Michael Learns to Hack Web Page

My Blogs

  • My Old Blog
  • MS SQL to PostgreSQL
  • .NET from the grounds up, Notepad Programming

    My Thesis Modules. my own thesis, not my sideline :D

  • Augmented Backup, mistaken for LoveBug Virus
  • Augmented Keys
  • Augmented Help

    My second reverse-engineered file format, DBF. written in C++

  • DBF Opener

    "The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity"
    -- Dorothy Parker

    "Love your neighborhood as you love yourself, but choose your neighborhood"

    "Don't judge the book by its library"

    "Most fools can defend themselves, and most fools do." -- Dale Carnegie

    "Hacking is not an activity, it is an attitude"

    "From the programmer's point of view, a user is just a peripheral that types whenever the program issues a read request"

    this web site is not yet a web site this is just a pure text file as you can see, but don't worry, soon you'll be seeing lots of source codes here.

    "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots, so far the universe is winning"

    -- Rich Cook
