
Monoblock Phono Stage Pre-Amp

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    I made this amp because my friend Mr. A. Bing S. Wijaya from Wijaya Audio who is vinyl  lover requested me. I don't use turntable actually.
I built this Phono Stage in the form of Monoblock to separate both channel and preventing crosstalk. I also put power transformer in the diferent casing.
One of my friend who is also a vinyl lover told me that it was the first time he saw
phono stage pre amp in the form of monoblock during 25 years experience as high end seller.

Circuit Description
    As you can see from the schematic the circuit consist of three gain stage, first stage is paraleled anode follower using 12AY7 tube, second stage is also anoda follower using 12AY7, and finally the third stage is anoda follower using 6J5 tube. I use paraleled 12AY7 in the first stage to reduce pick-up noise and also internal noise from the tube. It is  very important to pay serious attention to this first stage because all the noise occurs in this stage will become greater and greater on the next stage because of cascade configuration.
    The first stage provides 30 dB gain, second stage 29 dB, and finally the third stage provides 22 db gain.  I designed the circuit to work with MC catridge, but it is also posible to use MM catridge without concerning about aver amplification, because I provide 20 dB attenuation switch on the input of third stage that can be use when the circuits work with MM catridge.
I used 12AY7 and 6J5 because they have sweet sound character, especially 12AY7 which is recommended tube for small signal application such as phono pre amp.
On this design I'll show you two of my audio phylosophy, Zero Feedback Design and Pure Class A  design. Pure Class A Design indicated by the high bias current on every stage especially the third stage which use 7.5 mA bias current, and Zero Feedbak Design indicated by the absence of NFB loop in the whole of circuit.


Equalization is something have to be done in order to achieve flat frequency response during playback.
As seen on the equalization curve there are three cut of point, 50, 500 and 2120 Hz. I try to achive 80 dB gain for MC catridge application, but if this pre amp is going to be used with MM catridge which only require 60 dB gain Attenuation switch will helps.
    To apply 2120 Hz cutt off point I use C5 and R5, to apply 50 and 500Hz cut-off point I use the combination between C8, C9, R8, R9, R11.

Power Supply
    The ciruit itself requires 250V supply voltage and total current consumsion is around 11mA. I apply zener-source follower regulator to get 250 VDC. The series combination of 47V zener and 33V zener diode are use to reach 250V zener voltage. Noise voltage from zener diode reduced by 100nF Siemen Oil Cap
    As the source follower drived by zener diode I use IRF530 enchancement type  MOSFET.
As I already described in My Audio Phylosophy about the application of Ultra Regulated Power Supply, here you can see that I use totally 4 RC filter stage plus Zener-Mosfet Regulator. Those  are
 a) First RC stage consist of CB, RC13, dan C13, C14
                               b) Second RC stage consist of R16, C15 and C16
                               c) Zener regulator and MOSFET source follower
                               d) Third RC stage consist of R18, C17 and C18
                               e) Fourth RC Stage consist of R3 and C1
Heater regulator stage apply the combination between LM317 floating type regulator and 2N3055 bipolar transistor as current gain amplifier.
The heater regulator circuit also completed by soft start function capability to maintain the filament lifetime.

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