Class of 1979 20th Reunion

Dear Classmate:

Our 20th class reunion was a wonderful two-day event with more than 215 people attending from all over the country (and the world for that matter!) and even several teachers came to partake in the festivities. It was a great weekend and much fun was had by all.

The Saturday night dinner at Acacia Country Club was exciting as classmates renewed friendships and reminisced about old times. Everyone truly looked terrific! Cameras were flashing all night while tunes from our era reverberated all over the club. It was fun to take elementary school group pictures and to see old photos from the Caldron as part of the décor. The night was filled with high energy and enthusiasm for our successes and how much we have achieved since our days at Heights High.

The Sunday Family Picnic at Forest Hills Park was equally entertaining and gratifying. It was a riot to see everyone’s kids and meet some of the "significant others" who didn’t attend the Saturday night bash. The weather held out, the clown and magician added merriment to the afternoon, and the class reunion frisbees were enjoyed by young and old alike!

Thank you for participating! There are a few memory books still available for $12 which contain a directory of addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses, and responses to the Memory Book Form requesting memories of Heights. Please send your check (made payable to CHHS ‘79 Reunion) to David Clinkscale at 1970 Winchester Road, Lyndhurst, Ohio, 44124 by December 1st. Proceeds from the reunion will be used to make a $200 donation to Heights High and as seed money for the 25th reunion to help to keep ticket costs down. It is our intention to reunite more informally in five years but we would like your feedback sent to our web site. We would like to "find" more people from the "lost" list and with your help, we will begin our 25th class reunion search much earlier. Save Labor Day weekend of 2004!

We deeply regret the passing of our dear classmate Ted Fabian who was instrumental in developing and maintaining our reunion web site. His death shortly after the reunion was sudden and unexpected and he will be missed by all.

Thanks to those of you who sent thank you e-mails and letters, they were shared with all committee members. We appreciated your kind words and it was our pleasure to see and work with one another over the past year to put it all together. We wish to remain in touch with you over the next several years. Please advise us of any change in address via this web site and/or contact Kay Molkentin at the Cleveland Heights – University Heights Board of Education at The most time consuming and difficult task was locating classmates. Please make it easier for us by letting us know of your whereabouts and anyone we have missed or not located.

It was great seeing you all. We wish you continued success in all of your endeavors. Keep in touch!


The Reunion Committee

Reunion Home Page

Last Updated 11/10/99 by Jonathan Litt