Dave Curran - Swiss Dave
About Dave Curran
The one who wrote this guff

The River Cam
A how to punt guide

telegraph pole

Aluminium Foams
All about my PhD subject. Warning: techie stuff!

Crap talks
The stuff science is made of

Safety Symbols
85,000 hits so far - why are these are so popular?

railway lines

Safety Symbols
85,000 hits so far - why are these are so popular?

Lots of photos
of people in Cambridge, Switzerland, etc - now filed in four groups on Facebook - here, here, here and here.

Pictures of Swiss People
You never know when these might be useful

Google Logo

All Change
Yahoo is closing Geocities - including this page - later in the year. Most of it will vanish into the ether, but I've started a new and improved page at davecurran.blogspot.com. Hope to see you there....

The really old Cambridge photos have moved to Facebook to save space - see albums one, two, three and four. You don't have to be signed up to Facebook to see them but there's more detail, as well as more pictures, if you are.

The digital camera always seemed just a bit too bargainous to work in the long term, and sure enouh it fell victiim to technical issues, so there's precious little that's new in the way of content - but if you're blessed with an inexplicable interest in 1960s tower blocks, streets in the sky, strange urban scenes, and more pictures of south London at night than you're ever really likely to need, you could do worse than see the Swissdave photos on Flickr, for some newer and better quality photos, almost all in London. There are also a few pictures of Caius House, Battersea - now possessed with great historical interest given the entire site has been bulldozed since these were taken.

Believe it or not,
the safety symbols page on this site is still extraordinarily popular, with about 20,000 visitors a month.

My e-mail is currently dccswissdave.co.uk.


www.swissdave.co.uk. Last updated August 2008. Sites include www.geocities.com/david_charles_curran, my Materials Science Metal Foams site at www.msm.cam.ac.uk/mmc/people/dave and www.swissdave.co.uk.