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You are visitor number counter since June 21st 1999

Hi thanks for stopping by my little place in cyber land. My name is Wayne Helms II. I became interested in Amateur Radio in the mid 1990's while I was volunteering as the Disaster Director of The White County Chapter of the American Red Cross in North Central Arkansas. I had several volunteers who were into ham radio one day Doyle Carter, kk5aw, dropped off a copy of "NOW YOUR TALKING" a self study guide to amateur radio and after studying less than two weeks I took my test and passed. So I became kc5wxc on 11/15/96. I now hold a General Class Amateur Radio License.You will find info here on my site about Amateur Radio and how it benefits mankind. I'm also interested in Weather both Weather and Amatuer Radio go hand in hand in protecting life and property! So just look around. This page is under Major RE-Construction THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGES SINCE IT WAS CREATED 8 PLUS YEARS AGO SO STAND BY AS I TRY TO UPDATE THIS SITE ! 73's kc5wxc

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