Guesbook. Guests Welcome and encouraged to leave a note.
Welcome to the Boarding ramp for Jenat-Lai's Hovel. From here you can take links to different areas of my webpage. The links which are below the pictures/collage carry descriptave titles. The Nav suite contains links to pages I esteem highly. The Tarmac carries most of my Aviation related things. The Passenger lounge is a collection of poetry I have written. Jenat-Lai's Livingroom contains a StarWars based story I am writing for my enjoyment. The Observation decks are one of the most popular parts of my site and have screenshots from the simulators I use alot. Finally, The Concert hall which is always under construction, contains information about my musical endeavours, and things related to music.So feel free to take a look around at the Hovel of Jenat-Lai and enjoy!
The Nav Suite (links)
The Tarmac (flightsim things)
The Passenger Lounge (poetry)
Jenat-Lai's Livingroom (Starwars fanfic)
If you wish to email me, you can at I'd like to hear from you!
Meet Your Pilot for todays Flight,  Trent Hopkinson. CLICK HERE!
I take no responsibility for the content of the Yahoo banner to the right. You can close it for better viewing by clicking the up arrow twice. (reccomended)
Observation Decks (Screenshots from Flightsim)
The Concert Hall (in process of construction)
Last modified on July 29, 2003
Click here to see the rain radar map
Current Pilot Training News:
Currently I am a student pilot at
Basair and have 20.0 Hours pilotage time in Cessna 172 including 1.0 command hours.
Now with new Sattelite Site by Angelfire/Lycos
Click here to view and listen to Worldflight 2002 on National TV and Radio
General News: June 29

New Obs Deck with
Space Flight Simulator

The Hovell is Growing. We are expanding into
moonport webspace. Specificly