Here are
some short notes I wrote during my trip
The best (and worst) of Japan:
city that I like the most ¡V Fukuoka
It is a city, which gave me everything. Ups and downs; happiness and loneliness;
the beautiful side and the poor side; ocean and land; sunset and sunrise.
See Fukuoka
most fun city ¡V Tokyo
The city itself is not very fun. Only my friends make it stands out from
the other big city in Japan.
city that gave me the most thoughts ¡V Hiroshima
I visited the peace memorial park twice and it was quite emotional. I
thought about it a lot. May there be "PEACE" on earth.
most culturalistic city ¡V Kyoto
City of temples and history. The whole place was beautiful even me, an
amateur photographer can take postcard quality photos.
most boring city ¡V Kofu
I was in Kofu for 3 hours but it really have nothing in it. So impossibly
best scenery ¡V Kiso-valley
Very nicely persevered open-air museum with both history and nature. I
highly recommend 'Magome to Tsumago' walk.
hottest day ¡V 8th December 2002 in Fukuoka
The coldest day ¡V 9th December
2002 in Tokyo (it was snowing all day long)
The best time I had ¡V travelling
with Hiro, Kumiko and Roseanne
best person I met ¡V Onari San
He is not rich but he definitely full of
kindness. He has an immeasurable richness. See Hitchhiking
I met ¡V a group of high school student in Kobe
For fuck sake, even though I don't understand a word of Japanese you guys
were saying. But I knew that you guys weren't saying anything nice. Cheers!
in Japan ¡V Hiro's place: Tomioka-nishi, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagaua-ken.
I will go back there for sure. Really feels like home to me.
best Youth hostel ¡V Aichi-ken Seinen-kaikan Youth Hostel (Nagoya)
Good Japanese style bedroom with nice roommate.
The most welcoming Youth
hostel ¡V Kiso Ryojoan Youth Hostel
No matter how cold the outside was but inside I was the only guest and
it was bloody warm and welcoming.
The worst Youth hostel ¡V
Osaka-fu Hattori Ryokuchi Youth Hostel
Very dull, boring and old hostel deep inside a big park.
best Japanese meal ¡V cooked by Hiro's mum
It was just unbeatable; curry chicken, roasted beef¡K
The cheapest food ¡V bread
in bakery in Hiroshima (178yen ¡V that's my lunch)
The most expensive meal
¡V Indian restaurant in Canal City, Fukuoka (2000 yen for lunch)
The best food ¡V Ramen in
The worst food ¡V Soba in
The car I drove ¡V Mitsubishi
Lancer Cedia MX-E
The coolest driving experience
¡V driving thru small alley in Kawaguchi-ko city (with speed)
The most dangerous moment
¡V the car skidded toward oncoming car when drove down a curve at Mt Fuji.
transportation that I spent most time on ¡V Walking (at least 5 hours per
clothes that I wore the most ¡V All Blacks Jersey and light blue Hallensteins
