I live in the Chestnut Hill area, MA. If you would like,
e-mail me.
Gennadi Uimin, PhD
a member of the American Physical Society
a permanent position of a lead scientist at the Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics
Long time research and teaching experience in condensed matter physics,
statistics, applied maths, computer sciences.
Prof.Employment and
Research Interests
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, Russia
Lead/Senior Research Scientist,
Theoretical physics of condensed matter.
The scientific center Chernogolovka is a "home" place of
the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics

For a larger view, click here.
- From microscopic description of strongly correlated Cu-O chain fragments
to their statistical ensemble in YBCO-type of high-Tc superconducting (HTCS)
materials: Cu-O deficient planes as "soft matter" objects within condensed
matter. The problem of oxygen ordering.
Statistical simulations
and contemporary programming methods.
- Interplay of magnetic ordering and crystalline electric field effects in
rare-earth and uranium compounds: Applications to monopnictides;
Formation of the
quadrupolar ordering in
- Computer simulations of percolation processes: from fractal growth to
Web documents clustering.
- Surface physics: Step dynamics.
- Diffuse x-ray and neutron scattering from nano-structures: Applications
to the problems of surface structures, polytype materials, lipid membranes
- Unconventional low-dimensional magnetism: Long-periodic structures,
fractal charge topological excitations, low-temperature thermodynamics.
Strongly correlated fermions. Quantum antiferromagnetism
- Wetting phenomena in low-dimensional systems.
Prof.Employment and Research Interests
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Chernogolovka,
Moscow Region, Russia
Research Scientist, Physics of condensed matter.
A nice view. N'est ce pas?

- Commensurate-incommensurate phase transitions and phase diagrams of
two-dymensional systems.
- Complex modulated structures: Development of the algorithm
(computational and analytical) for finding out the ground states and low-
and high-temperature thermodynamics of complex modulated structures with
using the linear programming method.
- Dislocations in semiconducting materials: Application to ZnS.
- Low-dimensional quantum models. Phase transitions in low dimensional
systems. Hubbard model.
On leave from the Landau Institute: other Research Centers
and Universities
Professional Employment at:
11/98-01/99, 05/99-07/99
Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems,
Dresden, Germany
Visiting Research Scientist, Condensed matter physics/
Statistical physics.
Many beautiful places in Dresden..

Web documents clustering. Percolation and statistical
analysis of Web documents ensembles,
EuB6, explained the origin of the magnetic anisotropy
switching from easy diagonal to easy axis.
Yb4As3, 3-dimensional compound with
1-dimensional Yb3+ magnetic chains parallel to <111> with no interactions
between the chains. The weak magnetic dipolar interaction as a mechanism
for breaking rotational magnetic symmetry, and opening a gap in applied
magnetic field. Recommendations for specific heat, magneto-elastic, and
other experiments.
Collaborated with P.Fulde and Al.Ovchinnikov.
Professional Employment at:
09/90-02/91, 12/92–03/93, 01/96-06/96
CEA, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, Grenoble, France
Visting Research Scientist, Physics of condensed matter.
Synchrotrone de Grenoble...

Development of the statistical approach to the ensemble of CuO chain
fragments which form the deficient planes of the YBCO-type high-temperature
superconductors. Diffuse scattering due to CuO chain fragments.
Helimagnetism, long-periodic magnetic structures, staircase of phase
transitions. Helimagnetism and fractional charge vortices.
Competition of the quadrupolar and magnetic orderings ordering in
Recommendations for neutron scattering/synchrotron experiments on
CeB6 monocrystals,
A great pleasure was to collaborate with J.Schweizer, P.Burlet,
L.-P.Regnault, and others. Especially important were my contacts with
Jacques Villain and Jean Rossat-Mignod.
Professional Employment at:
09/92-11/92, 09/93-12/93, 01/95-12/95,
08/96-03/97, 09/97-12/97
Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Cologne University,
Visiting Professor,
Statistical physics.

Monte Carlo simulations for the ensemble of CuO chain fragments which form
the basal planes of high-temperature Rare-Earth-BCO superconductors.
Click here
for the electronic version of the paper.
Numerical transfer-matrix
methods for the 2-d statistical problem and its 1-d quantum
Low-dymensional antiferri-magnetic chains.
Application of analytical methods in combination with symbolic computer
and numerical computer methods. The electronic version of the paper consists of
two parts, here is the
first, and here is the
Revealed, that NdB6 should be classified as a
strong spin-quadrupolar coupling compound. Spin-excitation branches have
been computed. Observed a unusual
suppression of some branches in the spin-response function,
That was a great time to work with J.Zittartz, E.Mueller-Hartmann,
A.Kluemper, W.Brenig, H.Rieger, M.Schreckenberg.
Professional Employment at:
RISO National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark
Visiting Research Scientist, Physics of condensed matter.
The view at the reactor from fjord.

Quasi-one-dimensional nano-structures, transfer-matrix approach.
Recommendations for their observation by diffuse X-ray and neutron
scattering methods. The ideas can be probably adapted to some (en)decoding
problems of computer sciences. Later, you can look here at the results
obtained with a Demo "nano"-program.
Unusual low-temperature magnetic structures in doped YBCO
superconductors has been predicted. Tiny details of magnetic ordering
can be only available in microscopic (neutron) experiments,
Had a really nice time to collaborate with P.-A.Lindgaard and
Professional Employment at:
Laboratoire Leon Brillouin, Saclay, France
Visiting Research Scientist, Condensed matter physics.
Collaborated with the members of condensed matter and soft matter/biological
physics groups, who performed inelastic neutron scattering experiments.
Would like to mention J.Teixeira and V.Gordely.
I was invited at the LLB by Jean Rossat-Mignod, with whom I had to
discuss so many things during my staying at Saclay... In July-93 he visited
my home in Chernogolovka. Nobody could imagine that the conference in
San-Diego in August-93 would be his last... That's too bad that he died...
Professional Employment at:
Department of Physics of the Tohoku University, Japan.
Awarded by the JSPS Fellowship.

