4 Captain Ginyu Frog
11 Red Implosion Lunge
13 Orange Power Shifting Drill
15 Orange Dashing Gut Punch
16 Orange Straight Jab
18 Black Flying Kick
21 Black Overpowering Attack
26 Spice and his Friends
28 Vinegar has Plans
33 Garlic Jr's Black Water Mist
34 Krillin Lashes Out
35 Krillin takes a Shot
36 Frieza's Finger Tip Energy Blast
38 King Cold's End
40 Tien's Ready


43 Blue Thrusting Fist Strike
44 Chiaotzu's Psychic Halt
45 Black Head Strike
48 Black Hug Maneuver
49 Frieza's Aura Shot
50 Saiyan Knee Strike
51 Frieza's Powering Rage
54 Captain Ginyu's Energy Attack
56 Frieza's Tail Hold
58 Scoring Aura Shot
59 Frieza Is Ready
60 Namekian Physical Drill
62 Burter's Power Stance
64 Gohan's Quest
65 Krillin's Quest
67 Red Knee Eruption
68 Red Face Upheavel
73 Black Energy Blast
75 Red Power Rush
76 Red Lightning Slash
78 Red Eye Laser Assault
82 Trunks High Strike
84 Trunks Energy Sphere
85 Trunks Effortless Drill
88 Trunks Sword Position 2
89 Trunks Sword Position 3
93 Trunks Stands Ready
94 Double Saiyans
98 Trunks Strikes
100 Frieza the Revived (Level 4)
101 Garlic Jr the Void Master (Level 4)
102 Spice, the Punisher (Level 4)
103 Vinegar, the Attacker (Level 4)
106 Captain Ginyu (Level 1)
107 Captain Ginyu, the Leader (Level 2)
108 Captain Ginyu Changes (Level 3)
109 Dodoria (Level 1)
110 Dodoria, in Flight (Level 2)
111 Dodoria, the Mocking (Level 3)


112 Guru as your Ally
113 Namek Dragon Ball 6
114 Namek Dragon Ball 7
115 Namekian Dragon Ball Combat
116 Guru Fades
117 Frieza's Featherlight Touch
118 What Was I Thinking
119 HEro's Lucky Break
120 Thought Comes Before Action
121 A HEro's Heart IS Strong
122 An Amusing Trick
123 Drill Are For The Weak
124 Hero's Way
125 Don't You Just Hate That
126 Vegeta Scans the City
128 Gohan Spots the Imposter Drill
131 Chi-Chi Searches
132 Nail Takes Extra Effort
133 Poshis Thoughts
135 Namek Dragon Ball Wish
137 Nail Combat Drill
138 Orange Enrgy Ban Drill
142 Red Evasion Drill
143 Red King Cold Observation
144 Red Style Master
145 Black Style Mastery
146 Orange Style Mastery
147 Namekian Style Mastery
148 Saiyan Style Mastery
149 Blue Style Mastery
150 Trunks the HEro (Level 4)
152 Gohan Empowered (Level 4)
153 Piccolo Enraged (Level 4)
154 Krillin (Level 1)
155 Krillin Empowered (Level 4)
156 Krillin, the Warrior (Level 3)


157 Where There's Life There's Hope
158 Villian's True Power
159 Goku, the Unbeatable (Level 4)
160 King Cold, the All Powerful (Level 4)


161 Frieza the Monster (Level 1)
162 Frieza the Conquerer (Level 2)
163 Frieza the Cyborg (Level 3)
164 Goku the Leader (Level 1)
165 Goku the Defender (Level 2)
166 Goku the Protector (Level 3)
167 Piccolo the Avenger (Level 1)
168 Piccolo the Revived (Level 2)
169 Piccolo the Hero (Level 3)
170 Gohan the Furiuos (Level 1)
171 Gohan the Fighter (Level 2)
172 Gohan the Warrior (Level 3)
176 Garlic Jr. (Level 1)
177 Garlic JR the Master (Level 2)
178 Garlic Jr the Monster (Level 3)
179 Spice (Level 1)
180 Spice the Leader (Level 2)
181 Spice the Warrior (Level 3)
182 Vinegar (Level 1)
183 Vinegar the Fighter (Level 2)
184 Vinegar the Henchman (Level 3)
188 King Cold (Level 1)
189 King Cold the Destroyer (Level 2)
190 King Cold the Ruler (Level 3)
191 Frieza the Master (Level 2 HT)
192 Goku (Level 2 HT)
193 Piccolo (Level 2 HT)
194 Gohan (Level 2 HT)
195 Vegeta (Level 2 HT)
196 Garlic JR the Merciless (Level 2 HT)
197 Spice the Enchanter (Level 2 HT)
198 Vinegar the Battler (Level 2 HT)
199 Trunks the Saiyan (Level 2 HT)
200 King Cold, Galatic Ruler (Level 2 HT)


PV2 Android 20 Powers Up
PV3 Android Effect
PV5 Too Late


P1 Trunks Defensive Crouch
P2 Confrontation
P3 Concentration Drill
P8 Trunks Power Strike
P10 Showdown

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