It Is Written |
Author: Gerald Marsh |
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The joy of the LORD is your strength |
"...Man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God." While on Earth, in a human body, Jesus lived His life, by the written Word. Jesus answered questions this way. When tempted of satan, He consistently replied with these words: "It is written." Jesus is our example of how to live the victorious, overcoming life. It has been, incorrectly said, that no one receives a reward for KNOWING the Word. Yet it is also true that no one lives a victorious Christian Life without a certain and sure knowledge of the written Word. King David said in Psalm 119:11, "Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee." Ever notice how the ones we look up to, as being examples of how we should live, the ones we think of as being Spiritual leaders, and the ones from whom we seek advice, are forever quoting scripture? That is because they have memorized Scripture and "hidden" it in their heart, and when they are faced with trials and tribulations, and face temptations, they have The Word of God hidden in their heart to prompt them and lend them guidance in making important decisions quickly and correctly. You will also notice that the more Written Word they have hidden in their heart, the more Steadfast they are, and the more able they are to stand firm, in peaceful confidence. The dictionary defines Steadfast, as being "constant; firm." Stubborn, however, is defined as being, "unreasonably obstinate; unyielding, inflexible," The difference in the life of a born-again child of God is the Written Word. Standing on the Written Word of God we can be constant, firm, and Steadfast; Without it, we can are only unreasonably obstinate, unyielding, inflexible, and Stubborn. It is written, "Thy Word is very pure...Thy Word is true from the beginning." Psalm 119:140,160 May God stir our hearts and help us to understand that it is By His written Word that we must measure every aspect of our lives, and that it is in the Living Word, that "we live and move and have our being." Acts 17:28 |
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