Runequest Prax Campaign

Welcome to the home page of Roy's Runequest campaign.  I intend this page to become a resource for the players and to contain the history of the campaign.  At the current time characters are being generated for the first session, which started on the 12/3/00.

Last updated: March 22, 2000


Glorantha Calendar

Cults of Prax

Campaign Timeline

Campaign Sessions




Seasons of Prax

Introduction to Cults

Nick Plant's Character Generator

House Rules

Excel Character Sheet

Much of the material used for this campaign is drawn from that written by Ian Thompson (players stay away). View of Pavis from the Bad Side bank of the Zola Fel river.  The houses of Rich Hill can be seen beyond the city walls.  On the left is the New Bridge and the walls of the old city. (from Avalon Hill's 'River of Cradles' supplement).

Glorantha is the Trademark of Issaries, Inc., and is used with their permission. Issaries, Inc. is the Trademark of Issaries, Inc.  Glorantha  was created by Greg Stafford.

Visit the official Glorantha web site.

Runequest is the Trademark of Hasbro Inc.

Some of the material contained in this site has been copied from sources on the web.  In these cases authorship has been acknowledged and links to the original pages included.