1) Events in the world - before the ruling of God in the world, by the King Messiah Jesus! Why has the U.S.A suffered lately from series of strikes? |
2) On March 17th 2009 or 2010 - a deluge will hit the USA starting from Michigan Lake, Chicago. Till November 2013: 200 millions residents of U.S.A will die in a series of devastating deluges there!! Three quarters of the present area of U.S.A will sink under the water: only 1.6 millions sq.km out of 6 millions sq.km of the present U.S.A area – will be left without water. Also described here interesting hints about the Sep 11th 2001 attack on U.S.A! |
4) Christians and Moslems are persecuted by the Jews in Israel! King Messiah Jesus and prophet Mohamed - are despised and humiliated in nasty ways by the Jews: “…Jesus is boiling in dung in hell… Jesus is a bastard, son of a prostitute… The Christians resemble a pig… The story of Jesus mother Merriam is a pornography fiction…" |
5) The Jews admit: "...we stoned Jesus to death... ...We crucified his dead body on a wooden beam… we later, took his body out of his grave and walked with the body all along the land of Israel – to prove to Jesus “stupid” followers that his body was decaying… then, we threw Jesus body to one of the “holes” in the upper Galilee… Jesus is now burning in hell, in boiling dung…” The above-mentioned and more shocking evidence is written in the Jewish “Talmud”: more than 1700 years ago!! |
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7) July 2005, Israel: Lately, I was violently attacked again by the fanatic Jewish groups of “Habad”, “Yad Leachim” and “Lev Leachim”… only because I’m a Christian! The Israeli police and intelligence forces fully cover and support the attackers! |
8) 1991 N.Y – U.S.A: leading leaders and rabbis of the Jewish “Habad” messianic movement incite to liquidate the black population, calling them: “…black animals… the place that is suitable for them is in the lavatory bowl” …etc. |
9) 2005: Jewish rabbis in Israel and abroad incite their audience against Christians and against Messiah Jesus – in a vulgar and rude manner … since they expect their (Jewish) messiah appearance soon! |
10) April 2005, during the Jewish Passover: The Jewish religious followers of the radical messianic movement of “Habad” reconstructed the brutal events of crucifying Jesus by the Jewish “Sanhedrin” leaders 2000 years ago which was also made in Passover, as described in their Jewish Gmara, written 1800 years ago!!… |
11) The Jewish “Habad” messianic radical movement continues to lead a nasty campaign against the black people, and against King Messiah Jesus, joking about the Christian American soldiers who were killed in Iraq… and more!! |
13) Ex Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef (Israel) about hurricane “Katrina”: “God punished George W. Bush and the stupid black Negroes of New Orleans”! – and more! |
14) March 20th 2008, Ariel – near Jerusalem: 15 years old Ami Ortez received a package with a note "merry festival" ("Purim")… When he opened the package – he was badly injured in his face, in his eyes, neck and feet: he received a bomb package! The reason for the bomb package: his family believes that Jesus is the Messiah! |
15) May 19th 2008: Burning the New Testament in Or -Yehuda (Israel) Organized by Uzi Aharon, the deputy of Or- Yehuda Mayor: Uzi is a lawyer, who serves in Or-Yehuda council as the representative of the Jewish religious party "Shas"! |