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This page is basically a tribute to the Star Wars series by George Lucas. As many people know, the STAR WARS Triliogy was recently re-released as a precursor to the release of Episode One. Originally released in the 1970's, Star Wars: A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi, are episodes 4, 5, and 6 in a 9 episode-long saga. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace is Episode One, as George Lucas attempts to explain how all the characters in the original trilogy got to be where they are. Episode two is set to be released in 2002 and will be the middle section in the life of Anakin Skywalker, a.k.a Darth Vadar, a.k.a. Luke's father. That is basically the rundown on the movies. If I had to pick a favorite I would pick Return of the Jedi. This movie features the most suspense, the best characters, and the best fighting.

I have collected some pictures from the original Trilogy and placed them here. Eventually I will get around to writing summaries of the movies and profiles on the characters but for now be happy with the pics. I have a page of Rebel Alliance characters, and Imperial Empire characters. The Imperial characters (Darth Vadar, etc.) are not up yet. Also missing are C3-P0 and R2-D2, they will join the Rebel Alliance shortly

There are a few spoilers in these captions for those of you who haven't seen the trilogy (why are you here???). But only the really obvious ones.

This is a shot of Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker. At this point in the movie Luke has made up his mind that he wants to become a Jedi, and Obi-wan, also known as Ben, has decieded to help him, and be Luke's teacher.

Yoda is one of the great Jedi masters from the time of the old republic. Almost 900 years old this small creature with a grover-like voice is very wise and very set in his ways. In Empire Strikes Back the spirit of Obi-Wan sends Luke to Dagobah, a jungle planet on the far edge of the empire. Here he finds Yoda and he agrees to finish Luke's training. I think personally Yoda is the coolest character and one of these days I'll make something on his quotes, because some of them are so funny.

Here are my other favorites (next to Yoda, of course) Han Solo and his wookie, Chewbacca, a.k.a. Chewie. Solo was once a smuggler for Jabba the Hut, but after Luke and Obi-Wan hire him to take them to Alderaan, he gets caught up in the rebel alliance, and in Princess Leia ;).

Princess Leia Organa is one of the leaders of the Rebel Alliance. She was captured by Darth Vadar and one of Luke's first missions is to rescue her. We later learn in Return of the Jedi that Luke and Leia are twin brother and sister. Leia also falls in love with Han Solo.

Last Updated: September 2nd, 10:00 pm EDT, 1999

E-mail me at: jcbug51@yahoo.com

***Note: These pictures are not mine, I assume they are copyrighted by Lucasarts. If I am breaking any codes, please let me know so I can either take down the page, or put up the proper acknowledgements.***

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