Cool Links
Welcome to my homepage.  I initiated construction of this website during the Spring semester of 2000 as a project for my Information Systems class at the University of Houston.  I say "initiated" because it is currently a work in progress.  As I become more familiar with HTML I expect to improve upon my website's design and versatility.  In the mean time, thanks for visiting.
Now for a little information about me.  I'm a native Houstonian and a product of the Houston school systems.  From very early in my academic career, I discovered that mathematics and science were my stronger subjects.  So with some guidance and more than a little hard work and dedication, I graduated from the University of Houston in 1995 with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering.

I grew up in an family with very strong ties to its Latin American heritage.  Spanish was always spoken at home in an attempt to maintain a level of competence comparable to the English skills being taught at school.  Throughout my years in middle school and high school, I worked on polishing up my Spanish grammer.  Once in college, my focus turned to Spanish Literature and Latin American Politics.  In 1998, I received a B.A. in Spanish, also from the University of Houston.

Since 1996, I have worked as an Inertial Systems Engineer for Lockheed-Martin at the NASA Johnson Space Center.  My job responsibilities include monitoring the performance of the Space Shuttle's guidance system during flights as well as testing new technology candidate devices for future space crafts and for the International Space Station.  Presently, I'm pursuing a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) degree also from the University of Houston.

Although my life seems pretty full at the moment and sometimes it seems impossible to squeeze in another activity, I find time to read about astronomy and personal finance and to keep up with current Latin American literature and politics.  I also dedicate some time to participating in academic outreach programs at Houston area schools to encourage students to pursue careers in engineering and science.  For just plain fun, I enjoy playing softball, going fishing, and supporting our Houston professional sports teams in company of old high school and college buddies.
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