David Lonard's Webpage
Diffuse Interstellar band spectra
Information on Diffuse interstellar bands
Observational targets
Telescope - 8 inch SCT
Spectrophotometer -
Shelyak Lhires III
Any comments, suggestions - please contact me at lonard@hotmail.com
Far red (infrared) spectrophotometry
Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6 Slide 7 Slide 8 Slide 9       unprocessed image of miarch (JPEG)
New DIB data 9-18-2007
Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 Data 4 Data 5
DIB Info 3 DIB Info 4 DIB Info 5
DIB Info 1 DIB Info 2 DIB Info 6
Far red spectrphotometry of cool objects - M class stars, carbon stars - 12/14/2007
Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4
More far red objects Mira RLeo RXLep
Epsilon Aurigae 2-26-2008
1-19-2008  Far red image of M42.  Canon 300D infrared modified with filter to block light bluer than 670 nm.  Although not photometrixally ideal, red pixels in the CFA see proportionally bluer light (670-1000) while the blue and gree CFA sees (~800-1000).  In this image the red CFA layer is now blue/green, while the blue and green CFA layers are coded as red.  Lots more stars are visible, looks like a 2MASS image.  M42 infrared
New 2-24-2009 Photometry with my new toy - An InGaAs Near Infrared Camera from Sensors
Unlimited - model SU320-1.7RT-V/RS170.  Not suitable for astronomy without some modifications (camera offset/flat correction turned off, sensor cooled below specs).  It is a video camera that can only integrate 20 msec per frame.  Extensive stacking procedures are
being tested (can get to Hmag ~7 at the present time). 
Preliminary photometry is promising.
More photometry from 3-1-2009

This camera sees from 900 to 1700 nm and can access the Y, J and H near infrared bands (but not K).  Check out my
Youtube video also to see what H band looks like on household objects.
Orion Nebula
  red = Z band infrared 870-1000 nm
  green = Halpha 10 nm FWHM
  blue = OIII 10 nm FWHM
Andromeda - infrared z-band image 870-1000 nm
Orion Nebula
  red = Z band
  green = SII
  blue = OIII
Trifid and Lagoon nebula from west Texas