Paths of Wisdom
Magazine and Events

Magazine for July - September 2001
In this issue: Stress-Free Environments, The Sedona Method, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Amatsu, Bau-Biology and Electrobiology

Spruce Tree
Paths of Wisdom brings you the best of Mind, Body and Spirit.
From the Editors

If you use Christmas cards and greetings cards you might be interested to know that Jan has started selling a wide variety of wonderful cards with profits going to various charities. If you would like to support charities and have some excellent quality cards at a discounted price, contact Jan at for more information on the range.

Kokopelli Gatherings are parties where guests are introduced to a range of high-quality, ethically produced goods such as natural items for skincare, Native American jewellery, beautiful candles etc. There are special gifts for hosts/hostesses. If you would like to host a Kokopelli Gathering, contact Jan at

For a year's subscription to Paths of Wisdom magazine send £5 cheque made payable to Paths of Wisdom to Paths of Wisdom, 7 Princess Diana Drive, Romans Gate, St Albans, Herts . AL4 0DT, England.
Networking Evenings
Join Jan and a dynamic group of practitioners, therapists, and other self-employed people. It's not what you know but who you know that often provides success in business. Remeber also that "people buy people". The Networking Evenings are an invaluable source of ideas and support. Contact Jan for more details and come along determined to give support and be supported. Please note that Networking Evenings are now held at our house. Contact Jan for directions and times.
Thought Bricks
Visit the Thought Bricks Online site to read the writings of Bernard. You can download the Heaven Books for free.
Person meditating and waiting for a Paths of Wisdom event
Paths of Wisdom Magazine is published quarterly by Jan and Russ Gardener. Copyright August 2001, Jan and Russ Gardener

What's New

Standing Stones at Avebury

Articles from Paths of Wisdom

The Sedona Method by Alex Christie
Cranio-sacral Therapy by Jane Turvey
Treating Arthritis by Mark G. Lester
Bau-Biology and Electrobiology by Jeannie Tower
A Different Kind of Job by Alison Roberts
How to Make Your Home or Office a Stress-Free Zone by Amanda Kenton

Friday Evening Talks

Sami shaman's drumAll talks are held at the Jubilee Centre, Catherine Street, St Albans, England. 7.30 pm to 9.45 pm, entrance fee £5.

7 September: The Sedona Method/How to Realise Your Full Potential with Alex Christie

14 September: The Logic Behind Deep Lympathic Therapy with Angela Heath

21 September: Gestalt with Barbara Morgan

28 September: Bau-Biology and Electrobiology with Jeannie Tower

5 October: Past Life Regression Demonstration with Jack Weller

Advertisers and Resource Directory

Practitioners, therapists, services and workshops in your local area.

Items of Interest

Bifrost, the Northern Lights Some amazingly beautiful photographs of the Northern Lights Photographed by Sigurder H Stefnisson.

Aspartame (NutraSweet) Toxicity Information Center. Much information on the shocking truth of what Monsanto's artificial sweetner does to your body. You may never touch DietCoke again!

Sathya Sai Baba: avatar, or conman, liar, sexual pervert and paedophile?

Three year old Milica, killed by a NATO clusterbomb This is Milica, a three year old Yugoslav girl, killed by a NATO clusterbomb. A site dedicated to the children affected by the NATO aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Contains before and after pictures drawn by surviving Yugoslav children showing the psychological damage they suffered and continue to suffer.

Lady Pixie Moondrip's Guide to Craft Names, an hilarious way to give yourself a new pagan name.

Free Our Women! Slavery is not dead! Visit this site and learn what YOU can do to help women in slavery.

beautiful landscape with tree