The Fighters of

Me-109F, left, and a line up of Supermarine Spitifre Mk.VCs
with No. 417 Squadron RCAF.
I have always liked
airplanes. Fighters have always been my main intrest. And WWII
fighters are my favorite fighters. In this page I will present
the fighters of different countries. Also, this site does NOT contain any political views or idiologies. It is simply a resource to be used in the education of all airplane nuts. By the way, the music is the title song from the movie "Das Boot". All text, except for the stats and all pictures, unless indicated otherwise, are copyrighted by Paul Basar, as of 1999, 2000.

Single Engined Monoplane Fighters
Twin Engined Fighters
Biplane Fighters
My Favorite Links
Axis Fighters Used During WWII
Best Biplane Fighter of WWII
Last updated January 14, 2001. What's new? Corrected by a viewer, I have removed two entries from the Bulgarian list of fighters, and replaced the insignia with the correct one. Please alert me to any discrepencies in the info on this page!
E-mail me at paal_101@hotmail.com