Selection of a proper theoretical prerequisite and relevant
interactions for a description of the quadrupolar phase of
Fall is a nice season in Japan. Also, collaboration with
Y.Kuramoto was extremely fruitful.
Professional Employment at:
02/91-04/91, 04/92-06/92
Department of Physics of the University of Oslo, Norway
Visiting Professor,Statistical Physics

Lectures on the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transitions.
Microscopic properties of CuO chains, the constituents of oxygen
deficient planes in HTSC. In cooperation with Finn Ravndal,
supervised Haarek Haugerud whose PhD thesis included many results
of our collaboration.
Teaching, teaching, teaching, teaching, teaching, teaching, teaching...
Teaching Employment at:
Moscow University of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia
Physics Department, division of Theoretical Physics.
Alma Mater...

Lecture Courses and Seminars:
At the undergraduate level:
Classical Mechanics Classical Electrodynamics.
At the graduate level:
Classical Field Theory Quantum Mechanics
Statistical Physics and Kinetic Theory
Selected Topics of Condensed Matter Theory
Contemporary Mathematical Methods in Physics.
Teaching at the Landau Institute Summer School-93.
Lectures on strongly correlated fermions and selected problems of high
temperature superconductivity.
Teaching Employment at:
Institute of Computer & Cyberspace Technology, Brookline, MA.
Lecture courses "C/C++ and Visual Basic. Their applications to the
real-world projects".

The lectures have been oriented at the undergraduate level of listerners.
That was not a kind of social programming which practically filled a niche
of business-oriented informational technologies. Time to time programmers
can employ some classical and contemporary computing methods and algorithms
in that social programming, but prefer instead to get rid of them, because
these methods are not of their daily needs. From the opposite side, those
people, who are very familiar with the "scientific" part, often feel
themselves uncomfortable with a friendly presentation of their results.
The purpose of the lectures is to demonstrate a full circle of development,
which includes non-trivial computaional methods, starting from a pure idea,
and finishing with a customized product.
More about Demo programs
addressed to students.
Organization of Meetings, Seminars
Rhein near Bad Honnef.

Joint Russian-German Seminar
on Cooperative Phenomena in Many-Body Systems in Physics
Co-ordinators from the Russian side: I am.
Co-ordinators from the German side: Prof. J.Zittartz,
University of Cologne, and Prof. W.Selke,
University of Aachen.
1988, Aachen-Juelich
1989, Moscow
1990, 1993, 1995, 1997, Bad Honnef
1991, 1994, 1996, Chernogolovka
Research Grants
The source of Grants...

Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Moscow, Russia
Principal investigator and co-ordinator of the project Quadrupolar
and unusual magnetic ordering in rare-earth and uranium compounds
INTAS project, Aachen-Delft-Moscow
Member of the international (Germany-Nietherlands-Russia) research team in
the project Simulational physics: construction of a special purpose
computer and applications
Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Moscow, Russia
Principal investigator and co-ordinator of the project Theoretical
investigation of oxygen deficient planes and their roles in high-temperature
antiferromagnetism and superconductivity
International Science Foundation, Petersburg-Moscow, Russia
Key investigator responsible for a theoretical part of the project
Oxygen Ordering in
Education and Scientific Degrees
Cold morning in Moscow...

1985 Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow Region, Russia
Habilitation doctoral degree in Theoretical Physics of Condensed Matter.
Thesis: Phase transitions in systems with competing interactions
1971 Moscow University of Physics and Technology
Moscow Region, Russia
Degree in Theoretical Physics
Thesis: Complex modulated structures.
Publications: Available are the following possibilities: a
complete list of publications,
and a list of selected
Experience in Informational Technogies and corresponding
Operational Systems:
Sun/Solaris, HP-UX, Digital UNIX, Linux, Windows 95/NT
ORACLE 7.3/8.0, MS SQL Server 6.5/7.0
Programming Languages, Tools:
Perl, C, C++, Visual Basic, SAS, Fortran, Mathematica, SQL, HTML, JavaScript
Perl, I like this interpreter language for its perfect abilities
to make pattern matching, efficiently work with associative arrays, and a
great help when searching at the Internet. I do not think, however, that OO
features of Perl are its best.
C, so fundamental, that for me, it is like an iceberg, whose tip I
am only familiar with...
C++, I believe, now it is out of any competition, if an IT project
is really huge. The best set of OO features.
Visual Basic, a great toy due to Microsoft. I like it, and never
have had problems with it. It's fantastically efficient with fast
SAS, one of the statistical monsters. Until now it is the most
popular, although I am familiar with other tools, more efficient and
Fortran, old friend, still exploited in scientific projects. Most
likely, due to traditions.
Mathematica of Steven Wolfram looks like a monster now, but a
friendly monster. Sometimes I have problems with Mathematica, but they
always appear due to my incompetence.
SQL, and its versions and dialects: a perfect monopolist in
database applications.
HTML, JavaScript. So, this web page was produced with their help...
Contemporary and traditional numerical methods, algorithms:
Monte Carlo, Quantum Monte Carlo, Density Matrix Renormalization Group,
Linear Programming, Transfer Matrix, Lanczos, etc.
Statistical analysis and methods:
Basic Statistics, Regression, Correlation, Analysis of Variance,
nonparametric methods, Factor Analysis, etc.