HOME OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION VICTIM My name is Ratomir MITROVIC Now, I am writer and live in Novi Sad in Vojvodina in Serbia and in Yugoslavia. I was working for central bank of ex Yugoslavia and later for the largest Serbia commercial bank. Being exposed to opression by Milosevic regime and his successors regime; the former oposition orgs who all in course of time proved to be veiled Communist, I have experienced enormous damges. It was exercized by the Serb special military and police services, which finally made me under preassures in 2001 to move from Belgrade to Novi Sad. Now, I am very lonely and wish to meet a lady on line for friendship and e mail communication. My interests are writting, literature, music, PC, travel and photography. I have had two photo expos held and three books and one political research in Serbia pro Russian Communist regime diplomacy published in Belgrade under severe circumstances: 1. THE AMSTERDAM STORY (Prica iz Amsterdama) 2. MILOSEVIC DOWNFALL AND COLLAPSE OF ORTHODOX MILITARISM AND COMMUNISM IN SERBIA, DIARY SERBIA 2000 3. I ASK THE TRUTH ! (Trazim istinu !) 4. SERBIA UNDER THE PARALLEL POWER OF SERB PRORUSSIAN COMMUNISTS AND MILITARY POLICE CHIEFS IN 20 AND 21 C (Srbija pod paralelnom vlascu srpskih proruskih komunista i vojno policijskog vrha u 20 i 21 veku) The book I ASK THE TRUTH !, features the story on underground diplomacy of Serb Militarists and Communists 1945 to 2000. The book was published after the text had been secretly exposed to the Serb pro Russian intelligence and security services attacks and damaged. It was done in order to replace the parts which have described the illegitimate operations of Serb army and police special services in destroying ex SFR Yugoslavia and causing wars.The text refered to the numerous notes on Dr Mirjana Markovic wife of ex FRY President Slobodan Milosevic (war crimes indict in the Hague) and the notes on group of suspected collaborators of ex Serb Communist regime who operated against me as the intelligence and security services informers. The book was the target for it tells over the long period of illegitimate actions against the peace and stability in region of Southeast of Europe followed by the transformation of Serb pro Russian Militarists and Communists into Organized crime and local Mafia.They are strongly tied to international terrorism coming from Eurasia in order to contnue the combat against the Western Allies, New World Order, democracy and free trade. The book depicts my problems in working for Communist leaders alike Milosevic and pro Russian circles in Serbia banks tightly controlled by the Serb special services, using illegitimate operations and violance against me to pursue their goals... |
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vicit vim virtus |
Free Subscription to CASE on line (Closed for illegitimate on line abuses made by the suspected Serb security and intelligence services) |
This site is not in function so far, because the status of the site owner R. Mitrovic, has progressed to worse due to the persecution suspected by Serbia and Yugoslavia authorities during Milosevic regime and later, during so called Democratic oposition of Serbia up to day. Mitrovic is an ex Milosevic aid in Beogradska bank who oposed to fulfill his prorussian regime wishes during the split of ex SFRY. Mitrovic was and still is exposed to isolation, lack of lawyers assistance and other forms of protection related to the human rights and civil liberties. The District Court in Novi Sad has been requested by R. Mitrovic in 2002. to open the case registered in Court mail book U 396/2002 as the case against the Serb and Yugoslav authorities for suspected obstruction of justice in not starting the procedurees in order to protect war crimes of Serb army and police. unlawfull acts against R. Mitrovic. The new initiatives had been opened by R. Mitrovic to make the new Union of Serbia and Montenegro Government to act to protect justice. Belgrade 2003 |
Click & see the result of the human rights breaches against R. Mitrovic' teeth, by blocking the dental help since 1992 to 2002. |
To day in 2003. in Serbia on public power are in my belief pro Russian forces, lead by the masked Communists, covered as the democrats. While the real Communists run the country from the shadow, with large finances robbed by the citizens and public funds, illegal trade and other sources. They have managed to leave me without the sources for life and to force me to live from Belgrade to Novi Sad, and now to leave Novi Sad. where from I had been forced to leave to Novi Sad earlier by Communists organized in secret terorist organization integrated into USSR and Russian army global cover terrorist net called "Gladio". R. Mitrovic, Novi Sad, Jan., 2003. |
Thissite has been closed beginning of 2003 due to the permanent attacks of the nonidentified intruders. R.Mitrovic |
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