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KEYWORDS: Caucasoid Caucasian Europid Negroid Negrid Negro Mongoloid Mongolid Mongolian Mongol Australoid Australid Dravidian Dravidic India East Indian Nordic Nordics Nordid Alpine Alpines Alpinid Mediterranean Mediterraneans Mediterranid Indo-European Nordish Yggdrasil Borreby Brünn Brunn Hallstatt Österdal Osterdal Keltic Celtic Celt Anglo-Saxon Trønder Tronder Fälish Falish North-Atlantid Palaeo-Atlantid Noric Ladogan Atlanto-Mediterranean Dinaric Africa African-American Afrocentrism Afrocentric black studies Phoenicia Phoenician Carthage Carthaginian Hannibal Nubia Nubian Egypt Egyptian Cleopatra Ptolomy black Athena Moor Moors Moorish Berber Hamite Semite Hamitic Semitic Hamito-Semitic Turk Turko Turkic Turkish Jewish Jew Judaism Arab Muslim Islam Saracen Italy Italian-American Rome Roman Iberia Portugal Hispanic Latin America Wales Welsh England English Britain British United Kingdom Ireland Irish black Irish Scotland Scottish Scot Finland Finnish Finn Iceland Icelandic Norse Russia Russian politically correct politically incorrect political correctness political incorrectness Carleton Stevens Coon Baker anthropometry eugenics Amoja Three Rivers George Winkel Richard McCulloch The Racial Compact Arthur Kemp March of the Titans A History of the White Race Europa The History of the White Race refuting_rm Refuting Racial Myths Stormfront white pride white power white nationalism white nationalist white supremacy white supremacist skinhead Aryan Nazi neo-Nazi Nazism National Socialism racism racist nationalism nationalist hate crime KKK Ku Klux Klan cracker honky wop dago guinea greaseball mick paddy nigger spook spic kike yid sickle cell falciparum malaria HbS Hb S hemoglobin S genetics genealogy genetic gene genes Cavalli-Sforza dna Y-Chromosome mtDNA haplogroup hg1 hg2 hg3 hg9 hg21 hg8 hg16 hg12 hg26 subraces subracial classification anthropometry anthropometric Carleton Coon craniometry skulls skull type cephalic index cephalic indexes cephalic indices Eurocentrism Eurocentrist Eurocentric physical anthropology Neolithic Paleolithic