6J5 Line Stage Pre Amp
here for Picture
here for Schematic
here for Selector and Delay
I made this pre amp as
my friend from Wijaya Audio requested me. Basically I also use same idea
I did when I designed SRPP 6SN7, what make SRPP6J5 different from SRPP
6SN7 is the type of power supply where in SRPP6J5 I use tube rectifier
plus RC filter also as MR. A. Bing S. Wijaya requested me. I use
5Y3 rectifier which direct heated tube rectifier followed by 3 stage RC
There are many controversy among the tube
rectifier and solid state rectifier in case of sound quality and technical
In case of technical specifications solid
state rectifier seems to be more advance because of :
- No heater supply
- Low drop voltage
- Cheaper price
- Small dimension
But many Tube mania prefer to use tube retifier
because according to them tube rectifier have high plate resistance, and
the combination between that plate resistance with capacitance will perform
low pass filter with very low cut off point which is very good to
reduce all the noise from power line.
Delay , Selector and Heater
I use same delay & selector circuit
that I use for SRPP 6SN7 pre amp. Heater regulator is the combination between
LM317 and 2N3055 bipolar transistor.
Listenign Impression
Our test equipment during the listening
test are :
CD Player
Pre Amp
Power Amplfier : Single Ended 845
: Tannoy Wesminster
Cable Power
We had tried few album
during the listening test, and we found that SRPP 6J5 produced such an
interesting sound character especially around the mid and treble frequency
which sound soft, mellow and transparen. At the same opportunity we were
also trying to compare SRPP 6J5 to Audio Research Reference One Pre
Amp which price around USD 10,000,-. We found that our SRPP 6J5 is superior
against Reference One in the mid and treble region.
I can not talk any longer how superior 6J5
because finally high end devices must be judged by human ear which are
always different one person to another person.