ü ¨¨Qÿÿ$ÿÿFf[q™V°Ž Í÷¥“ÙŸÇ|`µ‚ÓvkCRðidÁáa.e<ˆª(»2nn2nin1zlF=êô7Pÿd1Zscanscan1d runrun1'run2nfofo1xs23s24gosum s£se ¤d)(=d)+mD WELCOME TO THE VIVEKSOFT OPERATING SYSTEM ----******_vivek_******.–²»m–m"list of commands------------------–m–m/ d - view the contents of the current directory–m$ a - change to u r floppy disk drive–m e - exit this programme–m dw - dir width wise–m cdr - change to u r c drive–m! r - rename a file in a directory–mH c - change to a new directory in the current drive by entering its name–m' h - help ( shows u this command list )"–m% k -to delete a file in the directory"–mE scan - to check if file ( only extension ) exsists in that directory"–m0 run - to run a prog. in a particular directory –m< *scan - to check if a particular file exsists ( only name )–m fo - to format a disk–m- press f1 3 times to quit the current command"–m–mpress any key to continue–ës£se ¤T|m–se ¤mvivek_is_great:\>"‰ V¶ˆ Vmd"]Y` Vmdw]Yª Vma"]4Yk Vme"]J[v Vmcdr"]bYµ Vmc"]xY‚ Vmr"]ŽYˆ Vmh"]¤[» Vmk"]ºYÇ Vmscan*"]ÔYÓ Vmrun"]ìYê Vmfo]Y Vm*scan"]Yã% PRINT "please print a valid command"[|^vNr=[|NmF name of the file without the extension - vivek.*,( only type vivek)- ‰  ¶ˆmdir/p  m.* ' 'êofmname of the drive to format ‰  ¶ˆmformat "  m:"  êo êm8 name of the directory in which the program. is located ‰ ð¶ˆm–m name of the prog.‰ ÷¶ˆmcd " ð ÿmcd..ê ÿê ÷êoŽÓm0 extension of file e.g -- .exe or .com or .doc--‰ Ù¶ˆmdir *. Ù á áêoæÇmname of file to be deleted "‰ [¶ˆmdel [ Í Íêo µmc:êmcd..êo&ªmdir/w"êo”ˆmname of the file to be changed "‰ Ÿ¶ˆm the new name ‰ “¶ˆ Ÿ “Èoâ‚m name of the dir. ‰ °¶ˆmcd " ° ¥ ¥êoü`mdir/p"êoÿÿkm a:"êo tÿÿÿÿÿÿ€