Welcome to my Beer Page

This page describes some of the best Australian beers as well as various others, both great and not-so-great. I've included specs (package size and alcohol content) for my favourites. A few foreign brews are included too. Any proffered opinions about beer will always draw debate, especially as most countries have generally-preferred beer styles. (For example, some foreign reviewers insist that most Aussie beers are bland and served too cold. This kind of misses the point about the way we enjoy our beer in Australia!)

Great Beers


Overrated Beers

The rest

Aussie Beer Myths

Other Thoughts on Beer

So there you have it: beer is great! Opinions will always vary, but Australia does have some of the world's best beers.

Click here to return to Robbie's World of Hobbies... "The classic beer styles all originate from the northern part of central and Western Europe, but today those styles are brewed with skill around the world." WEB PAGE COUNTER bubble8 Counter -!>