Below is a set of photos from my errors and misadventures - no doubt this will
become a very LARGE portion of my web page :), If you gain something from it
then all has not been lost
The photos above and below show an internal arc that occurred inside my secondary
I had no idea this was occurring until I dismantled it due to a severe shorted turn.
There was a telltale however, I had recurring racing arcs that ALWAYS terminated at a
point on the outside of the secondary that corresponded exactly with the solder deposit on
the inside of the secondary. We live and learn - always inspect your secondary thoroughly before
installation into the TC primary.
Closer detail of the shorted turn above, even after several repair attempts it got too bad to continue.
Another turn beginning to short out
This is what happens to a UHMWPE disk when 10KVA goes through the gap!! Use G10 for the RSG whenever possible at high power levels.