Asociación de Plastimodelistas Uruguayos

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Welcome to the IPMS-Uruguay's web site, all english version.

We at IPMS-Uruguay welcome you to this, our WEB site, which primordial and principal objetive is to make our activities and interests known to all the modellers comunity, and trough this way, help in promoting our hobby in all the world.

We ask you for yours comments and opinion about the material we offer you. Any suggestion and/or colaboration will be appreciated.

Our E-mail is , but you also can e-mail individually some members.

 We have many details under construction yet, and not all the site has an English version. By now, we upgrade the site weekly and your visits and comments on our guest book are very important to us.

Society Information          Members list                Activities

Selected Links           Historical Information      Photo Gallery

Model Photos               Kit Reviews       "A Escala" Publication


BolitaInformacion Institucional
To know better IPMS Uruguay, the organization, members an activities, or just for make contact with us, please visit our institutional information page.

BolitaInformación Histórica
Here we include some interesting information for the modeller, including Uruguayan Armed Forces and Uruguayan Civil Aviation. You also can see in the photo gallery, a good selection of historical photographic material, specially about Uruguayan Air Force (FAU) and Uruguayan Navy Air Branch. Some historical resumes can be reached trough the articles published in our publication "A Escala".

In this section, you can reach and see a models photograpic selection, most of them built by IPMS-Uruguay members, including between them, the best rated works presented in the lastest of our anual contest. For your information, this year of 2001 we are organizing our XIV aniversary Anual contest !!

We also include some Kit reviews, specially those related with uruguayan themes, historical information, color schemes, linear drawings, insignia and markinkg details., etc., updating and clompleting some articles published in our "A Escala".

Finally, for all of you interested in follow a thematic surfing in the Web, we include a selection of the best links of related sites, sometimes with a comment.

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Last update:  June 2001 

Aeronaval Series. by Jorge Nuñez Padín.Review  and How you can obtain your copy

Latinamerican themes Decals.   Review   and how to obtain a plate

 Uruguayan themes Decals.  Review  and how you can obtain a plate

Set 72-01SA and 48-01SA are ready, please check the reviews for more details

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English version 1.02
June 2001