Every spring the 9th bilingual form of Neue Oberschule Braunschweig
visits the Lake District in Cumbria, England. The main idea of this field
trip is to collect geographical information, see which
forces shaped or are shaping the countryside.
Local tutors help the pupils get a better understanding
of the things they see. Here is a list of this year’s activities :
Wednesday 31st May Departure from Braunschweig and Arrival at Windermere Youth Hostel
Thursday, 1st June : Lake District National Park Visitors` Centre
Friday, 2nd June : Mislet Farm
Saturday, 3rd June : Keswick Pencil Museum
Sunday, 4th June : Copper Mines Valley near Coniston
Monday, 5th June : St.Anne’s School
Tuesday, 6th June : Easedale (Glaciation)
Wednesday, 7th June : Outdoor Activities (Ghyll Scrambling)
Thursday, 8th June : Interviewing Tourists
Friday, 9th June : Returning home
View from the Youth Hostel
CREDITS: Homepage Design : Nikolai Roskinski ; Text : Anna Gutacker ,
Daniel Bernhardt , Justin Richards , Luca Weskott , Christian Neumann ,
Menusch Khadjavi ; Photos : Daniel Bernhardt ; All pupils of the 10F3 at the Neue Oberschule.
(c) 2000 NR Productions