Welcome to Larry Helseth's BAR '99 site

  Kim's science project


Click here for an important announcement! <== Click to read our important news!

Learn about our holiday skiing adventure
(on the Family Pages)


Hi, I'm Larry Helseth.  I'm a BAR (that's a Born Again Rocketeer).  I rediscovered the sport of model rocketry after watching the movie "October Sky" last February 1999 (please be sure to visit Homer Hickham's web site; he and his wife will reply to you or your kids if you write!).  My daughter, Kim, helped me build an Estes Alpha III over Spring Break 1999, and we were hooked! I know it's the year 2001, but I'll keep the " '99 " in my title for now because that's when I rediscovered rocketry!

Please poke around our site. Friends & family are invited to visit our family page for more pictures and family news.


October 2000

Wilmette's "Bat Cow" house returns, even better decorated than last year....

Wilmette's "Bat Cow" house

April 4th is the 18th anniversary of the launch of the first space shuttle. I'll try to launch my shuttle in it's honor. In the meantime, click here to learn about the shuttle's role in building the ISS!

Click here to learn more...

Rocket stuff
Larry's fleet
Kim's fleet
Sarah's fleet
Our Oddballs
Astrocam page
Rocketry links

Other Interests
Norm's 75th
NU vs. TCU game
Family pages
(password required)

Au Pair Hall of Fame (on Family page)

Guest Book


Click here if it says I'm "On-line" , and I'll reply! You'll need Yahoo messenger and a free Yahoo account to get a response. You can also send me a message, and I'll reply as soon as I come on-line!

Larry Helseth