Welcome to ynotimagine
6/30/99 To many freaks...not enough circuses.
7/1/99 We are all naked under are clothes. submitted by Will S.
7/2/99 What is Freedom?
7/3/99 We all make choices that we have to live with long after their over.
7/4/99 Celebrate Independence
7/5/99 To much beer, to much sun, afterwards ain't to much fun.
7/6/99 ???
7/7/99 You!...Off my Planet.
7/8/99 Is it Friday yet???
7/9/99 Stress is when you wake up screaming and realize you haven't fallen asleep yet.
7/10/99 .....
7/11/99 The bible was written by the same people who said the Earth was flat.
7/12/99 Here we go again.....
7/13/99 Kick life's A** before it kick's your's.
7/14/99 Where'd it go??
7/15/99 There are idiots among us.
7/16/99 The key to success is ORGANIZATION.
7/17/99 What ever happened to 50/50 in a relationship?
7/18/99 I pretend to work...they pretend to pay me...
7/19/99 It sure is Monday...
7/20/99 When one door closes another one opens...you just have to be able to see it.
7/21/99 My, my Venus...saw my p**** and it came between us...I'm a genius... Submitted by Will S.
7/22/99 I started with nothing and still have most of it left...
7/23/99 Was it really a mistake or was it fate.....
7/24/99 Life's short...
7/25/99 Laughter is the best medicine.
7/26/99 Damned if you do Damned if you don't...So just do it.
7/27/99 If anybody ever tries to hold you back...you've got to kick a little. (Little Texas)
7/28/99 Money talks and Bullshit walks...SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!
7/29/99 Life's a dance you learn as you go...sometimes you lead sometimes you follow.
7/30/99 Think...
7/31/99 Just Chill...
8/01/99 It's not the smoke it's the fire that gets the burning done...
8/02/99 Life:20
8/03/99 The wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead.
8/04/99 Some people aren't really has-been's, but more of a definite won't-be's.
8/05/99 No matter how far away you run...you can't runaway from yourself...

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