Kaczmarek !

There are quite a few web pages presenting score lists of pilots who fought during WW2 for the Luftwaffe and got recognized not only by their flying skils but also by their leadership and resistance skills.
Not satisfied by the statisticaly looking lists out there, I and a few friends decided to gather as many photos of Lutwaffe pilots as possible, not only the top scoring ones, but also the historicaly meanfull ones. Also, this page will be left unfinished indefenitly, so the casual visitor can be of assistance by supporting it with more photos. If you have in your collection photos of missing pilots or photos of a relative serving in the Luftwaffe as a pilot, please send me a scan of that photo(s). It'll be posted here promptly.

Here goes our effort, showing these pilots as they stood, waiting for battle orders; as they smilled cheers over victory; as they faced overwellming odds fighting up above.

Pedro Freitas 04/03/2000

Adolf Dickfeld

Adolf Glunz

Adolf Galland

Albin Wolf

Alfred Held

Alfred Teumer

Anton Hackl

Anton Hafner

Egon Mayer

Emil Lang

Erich Hartmann

Erich Rudorffer

Ernst Borngen

Erwin Leykauf

Franz Dorr

Franz Schall

Franz Schiess

Franz-Josef Beerenbock

Franz von Werra

Friedrich Geisshardt

Frithjof Fensch

Georg-Peter Eder

Gerhard Barkhorn

Gerhard Stamp

Gordon Gollob

Gunther Josten

Gunter Lutzow

Gunther Maltzahn

Gunther Rall

Gustav Rodel

Hajo Hermann

Hans Beiswenger

Hans Ehlers

Hans Feyerlein

Hans Joachim Marseille

Hans Grunberg

Hans "Assi" Hahn

Hans Phillip

Hans-Urlich Rudel

Hannes Trautloft

Heinrich Bartels

Heinrich Erler

Heinz Bar

Heinz Bretnutz

Heinz Gutmann

Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer

Helmut Lipfert

Helmuth Wick

Helmut Lent

Herbert Ihlefeld

Herbert Rollwage

Hermann Buchner

Hermann Graf

Hermann-Friedrich Joppien

Horst Ademeit

Jakob Norz

Joachim Munchberg

Johannes Naumann

Johannes Seifert

Johannes Steinhoff

Johannes Wiese

Josef Burschgens

Josef Priller

Josef Wurmheller

Josef Zwernemann

Jurgen Harder

Karl Demuth

Karl Munz

Klaus Mietusch

Kurt Brandle

Kurt Welter

Leopold Munster

Ludwig Franzisket

Martin Drewes

Max Stotz

Max-Helmuth Osterman

Oskar Romm

Otto Bertram

Otto Kittel

Reinhard Seiler

Robert Weiss

Rolf Hermichen

Rolf Pingel

Rudolf Ehrenberger

Rudolf Glockner

Rudolf Muller

Rudolf Pflanz

Rudolf Rademacher

Rudolf Schoenert


Theodor Weissenberger

Viktor Petermann

Viktor von Lossberg

Walter Dahl

Walter Horten

Walter Krupinski

Walter Nowotny

Walter Oesau

Walter Shuck

Werner Molders

Werner Schroer

Werner Streib

Wilhelm Herget

Wilhelm Batz

Wolf-Dietrich Wilcke

Wolfgang Ewald

Wolfgang Schenck

Wolfgang Spate

List of pilots present here ( .txt form).

It might be easier for you to use this search box, since we have not organized the pilots by kills tallys or "Last Name".

It is not our intention to harm any legal rights nor is this page politicaly oriented. Tanks for all the help from countless friends.

Thanks for the Counter visitors.