All pictures © Timothy Cyders
– Microsoft Picture It! 2002 is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Co.
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This is another shot of the sunrise from the Tooth, actually
cropped out of a photo – this is only about 1/8th of the
exposure. Sometimes the best shots are tiny parts of ones you’ve overlooked
over and over again.
Here are to more shots of the sunrise from Tooth Ridge, roughly
9-10,000 feet. ISO 400, Minolta
Maxxum 25-80 AF lens.
Avoid flash so the silhouettes remain silhouettes. I like the way the sun
reflects off the clouds
like an ocean in the second shot.
This is a view of West Green and the engineering building at OU.
I wanted a nostalgic look, so I sepia toned it, This
is another
of the power of a digital camera because
is actually 4 images stitched together with CaMedia Master.
This is a picture of the three main halls on OU’s college green. I
applied an illusion
in Microsoft Picture It! Photo Suite 2002 to get the pen scribble effect. I
the shadows of the trees worked with the roll I shot this on. Notice how the
the left in the picture helps define the curvature of the wall.
I like this one because it is very comparable to the way we
actually see things. The roundness
of the
tree forces the sides to go out of focus as well as the foreground and
background. You
notice that when you focus your eyes on something, only what is in the center
of your field of vision.