ROCHON Philippe

25 years old

292 rue Henry Ghesquière

59 450 Sin Le Noble

Phone: +33 (0)6 87 30 10 16

E-mail :

Engineer majoring in optics and plasma sciences

2000: - "Diplôme de Recherche Technologique" (INSERM - HAMAMATSU France)
- Engineering degree in laser and plasma sciences at ESPEO (Ecole Sup‚rieure des Proc‚d‚s Electroniques et Optiques-Orl‚ans-France)
1995-1997: - 2 years select classes preparing for entrance to French Engineering Schools. Lycee La fayette-Clermont Ferrand-France


  • fluorescence, holography, sources and detectors, optical fibers and telecommunications
  • gas and solid state lasers, tunable and pulsed lasers, surface processing, mechanical, medical and photo-chemical applications
  • electrical discharge physics, surface treatments, etching and deposition reactors
  • geometrical and physical optics, electronic and optical components, analysis of networks, circuits and systems
  • waves and electromagnetics, solid state physics, quantum physics, thermodynamics and fluid mechanics
  • opto-electronics, digital electronics, industrial informatics, power devices, automatic controls
  • electronics(pcbs) and mechanics(industrial design, machines), vacuum techniques, metrology and sensors, design of experiments(methodology)

Computer science skills

  • Platform:Work Station, PCs, Macintosh
  • Software: MS Office, PCAD, PSPICE, Houdini
  • Operating System: Unix, Windows (NT, 98, 95)
  • Languages:Visual C++, C, HTML, Solstis, Labview, Matlab, Turbo Pascal, assembler(68 000)
French: Mother tongue
English: Fluent
German: Reasonably fluent
- Stage de fin d'étude:

Developement of a new fluorescence imaging system for endoscopique application and pH measurement (Laboratory INSERM - Lille - Serge MORDON)
- Industrial project:

new experimental setup for LIF(Laser Induced Fluorescence) measurement (GREMI Laboratory - Orléans - J. HERMANN)
- Engineering project:

in the Space Plasma Laboratory at the Australian National University of Canberra with Rode William Boswell (Rode BOSWELL).

    • 3D cartography of the floating potential in a helicon plasma reactor
    • realization of the first experimental-data 3D-visualization on the WEDGE (3D visualization system). Demonstration in Sydney's Powerhouse Museum.
- Linguistic project: in Birmingham-England (5 weeks)
- Systems project: realization of a telecommunication transmission system involving Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFA) (GREMI-ESPEO - T. LEGRAND)
- Industrial project:

programming with Visual C++

    • creation of an atom spectroscopic series calculator software
- Technician internship:

at the CEM2 (Centre Electronique de Montpellier II-CNRS National Research)

    • testing noise in the VCSEL (Vertical Lasers)

- Electronics project

    • realization of an infrared detector
1995-97: 6 months in Germany working for a concrete-cutting company


1997-1999 : Responsible for the music club of the school.

1996-1999 : Private lessons in Mathematics, Physics and German.

1992-1996 :Student representative and social funding delegate. Budget : 0,2 MF.

Driving license A, B.

Sports : Paragliding, rock climbing, skiing.

Music: Acoustic guitar.

References(about internship, project or educational background ) are available upon request.

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