In the name of God
My name is
Alireza Mehrani
So far in other parts of the Universe, man has not been able to find a life similar to the one existing on the Earth. This may take place in the future. Man is a social creature not being able to be alone. Human being's growth depends on his social life. What we can get through the friendship , beauty, love, peace and negotiation, will never be materialized through hatred, ugliness, war, and abuse. We have not yet found a human being in other planets in order to fight with other human beings by means of his support. I hope that all of us could be able to live peacefully in this global village and be the witness of increasing developments of the life in its all aspects. I have arranged the data present in my home page in several sections. I hope that the data will be interesting to you.
Farsi Page Biography A brief biography of mine Photo Album 1 Some photos of my family and friends
Photo Album 2 Some photos of the trip to the north of Iran in September 2000
My sky! Collection of the photos I took from the sky
AAS Few points about the establishment of Adib Astronomical Society (AAS)
Total Solar Eclipse Report of the total solar eclipse on August 11, 1999
The Trip to Jordan Report of my visit to Jordan in November 1999 for the purpose of observing the Leonids
If interested, you can have a contact with me via my E_mail:
Thanks for observing this Home page. Good
Last Update: 11:00 February 15, 2002