May 1, 2003 News Maybe shouldn't be using this like a forum but surprisingly I still check here sometimes. :) Quistis_Instructor May 1, 2003 News to any staff that checks this place out every now and than. Dahok and I were talkin bout how great it was talkin to yall back n the day. If any of you care to i/m us smetme eel free. we still got the same names. Me:Darkangel740, Dahok:DahokXIV KAIN June 15,2002 News forgot to add this in last time, if ur are going to e-mail me about then put something about it in the subject thing otherwise i'll think its junk mail and delete it. *"NOTE TO STAFF: I've tried e-mailing the majority of u but never got any replies so don't get pissed off about not being told about this."* KAIN June 9,2002 News KAIN here again. Seeing how there has been no activity here for a long time, i've been thinking about changing the site completely. The thoughts of this are still in debate so it won't be happening anytime soon, i don't think. If anyone would like to say something about it then e-mail me. KAIN Feb. 25/ 2001 News KAIN here. I deleted some of the old update writing on this page to see if that helps it to load faster, so if u think theres something diffrent bout the page ur right. so don't think ur going crazy or anything like that. KAIN 6th February / 2001 News Eek! It's the year 2001! Is it too late to say Happy New Year? Err......ok~ So what does QI have for you this time ladies and gentlemen? Well, we got a new fanfic called Final Duel~ It's cool, though...the author didn't leave a name and I'm quite sure I should know who it was.....argh! bangs head on wall* Oh and also, the link to the Fanfic section is fixed. Yep~ Thanks to........scratches head* It's too hard! I can't remember. But I think it was Mark. Please yell at me if I'm wrong >_< There is a consideration about improving the site. Or shutting it down. Please, if you have any suggestions, please tell us ^^ We'll be greatfully thankful. =) (And one more thing to the staff members, if you did not recieve an email from me, please notify me and if you do, please reply before 16th Feb. Thanks Psi-Wolf! I already got ur reply =) there's one more who replied with a different email...please tell me who you are ^^;;) -Quistis Instructor December 21th / 2000 News There is something wrong with the fanfic section. It works perfectly when you go to the link here and that is just the exact link..hmmm, but somehow you can't access it when you click on the menu. I already checked the index code and it looks ok...hmmm....hmmm. Thanks Dahok for telling me and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR SENDING ME THE FANFIC'S AGAIN! There is one fanfic up~ Please read! -Quistis Instructor