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Central Florida Trail Riders


CFTR is a charter member of the American Motorcyclist Association and one of the member clubs of the Florida Trail Riders. Our members participate in Enduros, Hare Scrambles , Motocross, and weekend trail rides.

We are a family oriented club interested in promoting Off-Road Motorcycling.

We organize and promote at least one Hare Scrambles and an Enduro each year and have frequent get togethers to ride, camp, barbecue, etc.

Join us! You will have friends to ride with, a pit crew at the races, and someone to make sure you get home if you have trouble. Our members come from Orlando, Apopka, DeBary, Kissimmee and all points in Central Florida.

You will have fun and an opportunity to promote our sport!!

Club Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 7:30 PM. We meet at Hop’s Bar and Grill. It is located on SR 434, just north of SR 436, in Altamonte Springs.



Richloam is over.
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Hare Scramble

Our next hare scramble is September 6 & 7.
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