Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.

  Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Being-Alive in 2000 Journal

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by JEMokie, 2000

Letters to the editor

Sign guestbook to be entered into May's     drawing for a captivating free book:
A Passion for Truth by Abraham Heschel

        Definitions of life?

"a comedy to those who think,
  a tragedy to those who feel"  
H. Walpole                         
"one dem'd horrid grind"
Charles Dickens                  

What's  yours?
     Send me an e-mail with your definiition, I'll post it here.

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Send me your definition of life

The "The Being-Alive in 2000 Journal," by JEMokie, is intended to be used solely by those who have been temporarily weakened by life in a postmodern society; i.e., they are spiritually, mentally, or physically depleted. At some time or another in our postmodern lives, most of us find ourselves experiencing those types of troubling deficits. We all need a place where we can go to get a little over-the-fence advice, sincere encouragement, and meaningful inspiration.  I hope you find this to be one of those places.
now relax, interact, and have a little fun!

Philosophically speaking, what's a surd?
When all the roles have been stripped away,
   what's left is my existence (a surd). "
Donald Palmer in Looking At Philosophy: The  Unbearable Heaviness of Philosophy Made Lighter,  (Mayfield, 1988) Note: Parentheses mine.

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Thousands Claim Cures from Radioactive Caves
Pizza Cuts Heart Attack Risk
E-mail me an interesting tabloid claim, and I'll publish it here.  Please include the tabloid's name and date of publication.

Send me your knock,
knock jokes, and I'll
post them below.

send me your knock, knock jokes

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Ammonia who?
Ammonia bird in a gilded cage.

from: Isaac Asimov's
Treasury of Humor, (Houghton  Mifflin, 1971),  175.

send me your favorite tabloid headlines

    The true value of a human being  is determined primarily by the measure and sense in which he has attained liberation from the self.
Albert Einstein

   Lanner Falcon

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