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~Sarah's Pet Page~

My Pets

This is my newest pet.  He was born
May 7,1999 and his mother and father are Brandon and Carey.  He is a male American Cocker Spaniel. I had sold Herbert when he was born and he was given back to us.

Lucky is my Lab/Chow Mix.  He was born January 5, 1994.  His mother is Crystal.



  This is my male Cocker Spaniel.  He  was born Feburary 24, 1997.  His registered name is Sir Brandon's Choice 2.  He is the father to Herbert.

Carey is my female Cocker Spaniel.  She was born April 22, 1998.  Her registered name is Sarah's Lady Carey.  She is the mother to Herbert.


  This is my female American Shorthair.  She is not a year old yet.  I got her from one of my friends just a few months ago.



   Crystal is my female Lab/Chow Mix.  She is the mother of Lucky.  She was my first dog ever!  She is a year older than Lucky.

     This is my Afican Pygme Goat.  I got him when I was allergic to dogs.  He has been attacked by neighborhood dogs before, but is still alive.



   Fox is my Quarter Horse.  He is 5 years old.  I got him in 1998.

This is my Tabby cat.  He is 10 years old.  I got him when i was 5.  He lives inside and we let him outdoors at night.



       Gizmo is my American Shorthair.  I found him in our pasture 4 years ago.

   Lily is a Calico Cat.  She belonged to my next door neighbor.  Our neighbor couldn't handle taking care of her and threw her outdoors.  My mother found her being chased by our dogs and took her in.



  Oreo is another American Shorthair.  He is 6 years old.  I got him at a pet shop.


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