Come and Meet the POLICARPIO Family

God made the world a wonderful place,
Blessed with beauty and wonderful grace.
He made for us this special home
With mountains, forest, and fields to roam.
Then to provide the finishing touch,
He gave us people who love us so much:
Parents who care, who guide and teach:
Children with tiny hands that reach:
Brothers and sisters who always share
The tears and laughter or just be there.
GOD MADE FAMILIES to help the world grow
So His everlasting love will show.
Meet  Dhoy, my better half.  We decided to tie the knot at a very young  age.  I was 19 and he was 20 at that time.  As they say when you marry at a young age you marry because of love...But we have no regrets, infact we have been married for 5 years now. 
Dhoy and I were Blessed with two Cute  and Smart Kids
Click Here to view my Sons' Page