Welcome to my humble abode! My evil lair of sorts!

If you are any of the following please exit my web page imediately:

Looking for educational
materials on Mother Teresa...WRONG!
A member of the
munchkin mafia...I know where you are... I want my wallet back!
Wearing a rug...only a rug
Are looking for personal information on me b/c you are a
member of the S.B.I.
Have ever: a. dropped a
bomb on me in my dreams or b. ever drop-kicked me in my dreams
Gap Clothing

Pig Monkey Man..
.from the woods

OK- Now that we've gotten out all the weirdos!...Here is what you really came to see. Pictures of me and my friends/family.  Or just more personal stuff about me.   :0)  I know that you are sure to find this one of the most facinating sites on the internet.  Feel glad that you are one of the privaleged few.  Now sha'll we get ready for our little adventure?