What I do in my free time (aside from editing webpages)

***Still Under Construction***

Hola, well, I figure I certainly doodle enough, and my art teacher thinks I am ok, so I have been working on putting some of my stuff up here. Basically I am combining two of my favorite hobbies, although I am having a little trouble with my bigger pieces. Don't worry I'll figure it out eventually. The gallery is growing slowly, I have ten pieces up at this point in time. Please don't take any of this stuff without my permission, and this is all original work, I didn't reproduce, or alter these pieces in anyway, it's all me.

Some of these pictures are larger than others so I have a thumbnail, click on it to see the larger version of the picture.

Media: Oil Pastels Media: Charcoal Media: Acryllic paints

Media: Oil Pastels

Media: Glaze on a ceramic tile Media: Glaze on a ceramic tile Media: Acryllic paints Media: Watercolor paints Media: Acryllic Paints Media: Linoleum carving and brown ink

Well that is all that I have been able to scan in for now, I will have more up soon. If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions e-mail me at the address below. I hope you liked my stuff!

Last Updated: September 29th, 4:17 pm EDT, 1999

All Artwork on this page © 1999, by Caitlin F-R

E-mail me at: jcbug51@yahoo.com

Music: Feather Song, From Forrest Gump

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