1 Orange Planet Destruction
4 Red Energy Suspension
5 Red Energy Disk
9 Saiyan Rapture
10 Saiyan Concussion Punch
11 Saiyan Rapid Defection
15 Gohan's Temper
17 Vegeta's Jolting Slash
18 Saiyan Concentration
20 Straining Floating Attack Move
21 Straining Blasting Move
24 Straining Blocking Move
26 A Hospital Stay
30 Time is a Warrior's Tool
31 Dodoria Energy Attack
34 Saiyan Planet Explosion
35 Saiyan Focusing Power


37 Jeice (Level 1)
39 Tien (Level 3)
40 Yamcha (Level 3)
42 Bulma (Level 2)
43 Chia0tzu (Level 3)
44 Yajirobe the Hero (Level 3)
47 Guldo (Level 3)
49 Frieza Smiles
51 Jeice Shouts
52 Jeice Combat Attack
54 Goku's Energy Absorbtion
55 Guldo's Time Freeze Drill
58 Tien's Power Burst
59 Yamcha's Skillful Defense
60 Vegeta's Galic Gun
61 VEgeta's Powering Up
64 Chiaotzu's Glaring Power
66 Blue Mental Drill
68 Black Zarbon Transformation Drill
69 Red Phasing Drill
70 Blue Allies Drill
74 Captain Ginyus Reversal Drill
75 Jeice's Style Drill
78 Gohan Anger Drill
79 Frieza's Influencing Drill
80 Black Erasing Drill
82 Black Standing Position
84 Black Driving Leg Throw
87 Krillin's Concentration
88 Hero Enraged


89 Vegeta On Namek (Level 4)
91 Nappa Restored (Level 4)
93 Goku On Namek (Level 4)
94 Piccolo (Level 4)
95 Gohan (Level 4)
96 Nail The Namekian (Level 1)
97 Straining Force Positioning Move
99 Blue Energy Outburst
101 Hero Teamwork Drill
102 Villian's Teamwork Drill
103 Human Technology
104 Power
105 Dende's Help
106 Goku's Super Saiyan Blast
108 Yamcha's Good Wishes
109 Captain Ginyus Sacrifice
110 Nail the Namekian Hero (Level 3)
112 Black Swift Elbow Strike
113 Kami Fades
114 Gohan's Stomp
115 Piccolo's Stomp
116 Goku's Quickness
117 Nail Inspired (Level 2)
118 The Plan
120 Bulma's Scouter
121 This Too Shall Pass
122 Focusing Is Everything
123 Red Foot Jolt


124 Frieza the Master
125 Super Saiyan Goku (Level 4)


PV3 No, Really Drill?
PV6 Trunks Makeshimself Clear


P1 It's Just Not Worth It
P2 Captain Ginyu's Transformed
P3 Calming Sanctuary
P4 Dragons Glare
P6 The Last Wish
P8 Goku's Good Swift Kick
P9 Red Blocking Hand
P10 Orange Forceful Kick
P11 Vegeta's Lunge

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