NEW)
US Navy MetOc WAM1 (00-120 hrs)

Bouy and CMAN Reports for Atlantic Canada,
Gulf of Maine, US Mid-Atlantic Coast, and Iceland

Buoy information from Poseidon and from NOAA

water temperatures east of the US

Ship ID directory

NOAA Marine Prediction Center
analysis products, forecast products, links
NOAA Coastal Ocean Forecast System

UK marine forecasts and areas
London's sea isotherm and SIGWX charts

More about Satellite Winds
North America
SSM/I Radiometers
ERS-1 Scatterometer
SSM/I Winds - MPC Area
Tropical Prediction Center Areas
SSM/I Rain Rates and Water Vapor
Merged ERS-2 and SSM/I global wind product
global coverage of ocean surface winds in nearly real-time


Canadian Hurricane Centre, information, track, public warnings
Canadian bulletins, American bulletins, satellite, radar
National Hurricane Center, Hurricane Research Division, FAQ
NRL Monterey, satellite meteorology, photos & movies, tropical images
tropical bulletins and reconnaissance via FSU data archive
advisories via Ohio State

Colorado State: animations
Plymouth State, tropical weather menu
WeatherNet at the University of Michigan (mirror)
Jackson State: charts, archive, Gray's long range forecast
CIMSS, GOES-8 and METEOSAT-7, real-time imagery
real-time weather data for meteorologists from NCAR
interactive visible satellite images from WeatherNet4
NOAA's Geostationary Satellite Server
SeaWiFS Project: beautiful pictures
water temperatures east of the US

CNN, Weather Channel, Weather Online
meteorology newsgroup

Hurricane and weather links
North Carolina Hurricane Page
Crown Weather Services
Super Typhoon
Mr. Hurricane


United States, menu (includes Montreal)
Northeastern animation, precipitation type, echo top velocity, NEXRAD and 24 hour accumulation
Albany, Boston, Buffalo, Burlington, Caribou, New York, Philadelphea, Portland
New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Canada
Environment Canada Regional Centre and radar support
Canadian National Radar Project: training site


3D Topographic Images
CIMSS, tropical, GOES-8 and METEOSAT-7, real-time imagery, agricultural forecast products
COMET SatMet offers classes online
Canadian Meteorological Centre
Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing and its spotlight
Defense interactive current / archive
Earthnet online offers images of the Yangtze River flood, July-August, 1998
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
FSU Explores
Full Earth
GOES, atmospheric soundings, interactive, tutorial, realtime, fog
full-resolution sectors from GOES EAST / WEST
selected sectors from GOES EAST / WEST
samples of imagery from GOES-10
interactive visible satellite images from WeatherNet4
Meteosat from Nottingham
Microburst image products derived from GOES sounder data
NASA ftp site, mirror
NBC Weathernet interactive
NCDC Images/Movies of Hurricanes and Special Events system, such as satellite images of numerous tornadic weather systems, smoke from fires in Mexico, the first GOES-10 image, and historical images, e.g., Hurricane Camille
NOAA's Geostationary Satellite Server, Operational Significant Event Imagery
NRL Monterey Satellite Meteorological Applications and Tropical Cyclone Page
NRL Tropical and Pacific Images
Ocean Surface Winds for the MPC and TPC and MPC forecast areas
Polar Orbiter / guide
Real time satellite data animations and CIRA/RAMM RAMSDIS online archives, e.g., Hurricane Linda at maximum intensity
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
Saskatchewan Environmental Services Centre satellite products
Satellite Oceanography Laboratory
SeaWiFS Project, beautiful pictures from NASA's global ocean color monitoring mission
Space Science and Engineering Center - cool pictures
TerraServer the world's largest online repository of aerial photographs and satellite images
training links
Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission offers compelling images of Hurricane Bonnie, August 22, 1998
visual satellite observer home page
and fronts, quantitative products, radar composite, interactive snow cover, and water temperatures east of the US


Atlantic Canada Climate Information Exchange
Australian Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre
Australian CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
Canadian Institute for Climate Studies (CICS)
Canadian climate and water information and data lists sites
Canadian Universities
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
Climat at the University of Laval
Climate Monitoring and Data Interpretation Division, Climate and Atmospheric Research Directorate, Environment Canada
Climate Prediction Center, NOAA: products
Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum, Germany
Educational site
El Niņo bulletin from Environment Canada
El Niņo forecasts, observations, research and distributed information by NOAA
El Niņo forecasts from UBC
El Niņo winter of 1997-1998 and severe weather effects (NCDC)
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Global Change and Climate Modeling, France (CERFACS)
Global Change Master Directory, NASA
Global Climate Change Information Programme (GCCIP)
Industry Canada
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
International Research Institute for Climate Prediction
Japanese Meteorological Research Institute
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Climate Group
McGill University Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
National Research Council (NRC)
Natural Resources Canada
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
Northeast Regional Climate Center
Pennsylvania State Climatologist
Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI) has an extensive list of links
Royal Netherlands Met. Institute (KNMI)
Western Regional Climate Center
Weather & global monitoring
U.S. Global Change Research Program
Univ. of East Anglia, U.K.
Univ. of Toronto Atmospheric Physics
UKMO Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research
World Climate Research Programme of the WMO
York University Atmospheric Science
York University Centre for Atmospheric Chemistry

NCEP/NCAR Global Reanalysis Project

NCAR Data Support
Reanalysis software

Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS)
resources, starting points, list server archive, tips, demo
wgrib cuts GRIB files like a Ginsu knife
grib2ctl prepares GRIB files for GrADS
GrADS scripts

Climatological Data

Canadian data
FAQ, NCAR, References
World Data Center System
EPA offers models and data
JISAO Climate Data Archive
ClimVis, NOAA (neat displays)
Global Change Master Directory
COADS: documentation, oceanographic data
National Climatic Data Center, NOAA, datasets, resources
Oceanographic & Earth Science Data Services Directory
NEONS: Naval Environmental Operational Nowcasting System
NORPRE / Plantforsk: historic climatological data from 52 stations in Norway


American Meteorological Society
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS)
6th Workshop on Operational Meteorology


find places by name in Canada (mirror) and the U.S.
Halifax, Nova Scotia (zoomable)
find distances in Canada
Natural Resources Canada, National Atlas of Canada
mapquest: search for street addresses
mapblast zooms in on North American streets and postal code areas (advanced)
Xerox PARC Map Viewer zoomable world
Perry-Castaņeda Library Map Collection: world cities
distance between two points and exact latitude and longitude of major cities
detailed coastlines (convert to MapInfo format)
CIA country listing and World Factbook
Odden's Bookmarks ... many resources
Mining Company's guide to geography


all hotels on the web
budget hotels, city guides, businesses
Epicurious, restaurant reviews
Eventseeker, events search engine
Journeywoman, online travel magazine for women
Mapquest, shows you how to get from A to B
Mining Co., well organized
Shoestring Travel, the e-zine of inexpensive travel
Specialty Travel, adventure vacations
Travelocity, links, online bookings, deals on flights
Virtual Tourist, guide to WWW servers around the world
Wanderlust, literate
World Travel Guide