How to make your home or workplace a stress-free zone

Amanda Kenton

Geopathic Stress

The earth has a natural magnetic field (as if it had a magnet in the centre), caused by (a) its rotation and (b) the molten metals inside it, which together create electical currents.

As inhabitants of this planet, we are used to a certain level of electro-magnetism; however, if the level or frequency which we are used to changes it can produce a stress reaction in the body.

Geopathic Stress is the term used to describe the effects of electromagnetic fields which have become harmful because they have been disturbed on their way up from the earth’s core by geographical fault lines and underground water lines & cavities as well as mining & quarrying, man-made structures (steel produces a magnetic field and tall buildings require deep foundations), underground transport systems, sewers etc.

Other types of energy lines are often referred to as Ley lines, Curry Grid lines and Hartmann Grid lines, discovered by Dr Manfred Curry, Dr Wittman and Dr Ernst Hartmann, respectively, and can be beneficial, harmful or neutral; however, they usually only cause problems at the points where two lines cross.

Scientists do not fully understand the effects of the geomagnetic field on humans but they do know that they are strong; for example, the ‘Brazilian low’ is a well-known phenomena. Research shows that increasing numbers of human ailments can be attributed to imbalances in this field; this syndrome is on the rise due to the widespread use of metals in our environment, such as metal buildings, desks, beds, bedsprings etc., since they act as a conductor.

The effect of Geopathic Stress on our health is now well documented by such books as “Are you sleeping in a safe place?” by Rolf Gordon. It usually results in a slow deterioration of health, such as raised blood pressure, excess acid produced by the stomach, less effective resistance to viruses and bacteria, insomnia (since the body is on continuous alert) and possibly even cancer.

Several floors up from underground water one can find symptoms such as mould, rot, rheumatism. A building may not ‘feel right’, can be difficult to sell, walls can crack, plaster become damp, light bulbs blow for no apparent reason. Shops do not prosper if built on Geopathic Stress (people don’t want to spend time there), offices may have high levels of sickness. (This can be a contributory factor to ‘sick building syndrome’.) Outside, trees can become diseased and insects are attracted.

Upon returning to earth after a year in space, Russian astronauts had lost 80% of their bone density due to the absence of the earth’s magnetic field; as soon as an artificial magnetic field was installed on spacecraft the problem was corrected. The good news is that the gadget that they used to do this, known as the Helios 1 machine, is now available for domestic and commercial use.

Electromagnetic Stress

We are now exposed to approx. 200 million times the amount of electromagnetic energy that our ancestors were 100 years ago and this looks set to double every 5 years, due to satellites, microwaves, computers, mobile phones etc.

Even weak electromagnetic fields have an effect on the way our cells regenerate, mostly during sleep as the pineal gland is the most sensitive receiver. Abnormal functioning of the pineal gland can cause neurological and behavioural problems.

The earth’s energy field is stronger on on the side of the earth which is turned away from the sun (the night side), because the sun’s radiation compresses the magnetic field on the side facing it (the day side); this means that the earth’s magnetic fields affect you most while you are asleep.

It is very important to protect ourselves against this by such means as:

  • Magnets (these have been used for healing for thousands of years; the first written account of their use was in the Yellow Emperor’s Book of Internal Medicine approx. 2,000 B.C.; 76% of patients treated for pain with magnet therapy at the Baylor College of Medicine reported improvements v. 19% with a placebo.)
  • Protective shields for computers and mobile phones.
  • Traditionally, the adverse effects of electromagnetic and geopathic stress have been neutralised by crystals and even certain plants; now this can be done by the Helios 1 machine (available from Total Feng Shui - see below for details).

Combining the best of western technology with ancient wisdom, Amanda Kenton, from Total Feng Shui, measures electromagnetic and geopathic stress and shows people how to protect yourself against them and other types of indoor pollution.