Michael Learns to Hack Web Page
My Blogs
My Old Blog
MS SQL to PostgreSQL
.NET from the grounds up, Notepad Programming
My Thesis Modules. my own thesis, not my sideline :D
Augmented Backup, mistaken for LoveBug Virus
Augmented Keys
Augmented Help
My second reverse-engineered file format, DBF. written in C++
DBF Opener
"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity"
-- Dorothy Parker
"Love your neighborhood as you love yourself, but choose your
"Don't judge the book by its library"
"Most fools can defend themselves, and most fools do." -- Dale Carnegie
"Hacking is not an activity, it is an attitude"
"From the programmer's point of view, a user is just a peripheral
that types whenever the program issues a read request"
this web site is not yet a web site this is just a pure text file
as you can see, but don't worry, soon you'll be seeing lots of
source codes here.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving
to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs and the universe
trying to produce bigger and better idiots, so far the universe
is winning"
-- Rich Cook