Mr. Kelly's Math Page
Hanford High School, Richland, Washington
Algebra 1
with Lab
Calculus III
High School
Fight Song
Welcome to Mr. Kelly's math page. Look on this page for general information, and click on the above links for information on specific classes.
E-mailed Progress Reports: I send e-mailed progress reports after each test to those parents and students for whom I have e-mail addresses.  I ask parents for this information during the first week of school.  If you are not getting progress reports electronically and would like to, please e-mail me at
View a list of daily homework assignments and upcoming tests.
Homework Web Page
Click to download a flow chart of the math classes at Hanford High School.
(WORD file)
Math Class Flow Chart
The College Board - Information on the Advanced Placement exams, as well as the SAT and PSAT exams.  Also, there is a college search feature that lets you search colleges across the United States based on the characteristics that you are interested in.
MathWorld is a comprehensive and interactive mathematics encyclopedia intended for students, educators, math enthusiasts, and researchers. Like the vibrant and constantly evolving discipline of mathematics, this site is continuously updated to include new material and incorporate new discoveries.
A fantastic web site that includes a math encyclopedia, math quotes, math humor, the art of M.C Escher, the Greek alphabet, and many other topics too numerous to mention!
Platonic Realms
A website for students, families, and teachers as they learn - and teach - math.  An ad-free site offering ideas, resources, educational gifts and products, links, and more.
Newton's Window
Also by Suzanne Sutton: Finding the Glory in the Struggle: Helping Our Students Thrive When Math Gets Tough
Look up mathematical terms. (from the University of Cambridge
Math Thesaurus
A collection of activities, tests and links, including a Gallery of Interactive Multi-media Units.
Maths Online
Math resources for Algebra through Calculus, including online flash cards.
Ask Dr. Math On-line math help.  Be sure to check the archives for topics you need.
College Campus Cameras
Live views of colleges attended by Hanford grads.
Slates, Sliderules and Software
A Smithsonian Museum National Museum of American History exhibit on the history of mathematics teaching in America
A resource on the History of Mathematics from the University of St. Andrews in Fife, Scotland.
History of Mathematics Archive
Earliest Uses of Various Mathematical Symbols
Research earliest uses of various math symbols: also links to Earliest Uses of Math Words.
Mathematicians on postage stamps from around the world, as well as postage stamps with math-related topics.
Mathematicians on Postage Stamps
True Random Number Service
An online Random Number Generator that can (among other things) produce a random sequence of numbers without repeats.  I use it to choose questions for my calculus quizzes.
FREE downloadable software to generate two and three-dimensional graphs.  These can then be inserted into Word, Powerpoint or web pages.
MathGV Software
FREE downloadable math software, including a graph plotter, a geometric drawing program, a calculus integrator, and others.
Peanut Software
Interesting (and challenging) math related articles from the magazine Science News.
Downloadable program to print graph paper in any style and color you want.  The trial version is free.
Graph Paper Printer
American Mathematics Competitions
Information on the AMC 10 (for 9th and 10th graders) and the AMC 12 (for 11th and 12th graders).  The test is given in February.
College Math Readiness Test
See an example of the math skills necessary for college.
Word of the Day
A Word of the Day from Merriam Webster.  Great for building SAT vocabulary!
Yahoo Geocities
This is the program that I use to write my web pages.  It is easy to use and it's FREE.
MWSnap is a small yet powerful Windows program for snapping (capturing) images from selected parts of the screen.  It is FREE!
Parents:  I am often asked about adoption by people who meet my family.  If you or your friends are considering adoption, I highly recommend PLAN.  They are quick and relatively inexpensive, and they have many infants and children who need homes.  Check out their website!