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        Our school  had been constructed in 1940 named  Aksu Köy Enstitüsü (means Aksu Village Institute) .  In 1951 its name was changed to Aksu Ilköğretmen Okulu (means School for training teachers for primary schools.)

        Between 1968 - 1973 It took the name of Aksu Öğretmen Okulu ( means Aksu Teacher School) . In this period our school had prepared, teachers forvillage primary schools.

        Since 1973, it was called as Aksu Öğretmen Lisesi and it worked as a secondary school and highschool of six years.

        In the education period of 1989 - 1990 its name changed to Aksu Anadolu Öğretmen Lisesi. Since then it's been working as a highschool of 3 years plus one year English preparation.

        Students coming us after secondary school by the central selection exemination made by the ministry of education. They are graduating after totally a four years of education. And they are being preffered by the education departments of various universities. If they want they can go other departments of universities also.



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