Svilen Stankulov
The hot addresses of Bulgarians
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SvilStan Comunication Ins.

Biliana Birthday 2005, Sofia, Bulgaria
1 January 2005
New 2005 Year in Djepeto, Sofia, Bulgaria
1 January 2005
Eli's birthday! Again she's 20...
13 November 2004
Dospat resort, fishing, singing, swimming and just relaxing.
15 August 2004
Oooooooooh it's my birthday! Again I'm 25...
30 June 2004
Vitosha holiday and Diana. She is lovely and ...
30 June 2004
Ohhhhhh Greece, Oh my second native land. I adore it much...........
15 May 2004
Maliovitsa rest and good mood in Maliovitsa resort, Bulgaria 2004...........
15 January 2004
Vitosha climbing, good mood and not too bad restaurant in Vladaya resort, Bulgaria 2004...........
1 May 2004
Yesterday night 20 August 2003 on Maria's Party in Glasgow............
20 August 2003
Yesterday night 19 August 2003 Radichka, Tsetso and my majesty were on Daranee's party. Daranee gave this party on our honour. She is a fascinating woman.............
19 August 2003
Yesterday night 07 August 2003 part of Glasgow BG Community and my majesty were on Birthday party. George gave this party on the occasion of his birthday. He is 22 again.............
07 August 2003
Two days ago I was on a mission to one landfill. The weather was sunny and we spend a good time. I used my camera and I made very good pictures + 3 short films but to my great regret I couldn’t put the funniest film in my site because it was more than 5 MB. If you have spere time just go to /stankoulov/mission.html You will find a good mood, smiles, a sun, a puff of breeze, even submarine, an odour from landfill, screams from scavenge birds, a lagoon and so on. :-)
06 August 2003
Jule 2003
Today, 10th of June 2003 is the opening of the Bulgarian Cinema, Theatre and Culture Festival at the Riverside Studios in London. The festival will take place from 10th June until 22nd June 2003.
June 2003
Photo Gallery prepared and conceded from one of the main leader of the Bulgarian Community in Glasgow in the person of Lina Petracieva
Jule 2003
Probably you remember that I went to Ben Achaladar last Sunday i.e. on 29 June 2003. Just now I received the site with pictures from this place. The weather was marvellous & I was satisfied much. On this climbing ware Cesar & Marian from Span and Jos & Svilen from Denmark. :-)If you have spare time you can click over this text to see in detail part of this adventure.
Jule 2003
On a mission to a Scotland landfill
June 2003
Staropramen, Sofia - 8 December 2000, some dance, some lager, some music and not too bad mood at all.
Jule 2003
Evgeny's birthday in lovely Rila, a picturesque spot, a chalet Mechit, It was the best birthday I have ever been...
SvilStan Conunication Ins.
Slang - dismay, aggression, passive or anything else? :-)The text is typed from Cesar.

20 July 2003 - I made a big accident. The upshot is 40 stitchs and 3 hours in comatose. It was very very bad event in my life.

On a business trip


Hallo everyone. I'm so happy. It's terrific. You are welcome in Stankulov's Web Site. - - - - - - - - Office phone +44(0)141 552 2000 (627)- - - - - - - - - - - - Office Fax. +44(0)141 552 2525 - - - - - - - - - Mobile: +44 774 5070 253

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